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发布时间:2018-01-06 00:11

  本文关键词:网络视野下大学生政治心理差异研究 出处:《武汉理工大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 网络 大学生 政治心理

【摘要】:如今,网络在大学生群体中已经基本普及,也已经成为了他们日常学习和生活不可或缺的一部分。一段时间以来,研究网络对大学生政治心理的影响成为了研究的热点,但大学生的哪些网络使用习惯会对其政治心理造成影响以及网络究竟造成了不同类别大学生的哪些政治心理差异等研究还较鲜见。因此,本研究从大学生政治心理的“政治认知”、“政治情感”和“政治动机”三个维度出发,以政治学中的政治社会化理论、行为主义心理学中的社会学习理论以及传播学中“培养”理论为基础,试图通过文献研究和实证调查研究相结合的研究方法,来解释以上问题。文章具体结构可分为一下五个部分: 第一部分为绪论,主要阐述与本研究相关的背景和研究现状,解释了本研究自定义的概念并对相关理论进行了具体阐述,为研究提供了理论基础。最后还对本研究的研究设计进行了系统描述。第二部分的实证研究分析结论是本研究的核心所在,主要阐述了研究样本的基本特征,归纳了现阶段大学生政治心理状态的一般性与差异性特征,并对网络和现实中的大学生政治参与心理也进行了对比分析,旨在描述和论证网络的使用与大学生政治心理变化和发展的相关性,以此证明网络的政治影响力。文章第三部分主要阐述网络的使用过程中大学生政治心理所呈现的动态变化和发展特点,旨在从时间上动态的表现网络环境对政治心理所产生的影响。基于大学生政治心理现阶段现存的种种问题,以及网络媒介强大的政治影响力和潜移默化的“培养”作用,本文在第四部分主要对政府的制度建设和学校的培养教育工作给出了一些有针对性的建议,希望能充分发挥政府和学校的合力来共同塑造大学生良好的政治心理。第五部分为小结,重点对本文的研究结论进行了系统总结。 总之,笔者认为,网络不论对于大学生的政治认知、政治情感还是政治参与动机方面都起着重要的影响作用。首先,大学生对网络的长时间使用,往往对其政治认知和政治情感起着不可忽视的“培养”作用。其次,大学生所接触的网络环境,以及这个环境所发布的信息也会对大学生的政治认知和政治参与动机造成一定影响。
[Abstract]:Now, the basic network has become popular among university students, has become an indispensable part of their daily life and study. For a long time, study the influence of network on College Students' political psychology has become a hot research topic, but what network habits can affect college students and network of all the different categories of College students what is the difference of the political psychology of the political psychology is rare. Therefore, this study from the college students' political psychology political cognition "," three dimensions of political emotion and political motivation ", with political socialization in political theory, behavioral psychology of social learning theory and communication" culture "as the theoretical basis, trying to research methods of combining literature research and empirical research through the investigation phase, to explain the above problems. The concrete structure can be divided into For five parts:
The first part is the introduction, mainly expounds the background and research status quo of the research, this study explains the concept of custom and related theories in detail, provides a theoretical basis for the research. At the end of the research design of this system were described. The empirical analysis conclusion of the second part is the core of this study where, mainly expounds the basic characteristics of the study sample, summed up the general characteristics and differences of psychological state and political stage of college students, and the psychological network and the reality of the political participation of college students were also compared and analyzed, using correlation with the change and development of College Students' political psychology to describe and verify the network. Prove that the network political influence. The third part mainly expounds the dynamic changes and the development characteristics of College Students' Political Psychology in the process of network application, Influence of network environment is designed to show the dynamic from time to time on the political psychological problems of College Students' political psychology. At this stage, based on the existing network, and a powerful political influence and subtle "training", giving the training work of the fourth part of the government system construction and some schools the suggestions, hoping to give full play to the government and schools together to jointly build good college students political psychology. The fifth part is the summary and conclusion of the focus of this paper are summarized.
In conclusion, the author believes that the network no matter for the students of political cognition, political emotion and political participation motivation has played an important role. First, long time use of network of college students, often to its political cognition and political emotion plays an important role in training students. Secondly, the network of contacts the environment influence and political cognition and political participation motivation issued by the environment information is also for college students.



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