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发布时间:2018-01-06 23:43

  本文关键词:辽宁省地方行业特色型大学战略规划研究 出处:《沈阳师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 辽宁省 行业特色型大学 战略规划

【摘要】:解放初,国家工业化发展对人才培养到人才应用提出新的要求和挑战,为满足工业化发展的需求,国家兴建一批具有行业背景的院校,这批院校因行业而生,也伴随着行业发展逐步扩大规模,稳步发展。到上世纪90年代末期,我国开始高等教育体制改革,随着改革的不断深化,我国高等教育结构体系也逐步调整,作为我国高等教育体系重要组成部分的行业院校,其管理体制也发生巨大变化。原隶属于中央各部委管理的高等院校逐渐划归到地方政府管理,并逐步实行了省部共建,以地方管理为主的高等教育新体制。转制后的高校仍然是我国高等教育体系中的一个特殊群体,普遍拥有相对较高的行业资源优势和雄厚的办学实力,更成为我国高等教育体系中的重要组成部分。随着我国高等教育大众化进程加快,“211”工程、“985”工程的顺利实施以及地方高等教育体系的不断完善,行业院校划转后的发展问题就引起了广泛关注。 辽宁省行业特色型大学建设是在高等教育体制变革以及区域经济社会发展变革中进行的。本论文拟通过辽宁省行业特色高校的发展历程以及阶段特征进行梳理,同时对当前地方行业特色型大学内外部发展环境变化带来的机遇与挑战进行分析,,认识到行业特色高校坚持战略管理以及制定战略规划的必要性。并通过对3所行业特色型大学的战略规划文本案例进行深入分析,对地方行业特色型大学战略规划方案中办学思想和办学思路以及办学目标定位和战略重点、各项战略举措的特点,同时也分析地方行业特色型大学的战略规划存在的问题和有待改进之处,最后提出一些制定战略规划的合理化建议,希望对辽宁省地方行业特色型大学之后的战略管理和战略规划方案的制定工作有一定的帮助。
[Abstract]:At the beginning of the liberation, national industrialization development of personnel training talents to put forward new demands and challenges, in order to meet the needs of industrial development, the construction of a number of countries with industry background institutions, these institutions for the industry, along with the development of the industry gradually expand the scale, steady development. To the end of 90s, I China started the reform of higher education system, with the continuous deepening of reform, the structure of China's higher education system is gradually adjusted, as an important part of China's higher education system in vocational colleges, the management system will be changed. Colleges affiliated to the central ministries management gradually transferred to the management of local government, and gradually the implementation of the Ministry of higher education, the new system of local management. After the restructuring of the university is a special group in China's higher education system, generally have relatively High industry resources and strong strength of the school, has become an important part of China's higher education system. With the popularization of higher education in China to accelerate the process of the "211" project, "985" the smooth implementation of the project and the local higher education system of continuous improvement, development of Colleges after the transfer of industries will cause wide attention.
Liaoning province industry characteristic university construction is carried out in the reform of higher education system and regional economic and social development in the reform. This paper intends to sort through the development process of Liaoning province industry characteristic university and stage characteristics, while the external environment for the development of the current university characteristics of local industry changes brings opportunities and challenges are analyzed, to realize the necessity of industry characteristic universities to adhere to the strategic management and strategic planning. Through in-depth analysis and strategic planning text case of 3 industry characteristic university, the running of the local industry characteristic university strategic planning thought and educational ideas and educational objectives and strategic focus, characteristics of the strategic initiatives, but also analysis there are places of strategic planning of industry characteristic university problems and needs to be improved, and finally puts forward some strategy The rationalization proposal of the plan is of great help to the formulation of strategic management and strategic planning after the local industry characteristic universities in Liaoning province.



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