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发布时间:2018-01-06 07:24

  本文关键词:当代大学生人文素质研究 出处:《太原科技大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 人文素质 人文素质教育 对策

【摘要】:国家的发展依靠人才,而人才的培养更大程度上又依靠着国家教育。改革开放以来,我国政治、经济、文化取得了长足的发展,人才在我国社会结构中占有举足轻重的地位,这对我国人才的培养,尤其是对受教育者人文素质的培养提出了更高层级的要求。大学生作为社会发展的中流砥柱,他们在我国经济、政治、文化和社会建设的各个方面发挥巨大作用,其人文素质状况最终决定着国家发展的基本状况。因此,着力发展大学生人文素质教育,可以说成为了国家建设的重中之重,而能否提升当代大学生的人文素质水平,也就成为我国教育综合实力是否进步的重要标准。在经济发展的新时期,调查了解我国大学生人文素质的状况,分析我国高等院校人文素质教育缺失的重要原因,为今后我国人文素质的提升提供新的思路和途径,为我国培养全方位的人才提供一些新的思路与对策,是高校从事思想政治教育活动的教育工作者的责任,也是我们思政教育专业研究生要下大力气深入研究的课题。 本文建立在对当前我国大学生人文素质的状况调查研究的基础上,就调研中发现的当代大学生人文素质方面存在的主要问题进行分析,并就发现的问题进行提炼提出相应的对策,文章研究主要集中于对现实问题的挖掘与总结,而整个的学术研究的思路和内容可以概括如下: 文章正文的第一部分主要探讨所谓人文素质的本质,通过对何为人文素质的讨论,阐述了人文素质的广义、狭义概念;研究认为,人文素质主要包括人文知识和人文精神两个方面的内容;人文素质具有三方面的功能,而这三方面功能正是人文素质以及人文素质教育活动的意义之所在,总体说来,人文素质教育可以促进良好教育机制的形成,有利于大学生的全面发展。 第二部分主要是整理总结我们对当代大学生人文素质状况的调查,,在问卷调查、走访调查和参考文献等基础上,我们对当代大学生人文素质方面存在的问题加以汇总概括。当代大学生在人文素质教育方面所表现出的问题主要包括:人文知识相对缺乏、科学道德素质水平普遍较低、人文素质与专业素质发展不同步、虚拟世界对大学生自身人文素质培养有重大阻碍、思想道德水平较低以及理念与信念普遍存在弱化等六个方面。 文章的第三部分,在总结调查材料、把握大学生总体素质基础上,针对大学生人文素质缺失的状况,进行深层次的原因分析。研究认为,目前大学生人文素质水平普遍偏低,是较为明显的事实;造成这种状况,原因是多方面的,概括起来,主要包括,社会转型对传统文化的冲击、应试教育带来的教育弊端、家庭教育发展相对迟缓、当代大学生自我发展不均衡以及国家的高等教育特别是人文素质教育的机构和设施发展缓慢等五个方面。 最后部分,也就是文章的第四部分,在以上的理论阐释及相关现实状况的调查分析基础上,尝试性地给出了当今改善大学生人文素质的可能性对策,主要包括坚持发挥学生的主体能动性、加强高校人文素质教育师资队伍建设、提高高校人文素质硬件建设、完善高校人文素质教育体制以及在各年级各学科教学中全面贯彻人文素质教育理念等五个方面的内容。
[Abstract]:With the reform and opening - up , our country ' s political , economic and cultural achievements have made great progress in the development of our country ' s social structure . Based on the investigation and research on the human quality of college students in our country , this paper analyzes the main problems existing in the study of the humanistic quality of contemporary college students , and puts forward corresponding countermeasures on the problems found . The research of the article mainly focuses on the excavation and summary of the practical problems , and the thinking and content of the whole academic research can be summarized as follows : The first part of the article mainly discusses the essence of the so - called humanistic quality , expounds the broad and narrow concept of the humanistic quality through the discussion about the human quality . The research believes that the humanistic quality mainly includes the content of the humanities knowledge and the humanities spirit . The human quality has three functions , and the three functions are the humanistic quality and the significance of the humanistic quality education activities . In general , the humanistic quality education can promote the formation of good education mechanism and benefit the overall development of the university students . The second part is mainly to summarize our investigation on the humanistic quality of contemporary college students , summarize the problems existing in the humanistic quality of contemporary college students on the basis of questionnaire , interview survey and reference , etc . The third part of this paper , based on summarizing the investigation materials and mastering the overall quality of college students , analyzes the reasons for the lack of the humanities quality of college students . The research shows that the present situation of the students ' humanistic quality is generally low , which is a more obvious fact . The reasons are many , which mainly include the impact of the social transformation on the traditional culture , the educational disadvantage brought by the test education , the relative delay of the development of the family education , the imbalance of the self - development of the contemporary college students and the slow development of the institutions and facilities of the country ' s higher education , especially the humanities quality education . The last part is the fourth part of the article , on the basis of the above theoretical explanation and the investigation and analysis of the relevant reality , this paper tries to give some countermeasures to improve the humanistic quality of college students .



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