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发布时间:2018-01-07 15:32

  本文关键词:高校学生社团对大学生社会化的影响调查研究 出处:《山东师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 高校学生社团 大学生 社会化

【摘要】:高校学生社团是大学生校园生活的一个重要方面,它对丰富大学生的校园生活,培养大学生的兴趣爱好,提升大学生的自我教育、自我管理理念都有很好的促进作用。本研究主要是从高校学生社团对于大学生社会化的影响方面着手进行研究的。随着高校的扩招,现在的高校培养出来的人才大部分是“高分低能”的学生,空有一纸文凭,缺乏实践操作能力,因此在毕业面临就业的时候,往往找不到合适的工作,针对这一现象,高校学生社团应该在课堂教学之外,充分发挥出培养大学生成为适合社会需要的“社会人”的作用,所以高校学生社团的质量高低直接影响着大学生社会化的进展程度。 本文首先从社会学的理论出发,运用教育学、社会学、教育社会学等理论对高校学生社团在大学生社会化进程中的作用进行了理论分析,其次运用了调查问卷法和访谈法对大学生参与高校学生社团的现状和大学生社会化的程度进行调查分析,最后是根据调查结果对高校学生社团在大学生社会化进程中的影响进行分析。 调查结果显示:大部分的大学生都参加了学生社团,但是大部分也只是参加一个社团,参加两个及其以上社团的学生并不多,并且大学生为什么参加社团表现出多样化的特点,比起高年级的同学,低年级同学参与社团的比例更高。大学生参与最多的是素质拓展型社团,其次是学术科技型和社会服务型社团,参加理论学习型社团的学生最少。大学生社团参与度不高,主要表现在社员认为自己和其他社员之间的交往频率不高。最后是参加社团的学生认为自己最大的收获是增加了自己的课外知识,其次是扩大了人际交往圈子。 大学生社团参与状况对其社会化的影响结果发现:首先,除了不太影响角色社会化外,大学生是否参与社团对其政治社会化、道德社会化和职业社会化都有影响,参加社团的学生其爱国主义热情更高,,道德认知和道德行为都更符合社会的要求,在职业社会化方面,参与社团的学生有更明确的职业方向。第二,大学生参与社团的类型对其社会化也是很有影响的,如参加学术科技类社团的学生有更高的政治情感和态度,而且对以后的职业生涯也更有规划,社会服务型社团的学生其道德社会化更高,理论学习型社团可以促进学生们更好的实现政治社会化,但是参加素质拓展型社团的学生们在政治社会化方面不甚令人满意。第三,大学生参加社团的数量对其社会化影响很小,但是,社团参与程度对其社会化的状况影响很大,主要表现在大学生的道德行为在公共领域表现不好,但是在私人领域表现很好,社团活跃分子对现有政治体制的情感和态度越积极,其角色社会化和职业社会化现很好,社团活跃分子对现有政治体制的情感和态度越积极,其角色社会化和职业社会化也更成功。
[Abstract]:College student association is an important aspect of college students' campus life. It can enrich the campus life of college students, cultivate their interests and hobbies, and promote their self-education. The concept of self-management has a good role in promoting. This study is mainly from the impact of college student associations on the socialization of college students. With the expansion of university enrollment. At present, most of the talents cultivated in colleges and universities are students with "high scores and low ability". They have a paper diploma and lack the practical operation ability. Therefore, when they graduate and face employment, they often cannot find a suitable job. In view of this phenomenon, the college student associations should play the role of cultivating college students to be "social people" in accordance with the needs of the society, in addition to classroom teaching. Therefore, the quality of college student associations directly affects the degree of socialization of college students. This paper first from the theory of sociology, using pedagogy, sociology, sociology of education and other theories on the role of college student associations in the process of socialization of college students were analyzed theoretically. Secondly, the questionnaire and interview methods are used to investigate and analyze the current situation of college students' participation in university student associations and the degree of socialization of college students. Finally, according to the results of the investigation, the influence of college student associations in the process of socialization of college students is analyzed. The results show that the majority of college students have joined the student association, but most of them only participate in one club, and not many students participate in two or more associations. And why college students to participate in the community shows a variety of characteristics, compared with the senior students, the proportion of students in the lower grade community participation is higher. College students participate in the most is the quality of the development of the community. The second is academic science and technology and social service organizations, the students who participate in theoretical learning societies are the least, and college students' participation is not high. The main performance is that the members think that the frequency of communication between themselves and other members is not high. Finally, the students who participate in the association think that their biggest gain is to increase their extracurricular knowledge. The second is the expansion of the interpersonal circle. The results show that: first of all, in addition to the role socialization, whether the university students participate in the community to their political socialization. Moral socialization and professional socialization have an impact, students participating in the association have a higher patriotic enthusiasm, moral cognition and moral behavior are more in line with the requirements of society, in terms of vocational socialization. Students who participate in the association have a more specific career direction. Second, the type of participation of college students in the association is also very influential to their socialization, such as participating in the academic science and technology community students have higher political feelings and attitudes. And the future career is more planned, the social service community students' moral socialization is higher, the theoretical learning society can promote the students to achieve better political socialization. But the students participating in the quality-oriented organizations are not very satisfactory in the aspect of political socialization. Third, the number of college students' participation in the community has little impact on their socialization, but. The degree of community participation has a great impact on their socialization, mainly reflected in the moral behavior of college students in the public domain performance is not good, but in the private sector performance is very good. The more positive the emotion and attitude of the community activists towards the existing political system, the better the socialization of their roles and professions, and the more positive the emotion and attitude of the community activists towards the existing political system. Its role socialization and professional socialization are also more successful.


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