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发布时间:2018-01-06 22:05

  本文关键词:基于虚拟企业的大学生创业教育模式研究 出处:《沈阳师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 校企合作 创业教育 创业教育模式 评价体系

【摘要】:受国际环境的影响,全球经济增长呈现放缓的趋势,我国经济正处在寻求一个新平衡的过程中。由于受到经济的影响,用人单位选拔人才的标准越来越高,使很多高校的就业率不太乐观。随着创业教育在国内外的深入研究,国内高校希望能够借鉴其研究成果,将创业教育引入到国内的教育发展中,并期待能够改变这一现状,但国内创业教育模式的研究成果尚未成熟,而且成果转化率较低,除了几所知名大学提倡的如中国人民大学、北京航空航天大学、上海交通大学等提出的典型创业教育模式外,近几年并未提出具有优势特点的创业教育模式,因此,本论文根据现行创业教育过程中存在的问题以及目前企业的用人标准,并借鉴国内外研究成果进行深层次的模式构建。 本论文是对虚拟企业的大学生创业教育模式进行研究,其主要内容包括: 第一,调查高校在开展创业教育的过程中存在的问题。 结合问卷调查法从大学生的自然信息、社会关系、综合素质、就业与创业意识、创业教育对大学生就业及创业能力进行调查,并运用SPSS统计工具分析目前高校的教育对大学生就业与创业产生的阻碍因素以及待解决的问题,并为虚拟企业的创业教育模式构建奠定基础,研究中发现高校在创业教育过程中普遍存在的问题有:学生的创业教育意识薄弱、教学环境仍不健全、教学形式枯燥而单一化、创业教育课程与专业课程结合缺乏紧密性等。 第二,构建虚拟企业的创业教育质量评价体系。 本论文通过采取网络调查以及专家调查法的方式,借鉴并广泛收集指标信息,以取得更加合理、标准的评价指标体系。并从高校、企业、学生、质量跟踪四方面的投入对虚拟企业教学环境的构建程度进行考察,依次设定指标变量,通过运用层次分析法并结合德尔菲法的程序通过专家建立判断矩阵,分析两两指标的定量分析,构建出虚拟企业的创业教育质量评价体系,最终得出所有指标的总排序结果,利用得到的排序结果判别指标间的相对重要性并结合创业教育过程中存在的问题,为构建虚拟企业的创业教育模式做准备。 第三,构建虚拟企业的大学生创业教育模式。 为了使创业教育模式对大学生的教育发展带来价值,以社会效益为立足点,以校企合作为途径,以营造虚拟环境为突破点,,以培养综合素质型人才为出发点,运用数据分析法和问卷调查法对提供创业教育模式的有利信息进行加工,并通过博弈模型对虚拟企业的实现过程进行分析,最终构建以营造虚拟企业的教学环境、实现创业教育价值为目标的创业教育模式即虚拟企业的创业教育模式。
[Abstract]:Due to the influence of the international environment , the global economic growth appears to be slowing down , our country ' s economy is in the process of seeking a new balance . With the influence of the economy , the standard of selecting talents by the employing unit is getting higher and higher , so that the employment rate of many colleges and universities is not too optimistic . This thesis is a research on the mode of college students ' entrepreneurship education in virtual enterprises . The main contents include : First , to investigate the problems existing in the course of carrying out entrepreneurship education in colleges and universities . Based on the investigation of the natural information , social relations , comprehensive quality , employment and entrepreneurship awareness and entrepreneurship education of college students from college students , the paper analyzes the obstacles to college students ' employment and entrepreneurship and the problems to be solved by using SPSS statistical tools . Secondly , construct the quality evaluation system of the virtual enterprise ' s entrepreneurship education . Based on the network investigation and the methods of expert investigation , this paper draws lessons from and extensively collects the index information to obtain more reasonable and standard evaluation index system . By using analytic hierarchy process and combining Delphi method with Delphi method , this paper sets up the index variable , analyzes the quantitative analysis of the two indexes , constructs the quality evaluation system of the enterprise ' s entrepreneurship education , and finally obtains the overall ranking results of all indicators , and makes use of the obtained ranking results to judge the relative importance among the indicators and combine the problems existing in the process of entrepreneurship education to prepare for the establishment of the entrepreneurship education model of virtual enterprises . Thirdly , we build the model of college students ' entrepreneurship education in virtual enterprises . In order to bring about the value of entrepreneurship education model to the education development of college students , the social benefit is based on school - enterprise cooperation , so as to build the virtual environment as the breakthrough point , to cultivate comprehensive quality talents as the starting point , and to analyze the realization process of virtual enterprise through game model , and finally construct the entrepreneurship education mode , which is to create the teaching environment of virtual enterprise and realize the value of entrepreneurship education , that is , the entrepreneurship education mode of virtual enterprise .



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