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发布时间:2018-01-06 01:23

  本文关键词:中美教育实习之比较研究 出处:《鲁东大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 教育实习 实习管理 教师教育

【摘要】:教育实习是师范院校执行教学计划、培养合格教师的重要实践环节。也是师范生巩固专业知识、积累教学能力不可缺少的部分,为师范生从事教学和教学管理奠定了良好的基础。研究教育实习可以增强教育实习的科学性和系统性,提高教育实习质量,帮助师范生在实习期间做好理论和思想准备,充分发挥教育实习的积极作用。当前我国的教育实习体制正处在改革与完善的关键阶段,作为师范生理论联系实际的纽带,它的发展必将带动整个师范教育的进步,从而不断促进教师专业化进程。 同为教育大国的中美两国,有着各自特色的教育实习制度,从对比分析的角度比较两国的教育实习,即站在时代发展的前沿比较两国的教育优秀成果,必将发现适应于不同文化的教育基本规律,从而可以基于自身的发展需要,借鉴美国卓有成效的教育实习做法。 本文基于对中美教育实习制度的研究,充分对比中美教育实习的三个重要方面:指导教师的职责、实习生的要求和教育实习的管理,发现异同,,并通过调查实习生的心得感受,试图提出对我国教育实习改革有所帮助的建议。本文主要运用文献分析法搜集了大量中美两国的教育实习制度资料,运用比较法对实习制度进行三方面的深入比较,最后通过座谈访谈法采访了实习生的实习感受,发现了实习问题。 论文主要包括三大部分:前三部分,集中对论文的研究目的、研究意义、研究方法和相关概念做了介绍。第四部分,比较与分析。对教育实习的三大方面进行了比较,分析了异同,并通过对实习生的采访指出存在的问题。第五部分,结论与建议。基于分析结果以及实习生的感受,提出合理化建议:重视教育实习,加强组织管理;深化学校合作,稳定基地建设;加强指导力度,提升指导水平;完善实习评价,优化成绩评定。第六部分对全文进行总结,分析成果与不足。
[Abstract]:Teaching practice is an important practice link for normal colleges to carry out teaching plan and train qualified teachers. It is also an indispensable part for normal college students to consolidate their professional knowledge and accumulate their teaching ability. It lays a good foundation for normal college students to engage in teaching and teaching management. The research of educational practice can enhance the scientific and systematic nature of educational practice and improve the quality of educational practice. To help normal school students to make good theoretical and ideological preparation and give full play to the positive role of educational practice. At present, China's educational practice system is in the key stage of reform and improvement. As a link between theory and practice, the development of normal college students will promote the progress of normal education and promote the process of teacher specialization. China and the United States, both of which are big educational countries, have their own educational practice systems with their own characteristics. From the perspective of comparative analysis, the two countries compare their educational practice, that is, stand at the forefront of the development of the times and compare the excellent educational achievements of the two countries. It is bound to find the basic laws of education adapted to different cultures, so that we can learn from the fruitful practice of educational practice in the United States on the basis of their own development needs. Based on the study of the educational practice system between China and the United States, this paper makes a full comparison of the three important aspects of education practice in China and the United States: the responsibility of guiding teachers, the requirements of interns and the management of educational practice, and finds similarities and differences. And through investigating the experience of interns, try to put forward some helpful suggestions for the reform of educational practice in China. This paper mainly uses the literature analysis method to collect a large number of information on the educational practice system of China and the United States. This paper makes a deep comparison of the practice system in three aspects by using the method of comparison, and finally interviews the experience of the intern through the method of discussion and interview, and finds out the problems of the practice. The thesis mainly includes three parts: the first three parts, focusing on the research purpose, research significance, research methods and related concepts. 4th. The author compares the three aspects of educational practice, analyzes the similarities and differences, and points out the existing problems through interviews with interns. Part 5th. Conclusions and recommendations. Based on the analysis results and the feelings of interns, the paper puts forward some reasonable suggestions: pay attention to educational practice and strengthen organization and management; Deepening school cooperation and stabilizing base construction; Strengthening the guiding force and improving the guiding level; Improve the evaluation of practice, optimize the evaluation of results. 6th to summarize the full text, analysis of the results and shortcomings.


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