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发布时间:2018-01-07 06:18

  本文关键词:高校网络思想政治教育现状与方法研究 出处:《吉林财经大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 高校 思想政治教育 网络 方法探究

【摘要】:计算机网络已经成为人们生活中密不可分的一部分,它改变了人们的生活和生存方式。随着我国经济的快速发展,我国已经进入了计算机网络高普及率国家的行列,互联网在中国的快速发展是有目共睹的,从广大青年大学生的数量上可以看出,大学生已经成为我国网民中的主力军。网络对大学生的生活、学习和思想观念都带来了广泛而深刻的影响,如何发挥网络对大学生思想政治教育的积极作用、抑制其消极影响、认清高校思想政治教育的内涵与特点已经成为我国高校教育亟待解决的问题。高校思想政治教育应该在网络快速发展时期,主动出击占领先机,不但要在教学理论与网络技术上有所突破,还要积极利用网络丰富的资源与多种的教育形式展开有效的思想政治教育工作。 本文以高校思想政治教育网站使用现状为出发点,,通过对吉林财经大学的调查,结合访问连续入选第四届与第五届全国高校百佳的28个高校网站,还有第四届思政创新奖网站与第五届最佳思政创新奖网站。认真分析总结提出了高校网络思想政治教育的理论探究与方法。首先,加强高校网络思想政治教育工作创新;其次,完善高校网络思想政治教育机制;第三,大学生网络道德与网络法制教育的形式改进;第四,建立高素质的网络思想政治教育队伍;第五,提高高校网络思想政治教育效能;全文力求立足现状,积极探索进一步加强和改进高校思想政治教育的新途径和新方法,利用优秀的网络资源,实现网络环境下大学生思想政治教育工作的完善和发展。
[Abstract]:The computer network has become an inseparable part of people's lives, it has changed people's life and the survival way. With the rapid development of China's economy, China has entered the computer network high rate countries, rapid development of the Internet in China is obvious, from the vast numbers of young college students on it can be seen that the college students have become the main force of China's Internet users in the network. The life of college students, learning and thinking has brought extensive and profound influence, how to play the positive role of network ideological and political education of college students, to restrain its negative influence, understand the connotation and characteristics of ideological and political education has become an urgent I our university education problems. Ideological and political education should be in a period of rapid development of the network, take the initiative to occupy the initiative, not only in teaching theory and network technology. There are some breakthroughs in the operation, and the effective ideological and political education should be carried out by actively utilizing the rich resources of the network and various forms of education.
According to the website of Ideological and political education in Colleges and universities use the status quo as the starting point, through the investigation of Jilin University of Finance and economics, with access to a total of fourth consecutive session of the fifth national universities and 28 PARKnSHOP university website, there are fourth ideological and Political Innovation Award and the fifth best websites of Ideological and political innovation awards website. Serious analysis is put forward and study of University Network Ideological and political education theory. Firstly, strengthen the innovation of Ideological and political education work in Colleges and universities in the network; secondly, perfect the mechanism of Ideological and political education of university network; third, improving the College students' network moral and network legal education form; fourth, setting up a high quality team of network ideological and political education; fifth, improve the efficiency of network ideological and political education in universities the thesis; based on the current situation, and actively explore new ways and methods to further strengthen and improve the ideological and Political Education, the use of advantages The network resources show the perfection and development of the ideological and political education of College Students under the network environment.



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