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发布时间:2018-01-06 12:20

  本文关键词:论纪律教育与大学生良好行为习惯养成 出处:《中央民族大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 纪律教育 大学生 良好行为习惯

【摘要】:纪律教育是高等教育的有机组成部分,是高校日常教学工作和管理工作的保证,也是培养大学生良好行为习惯,形成优秀品质的必要条件。一直以来,纪律教育都受到高度的重视,但是随着社会的迅速发展,出现了很多新情况、新变化,对高校教育具有保障作用的纪律教育受到猛烈冲击。高等教育大众化,素质教育的提倡,创新型人才的培养,大学生自我意识的增强,社会经济不断繁荣,独生子女大学生越来越多,这些都在一定程度上对大学生纪律教育和良好行为习惯的养成提出了挑战。尤其是近些年来,大学生在学习、生活和社会交往活动中表现出来的违反纪律的不良行为普遍增多,影响恶劣,极大地损坏了高校和大学生的形象,甚至使高等教育受到社会的质疑。 无规矩不成方圆,纪律教育与良好行为习惯养成是密不可分的。大学生良好行为习惯的养成是纪律教育效果的体现,而纪律教育能否取得积极的效果,往往受到教育观念、内容和方式的制约。良好的纪律教育取决于正确的教育观念、科学的教育内容以及恰当的教育方式。所以,在强化纪律教育培养大学生良好行为习惯的过程中,改变纪律教育旧观念、制定科学合理的纪律教育内容、采用恰当的纪律教育方式是重点。新时期,纪律教育中存在的陈旧的教育观念、不合理的教育内容和不恰当的教育方式,在严重地削弱纪律教育的效果,不利于大学生良好行为习惯的养成。因此,针对纪律教育和大学生行为中存在的负面现状,要达到通过纪律教育来培养大学生良好行为习惯的目的,首先,必须转变过去过于强调教育者的主导性而忽视学生主体性的旧观念,树立以人为本、全面发展的新观念,将教育者的主导性与学生的主体性有机结合,使教育在尊重学生需要的基础上顺应社会发展的需要;其次,必须立足于现实,根据学生的现实条件和社会环境,以发展的眼光来制定纪律教育内容,使纪律规范既能在学生身上得到切实的施行,又能引导学生向前发展;再次,必须采取恰当的教育方式,要根据新时期大学生群体和社会环境的改变,重视学生的个体差异,因材施教,将对学生的纪律教育和日常管理相结合,并通过美化校园环境、丰富校园文化对学生潜移默化,还要挖掘学生家庭教育对纪律教育的有利因素,使纪律教育与家庭教育形成联动效应。此外,要加大对纪律规范的宣传力度,学生在了解纪律的基础上才能加以理解和遵守;还要建立科学的奖惩机制,树立榜样,鼓励学生追求高尚行为,坚决惩处违纪学生,警醒其他学生;保证纪律教育持续稳定并常态化,使学生在长期遵守纪律的过程中产生稳定的纪律观念,形成良好的行为习惯和品质。
[Abstract]:Discipline education is an integral part of higher education, is the college daily teaching and management work of guarantee, but also cultivate students good habits, a necessary condition for the formation of excellent quality. Since the discipline education have been highly valued, but with the rapid development of society, new changes appeared in many new situations, and discipline education have the protection effect on university education impact. The popularization of higher education, the promotion of quality education, the cultivation of innovative talents, enhance students' self-awareness, social and economic development and prosperity, the only child more and more college students, put forward a challenge to develop these in a certain extent, the education of College Students' discipline and good habits especially in recent years, college students, disciplinary bad performance out of life and social activities for the general increase in effect Bad, greatly damaged the image of universities and college students, and even higher education is questioned by the society.
No rules no Cheng Fangyuan, discipline education and good habits are inseparable. The cultivation of good habits is reflecting the effect of discipline education, discipline education can be a positive effect, often by restricting the education idea, content and mode. The good discipline of education depends on the correct concept of education, content of education of Science and the appropriate education. Therefore, in strengthening the discipline education training students good habits, change the old concept of discipline education, formulate scientific and reasonable discipline education content, adopt appropriate discipline education mode is the key. During the new period, have discipline education in the old concepts of education, educational content is not reasonable and not appropriate education, discipline education in severely weakened the effect, is not conducive to the cultivation of good habits. Therefore, according to the discipline of education and Present situation of College Students' behavior in the negative, to achieve to cultivate students' good habits, through the discipline education first, old ideas, we must change the past too much emphasis on the dominant education and ignore the subjectivity of the students set up the new concept of people-oriented, comprehensive development, the main dominant and students of the organic education with the need to conform to social development in respect of education based on the needs of students; secondly, it must be based on reality, according to the actual conditions of students and the social environment, to develop the vision to develop discipline education content, the discipline can be effectively implemented in the student body, but also can guide the students to move forward; again, must take appropriate education, according to the new era of college students and the change of social environment, individual differences, pay attention to students' abilities, will be the student's age The law of education and the combination of routine management, and through to beautify the campus environment, enrich the campus culture to students, but also find out the favorable factors of family education on students' discipline education, discipline education and family education to form a linkage effect. In addition, to increase the propaganda discipline, students to understand and abide by in the understanding of discipline foundation in order to establish the incentive mechanism; also, scientific set an example, to encourage students to pursue noble behavior, resolutely punish discipline students, alert other students; education and discipline to ensure sustained and stable normalization, so that students have a stable sense of discipline in the long course of discipline, form good habits and qualities.



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