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发布时间:2018-01-06 20:40

  本文关键词:“倾听”在高校思想政治教育中的运用研究 出处:《南京师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 倾听 高校 思想政治教育

【摘要】:现代人文关怀、以人为本精神都对高校思想政治工作者提出了更高的要求,强调教育者要更加关注学生的内心世界,注重主体价值,要求教育者角色要由主宰者和权威者向倾听者和指导者转变。“倾听”正是适应现代社会向民主、平等社会发展的客观要求,是教育者主动亲近学生、与学生心灵沟通,走进学生内心深处的最佳途径。“倾听”也是我们每个现代人必须必备的素质之一,对个人的发展意义重大。 本文主要是将沟通学领域的重要方法“倾听”与高等院校的思想政治工作有机结合,深入探讨“倾听”在高校思想政治教育中的价值和运用为主要内容。首先是对国内外学术界现有的理论成果进行梳理,概括了“倾听”在哲学理论、教育学领域、沟通学领域和管理学理论的研究成果,并对“倾听”具体的内涵、价值和其在思想政治教育中的运用做了简述,向大家呈现“倾听”的研究状况以作参考。正文中通过对高校思想政治工作过程中“倾听”的内涵、特性及主要内容的进行阐述,为全文奠定理论基础,特别是对“倾听”的主要内容上从言语与非言语内容两个大方向做了悉心的分析与归纳。之后从我国社会大背景以及思想政治教育学科内价值对“倾听”做了必要性阐述,并从现实中高校思想政治教育“倾听”之难出发,从教育者、学生以及思想政治工作本身三个方面出发,挖掘其难以倾听的深层原因,并进行了深刻教育反思。最后,对思想政治工作者优化倾听效果分别从主体要素、过程反馈、环境以及师生关系角度提出了具体可操作的措施,引导思想政治工作者向思想政治倾听者转变。
[Abstract]:The modern humanistic spirit of people-oriented, have put forward higher requirements on the ideological and political education workers, stressed the need to pay more attention to the inner world of the students, pay attention to the main value, request the education role should be changed from master and authority to listener and mentor. "Listen" is to adapt to modern society towards democracy, objective equality of social development, is an education initiative close to students, and students to communicate, the best way into the hearts of students. "Listen" is that each of the modern people to one of the essential qualities, the significance of the development of the individual.
The main purpose of this paper is the ideological and political work of combining the "science communication is an important method to" colleges and universities, in-depth study of "listening" in Ideological and political education of the value and application as the main content. The first is the existing theoretical achievements of the academic circles at home and abroad for combing, summarizes the "listening" in Philosophy in theory, the field of education, research and science communication management theory, and the connotation of "listening" in detail, and the application value in the ideological and political education to do the show to "listen" to the current research situation for reference in the text. Through the ideological and political work in the process of "listen to" the connotation, characteristics and main contents of the paper, the theoretical basis for the full text, especially the main content of "listening" on the verbal and nonverbal content from two directions do you mind Analyzed and summarized. Then from the social background and the ideological and political education in the value of "listening" to do the necessity, and from the reality of Ideological and political education of "listening" to start from education, students' Ideological and political work itself in three aspects of mining the deep reason to listen to, and the profound reflection of education. Finally, the optimization of the ideological and political workers listen to the effect separately from the main elements, the feedback process, the environment and the relationship between teachers and students put forward specific operational measures to guide the ideological and political workers ideological and political change to the listener.



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