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发布时间:2018-01-06 21:05

  本文关键词:高校学生干部培养问题研究 出处:《长春理工大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 高校 学生干部 培养

【摘要】:目前高等学校各年级各类学生干部人数约占在校学生总数的四分之一。这些学生干部绝大多数学习努力刻苦,成绩优秀,思想品德素质高,综合素质好,在同学中有较高的影响力和威信,是高校学生的精英和模范先进的代表。加强对这部分人的教育培养,从中培养出社会主义事业合格建设者和可靠接班人中的精英,事关实现高校培养目标,党的事业后继有人,国家兴旺发达、长治久安的大局,是利在当代功在千秋的伟大系统工程,意义深远,价值重大。 本文以高校学生干部培养问题为题目,从高校学生干部的内涵、特点、角色定位和作用入手,首先阐述了高校学生干部培养的价值和目标,并通过实证调查的方式对高校学生干部培养工作现状做了深入具体的分析,阐释了学生干部队伍及学生干部教育培养的主要成绩,揭示了其存在的问题;并深入地分析了问题的成因;最后从实际出发对高校学生干部培养提出了五个方面具体的对策建议,即:一、打好基础,搞好学生干部选任;二、抓住核心,促使素质能力提高;三、突出重点,强化创新能力培养;四、注重保障,提升人文和心理素质;五、把握关键,搞好考核监督。本文力图为高校学生干部加强思想作风修养、提升综和能力,为高校学生工作者加强学生干部队伍建设提供参考借鉴;为建设高层次、高水平、高能力、高素质的高校学生干部队伍,为社会主义事业培养大批合格的建设者和合可靠接班人贡献力量。
[Abstract]:At present, the number of student cadres of all grades in colleges and universities accounts for about 1/4 of the total number of students in the university. Most of these student cadres study hard, have excellent results, have high ideological and moral qualities, and have good comprehensive qualities. In the students have a higher influence and prestige, is the elite of college students and advanced representatives of the model. Strengthen the education of this part of the people. To cultivate the elite of qualified constructors and reliable successors of socialist cause is related to the overall situation of realizing the goal of cultivation of colleges and universities, succeeding the cause of the Party, the prosperity of the country, and the long-term stability of the country. It is a great system engineering with profound significance and great value. This paper focuses on the cultivation of student cadres in colleges and universities, starting with the connotation, characteristics, role orientation and function of student cadres in colleges and universities, and expounds the value and objectives of the cultivation of student cadres in colleges and universities. Through the way of empirical investigation, this paper makes a deep and concrete analysis of the current situation of the cultivation of student cadres in colleges and universities, explains the main achievements of the contingent of student cadres and the training of student cadres, and reveals the existing problems. The causes of the problem are analyzed deeply. Finally, from the practical point of view, the author puts forward five specific countermeasures for the cultivation of student cadres in colleges and universities: first, lay a good foundation and do a good job in selecting and appointing student cadres; Second, grasp the core and promote the improvement of quality and ability; Third, give prominence to the key points and strengthen the cultivation of innovation ability; Fourth, pay attention to the guarantee, improve the humanistic and psychological quality; Fifth, grasp the key, do a good job of examination and supervision. This paper tries to strengthen the ideological style of college student cadres, improve the ability of comprehensive harmony, and provide a reference for college student workers to strengthen the construction of student cadres; In order to build a contingent of high level, high level, high ability and high quality student cadres in colleges and universities, and train a large number of qualified constructors and reliable successors for the cause of socialism.


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1 田锦程;李伟;张书诚;;高校学生干部精英培养平台建设研究与探索[J];学理论;2015年23期




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