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发布时间:2018-01-06 14:01

  本文关键词:高校辅导员队伍职业化专业化建设的研究 出处:《华南理工大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 辅导员队伍 职业化 专业化

【摘要】:随着我国社会经济体制改革的深入和高等教育的跨越式发展,辅导员作为高校大学生思想教育的骨干力量和大学生健康成长的领路人,担任着愈发重要的历史使命。以2004年《中共中央国务院关于进一ki加强和改进大学生思想政治教育的意见》、2005年《教育部关于加强高等学校辅导员班主任队伍建设的意见》和2006年7月《普通高等学校辅导员队伍建设规定》等出台为标志,当前高校辅导员队伍建设进入了一个新阶段。 本文的具体内容如下:第一章导论,提出了研究的问题、研究的目的和研究方法;第二章分析了我国辅导员队伍的发展历史与现状;第三章指出了我国高校辅导员队伍建设中存在的问题及原因分析;第四章分析了国外高校学生事务管理体制的特点,从中寻找可供借鉴的经验;第五章通过对辅导员职业化、专业化发展的内涵分析,确立了我国辅导员队伍建设的职业化、专业化发展方向,并提出了实现辅导员职业化、专业化的具体策略。 本文的创新之处在于,通过对国外高校学生事务工作队伍建设的经验借鉴,探索构建辅导员队伍职业化、专业化建设的理论体系,实现了内涵、范畴等基本理论的突破,使其具备普遍的适用性和可操作性。同时,从加强高校管理体制方面建立起周密的制度体系,制定可行的操作措施,使辅导员的职业化、专业化由抽象变为具体,从理念走向现实。 本文不足之处在于,没有从更高层级—国家宏观政策方面提出具体建议,如实现辅导员制度建设所要求的国家从业标准、职级序列、专业培训和资格认证等问题。 总体上,本文在分析历史、把握现状、比较中外、解读政策的基础上,,对高校辅导员队伍建设提出了一些良好的建议,对辅导员职业化、专业化概念作了进一步深化,对其实现途径进行了深入探讨,并就如何健全完善保障措施提出了详细的见解,以期为各级领导和有关部门制定决策提供有益参考,对高校加强辅导员队伍建设的实践提供有效借鉴和指导。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of China's social and economic system and the deepening of the reform of higher education, college counselors as the backbone of the ideological education of college students and guide the healthy growth of college students, as an important historical mission in 2004. "The CPC Central Committee and State Council on a ki to strengthen and improve the ideological and political education of college students", 2005 "the Ministry of education on strengthening the construction of college counselor team views > and < July 2006 ordinary college counselor team construction regulations > introduced as a symbol, the current college counselor team construction has entered a new stage.
The main contents of the paper are as follows: the first chapter is the introduction, put forward the research problem, research purpose and research methods; the second chapter analyzes the development history and current situation of China's counselors; the third chapter points out the existing problems and the causes of the construction of college counselor team in our analysis; the fourth chapter analyzes the characteristics of the management system of students the Foreign Affairs College, looking for experiences from it; the fifth chapter focuses on the analysis of the connotation of counselors' occupation, professional development, the establishment of our instructors occupation, professional development, and put forward the implementation of specific strategies of counselors occupation, specialization.
The innovation of this paper is through the construction of the student affairs team of foreign university experience, explore the construction of counselors' occupation, the theoretical system of professional construction, realize the connotation, basic theory and breakthrough, which has universal applicability and operability. At the same time, establish a system of careful from the aspect of strengthening the university management system, formulate feasible measures, so that the occupation of professional counselors, from abstract into concrete, from concept to reality.
The disadvantage of this paper is that there are no specific suggestions from the higher level national macro policy, such as the national standards, ranks, professional training and qualification certification required by the counselor system.
Overall, based on the analysis of history, grasp the current situation, comparison, based on the interpretation of the policy, some good suggestions on the construction of college counselors team of counselors, occupation, professional concept has been further deepened, ways to achieve the thorough discussion, and on how to improve the detailed opinions to improve security measures, in order to provide useful reference for leaders at all levels and relevant departments for decision-making and provide effective reference and guidance for enhancing the practice of the counselors'team.



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