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发布时间:2018-01-05 20:33

  本文关键词:大学生社会实践与创新人才培养研究 出处:《重庆工商大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 大学生社会实践 创新人才培养 措施体系

【摘要】:社会实践作为大学生思想政治教育的重要途径得到各大高校的广泛重视。随着经济社会的快速发展,社会实践逐渐成为创新人才培养的重要渠道。社会实践在提升创新人才素质方面取得显著成效的同时也存在一些问题。着力研究社会实践促进创新人才培养的机理、原则,充分发挥大学生社会实践思想政治育人功能,从创新社会实践模式、优化社会实践环境、完善社会实践评价体系等方面来构建社会实践促进创新人才培养的策略体系。本文以此展开讨论。 首先,对大学生社会实践和创新人才培养进行深入分析。从社会实践发展沿革的内涵和外延中抽象出大学生社会实践的概念;从创新人才所具备的基本素质中提炼出创新人才培养的内涵;进一步讨论大学生社会实践与创新人才培养的关系。 其次,根据问卷调查结果全面分析大学生社会实践在创新人才培养中作用发挥的现状和影响因素。总结取得成绩的同时分析存在的主要问题:重视程度不够、实效性不强、保障体系不健全、评价标准单一等问题;从大学生自身、学校、社会三个层面进行了原因分析。 最后,,针对社会实践如何有效促进创新人才培养进行深入探讨,提出以人为本原则、学生主体性原则、实践性原则等社会实践促进创新人才培养的原则体系;构建借鉴国外大学生社会实践经验;加强思想引导,提升学生思想道德品质;创新社会实践模式,提高创新人才培养实效性;优化社会实践环境、营造创新人才培养良好氛围;完善社会实践评价体系、提供创新主体动力支持的策略体系。
[Abstract]:As an important way of college students' ideological and political education, social practice has been widely paid attention to by major colleges and universities, with the rapid development of economic and social. Social practice has gradually become an important channel for the cultivation of innovative talents. While social practice has achieved remarkable results in improving the quality of innovative talents, there are also some problems. Reason. Principle, give full play to the ideological and political education function of college students' social practice, from the innovation of social practice model, optimize the social practice environment. This paper discusses how to perfect the evaluation system of social practice to construct the strategy system of social practice to promote the cultivation of innovative talents. Firstly, the concept of college students' social practice is abstracted from the connotation and extension of the development of social practice. The connotation of the cultivation of innovative talents is extracted from the basic qualities of innovative talents. Further discuss the relationship between college students' social practice and the cultivation of innovative talents. Secondly, according to the results of the questionnaire survey, the paper comprehensively analyzes the status quo and influencing factors of the role of college students' social practice in the cultivation of innovative talents, and summarizes the achievements and analyzes the main problems: the degree of attention is not enough. The actual effect is not strong, the security system is not perfect, the evaluation standard is single and so on; From the college students themselves, schools, social three levels of analysis of the reasons. Finally, how to effectively promote the cultivation of innovative talents in social practice is discussed, and the principle system of promoting the cultivation of innovative talents in social practice, such as people-oriented principle, student subjectivity principle and practical principle, is put forward. Constructing and learning from the social practice experience of foreign college students; Strengthen the ideological guidance, improve the ideological and moral quality of students; Innovating the social practice model to improve the effectiveness of the cultivation of innovative talents; Optimize the social practice environment and create a good atmosphere for the cultivation of innovative talents; Perfect the evaluation system of social practice and provide the strategic system of the motive force support of the innovation subject.


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