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发布时间:2018-01-06 06:27

  本文关键词:大学生个人发展规划研究 出处:《长江大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 大学生 个人发展规划 职业 学业

【摘要】:学生发展是高等教育备受关注的话题,随着高等教育大众化进程的推进,我国高等教育规模得到空前发展,但高等教育质量并没与规模同步发展,且备受各界争议。高等教育质量最终表现为学生发展质量,因此,要提高高等教育质量,高校的一切活动必须以学生发展为中心。 大学生个人发展规划是基于大学生人数激增,大学资源有限的情况下,充分发挥学生的主体地位,调动其主动性,树立自我负责的意识,充分认识自我发展需求和社会环境的基础上积极参与制定学业、职业和个人发展的规划,其意义在于一方面可促进个人发展,使学生成为主动学习者,对自己的成长和人生负责,培养学习、发展的内部动机,主动寻求并充分利用指导和建议;另一方面,通过个人发展规划的制定认识自身优缺点并扬长补短,结合自身发展需要和社会需要做出有效的职业选择从而为职业准备和未来发展奠定基础。 20世纪后期,英国高等教育进入大众化阶段,伴随着高等教育规模的不断扩张,高等教育领域出现的新挑战,为进一步提升社会对高等教育质量和职责的高要求以及提升毕业生职业技能和培养学生自我管理和终身学习能力的需要,英国于1997年发表了《迪林报告》。该报告建议高等教育机构应为所有学生提供参与个人发展规划的机会,并积极鼓励高校探索并实施大学生个人发展规划。此后,英国高校相继试行和实施大学生个人发展规划如牛津大学、曼彻斯特大学等,积累了成功的案例经验。与英国相比,我国高等教育现已进入大众化阶段,学生人数激增,大学毕业生就业难己成为高等教育领域以及社会各界普遍关注的热点话题。笔者结合自身实际以及相关研究认为实施大学生个人发展规划,是提高人才培养质量、有效解决大学生就业难以及促进学生合理规划个人发展的有效措施。 本研究综合运用心理学、教育学、职业发展规划等理论,采用文献研究法、比较研究法等方法,旨在对大学生个人发展规划的概念、意义及理论基础进行界定,同时借鉴英国开展个人发展规划的经验,并结合我国高校大学生发展状况及内在发展需求,构建我国大学生个人发展规划体系,探寻促进大学生个人发展规划的有效对策,为大学生自身促进个人发展和制定个人发展规划提供指导和帮助。更重要的是引起高校相关部门和社会对大学生发展的重视,从而为高校开展大学生发展规划提供理论依据和方法指导,并最终能采用相应的措施予以落实。 全文共分为五个章节: 第一章为绪论,主要阐述了选题的背景、研究的目的和意义、国内外研究现状以及研究方法。 第二章界定了大学生个人发展规划的内涵及相关概念并阐述了大学生个人发展规划的理论基础即学生发展理论、大学生职业规划理论和人本主义学习理论。 第三章通过介绍英国开展大学生个人发展规划的发展历史、实施模式和方法以及规划内容,提出了对我国开展大学生个人发展规划的几点启示:树立以生为本教育理念,鼓励学生积极主动参与;建立学生个人发展档案,实施大学生个人发展规划;建立有效的配套支持系统;建设专业化师资队伍;制定有效的评价、反馈体系。 第四章主要论述了大学生个人发展规划的实施设计,分别从职业发展规划和学业发展规划两个部分进行详细阐述,旨在通过系统科学的梳理,为大学生有效规划自己的学业、职业以及个人发展提供指导和帮助,同时为高校开展大学生个人发展规划提供借鉴和参考。 第一部分介绍了大学生职业发展规划的制定原则、制定方法、职业规划内容与制定步骤。大学生职业发展规划的制定原则应包括主动性原则、发展性原则、可行性原则和终身性原则四大原则;大学生职业发展规划的制定方法应包括心理测试法、提问分析法和SWOT策略分析法;职业规划的制定步骤一般分为六个步骤:即进行自我认知、评估与自我定位,环境评估,确立职业发展的目标,选择的职业生涯路径,选择职业发展策略,评估与反馈。 第二部分介绍了大学生学业发展规划的制定原则、制定方法、学业规划内容与制定步骤,通过一系列详细的论述为大学生进行学业规划提供方法指导和帮助。大学生学业发展规划的制定原则应包括目标性原则、可行性原则、独特性原则和发展性原则四大原则;大学生学业发展规划的制定方法应包括五W分析法、SWOT分析法、PPDF法和专家协助法;学业规划的制定步骤一般分为四个步骤:即自我评估与环境分析、设定学业目标、制定学业目标计划和自我评估与调整。 第五章提出了促进大学生个人发展规划的相关策略,具体分为两个部分: 第一部分提出了促进大学生职业发展规划的策略:首先要健全大学生职业发展规划辅导的工作体系;其次建设高素质大学生职业发展辅导教师队伍;然后完善大学生职业发展规划辅导课程设计;最后建设并完善大学生职业发展规划测评体系,从机制设置到人员配备再到技术支撑实现全程化、一体化体系全面推动大学生职业发展规划的实施,从而促进大学生更科学合理的制定未来的职业规划。 第二部分提出了促进大学生学业发展规划的三点策略,即高校首先应增强对大学生学业规划的认识并引起高度重视同时健全相关体制,其次要建立一批专业化的大学生学业发展规划辅导队伍,然后通过大学生学业规划课程的普及以及相关讲座、个人辅导等形式指导帮助学生更好的进行学业规划。 文章最后认为大学生个人发展规划是提高人才培养质量、促进大学生个人发展、有效解决大学生就业难以及帮助学生合理规划学业、职业和个人未来发展的有效措施。
[Abstract]:With the advancement of the popularization of higher education , the scale of higher education of our country has been developed with unprecedented development , but the quality of higher education has not been synchronized with the scale , and the quality of the higher education is ultimately the quality of the students ' development . Therefore , to improve the quality of the higher education , all the activities of the university must be centered on the student development . The personal development planning of college students is based on the surge of the number of college students and the limited resources of the university . It makes full use of the students ' subjective status , mobilizes their initiative , sets up the self - responsibility consciousness , fully understands the self - development needs and the social environment , and actively seeks and makes full use of the guidance and advice . On the other hand , through the development of the personal development planning , the author points out the advantages and disadvantages and makes full use of the guidance and advice ; on the other hand , the development needs and the society need to make an effective career choice to lay the foundation for career preparation and future development . In the late 20th century , Britain ' s higher education entered the stage of popularization , with the expansion of the scale of higher education , the new challenge in the field of higher education . The report suggested that higher education institutions should provide all students with the opportunity to participate in personal development planning . Based on the theory of psychology , pedagogy and career development planning , this paper aims to define the concept , meaning and theoretical basis of personal development planning of college students by using the methods of literature research and comparative research . The full text is divided into five chapters : The first chapter is the introduction , mainly expounds the background of the topic , the purpose and significance of the research , the research situation at home and abroad , and the research methods . The second chapter defines the connotation and concept of college students ' personal development planning , and expounds the theoretical foundation of college students ' personal development planning , namely , the theory of students ' development , the theory of college students ' career planning and the theory of humanism learning . The third chapter introduces the history , the mode and the methods of the development of college students ' personal development in Britain , and puts forward some suggestions for the development of college students ' personal development . The fourth chapter mainly discusses the implementation and design of personal development planning of college students , from two parts of career development planning and academic development planning , aiming at providing guidance and help for college students to effectively plan their academic , occupation and personal development through systematic scientific research , and provide reference and reference for college students ' personal development planning . The first part introduces the principles , methods , content and development of career development planning for college students . The principles of the development of college students ' career development should include four principles : initiative principle , developmental principle , feasibility principle and lifelong principle ; the development of career planning should include six steps : self - cognition , evaluation and self - positioning , environmental assessment , goal of establishing career development , choosing career path , choosing career development strategy , evaluation and feedback . The second part introduces the principles , methods , contents and steps of the development of college students ' academic development , and provides guidance and help for college students to carry out their academic planning through a series of detailed discussions . The formulation of college students ' academic development planning should include five W analysis methods , SWOT analysis method , PPDF method and expert assistance method . The development of academic planning should be divided into four steps : self - assessment and environmental analysis , setting up academic goals , setting up academic goals and self - assessment and adjustment . In the fifth chapter , the strategies of promoting the individual development planning of college students are put forward , which are divided into two parts : In the first part , the strategy of promoting college students ' career development planning is put forward : first , to improve the work system of college students ' career development planning and guidance ; secondly , to build a contingent of high - quality college students ' career development and guidance teachers ; to build and perfect the evaluation system of college students ' career development planning ; to set up and perfect the implementation of the college students ' career development plan from the mechanism to the technical support , so as to promote the more scientific and reasonable development of the university students ' career planning . The second part puts forward three - point strategy to promote the development of college students ' academic development . The article concludes that the personal development planning of college students is an effective measure to improve the quality of personnel training , promote the personal development of college students , effectively solve the difficulties of college students ' employment and help students to plan their academic , occupation and personal future development .



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