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发布时间:2018-01-07 20:22

  本文关键词:理工科大学生的马克思主义信仰研究 出处:《内蒙古科技大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 理工科大学生 马克思主义信仰 现状

【摘要】:当前大学生马克思主义信仰研究成为高校思想政治教育工作的重点之一,引起学界的普遍关注。马克思主义信仰是一种科学的、现实的、崇高的信仰,是社会主义中国的主导信仰。大学生作为我国社会生活中最为活跃、敏感的群体,社会生活中的每一变化都会通过各种渠道影响到他们的成长与发展,特别是信仰的变化对大学生价值观的形成与确立起到极为重要的作用。而理工科大学生又表现出了自身的思想和行为特点,这就要求有针对性的开展理工科大学生的马克思主义信仰教育,以期取得良好的思想政治教育效果。坚定的马克思主义信仰是理工科大学生健康成长的精神支柱,为理工科大学生的人生发展指引正确方向,,提供战胜困难不断前进的精神动力,是理工科大学生健康成长的根本保证。因此,帮助理工科大学生树立坚定的马克思主义信仰,具有重大的现实意义。 据相关调查数据显示,目前我国大学生的信仰主流是健康的积极的,绝大多数的大学生基于对马克思主义的理性思考基础上选择信仰马克思主义,但是由于受到各种外来文化和社会思潮等因素的影响,大学生的马克思主义信仰普遍呈现出弱化趋势,并在一定程度上存在马克思主义信仰危机。特别是在理工科大学生中,信仰虚空的现象尤为突出。 本文主要分三部分:第一部分从信仰相关概念、信仰的发生发展入手,作出比较详细的阐释。第二部分阐述了马克思主义信仰的内涵、形成、功能以及与宗教信仰的区别,采用了调查问卷的方式,通过对内蒙古地区部分理工科院校的马克思主义理论课教学基本情况以及理工科大学生马克思主义信仰基本动态的调查,反映出马克思主义信仰在理工科大学生中被弱化、被边缘化的态势越来越严重。并论述马克思主义信仰教育的渠道、取得的成效和存在的不足之处,分析上述现象形成的消极社会因素。第三部分对理工科大学生马克思主义信仰的确立提出了对策思考,探讨在继续加强高校思政理论课主阵地作用的基础上,提高理工科大学生人文社会科学素养和加强实践指导等尝试性的对策。
[Abstract]:At present, the study of Marxist belief of college students has become one of the focal points of ideological and political education in colleges and universities, which has aroused widespread concern in academic circles. Marxism belief is a kind of scientific, realistic and noble belief. College students as the most active and sensitive group in our social life, every change in social life will affect their growth and development through various channels. Especially the change of belief plays a very important role in the formation and establishment of college students' values, while the students of science and engineering have shown their own thinking and behavior characteristics. This requires the targeted development of science and engineering college students Marxism belief education. In order to achieve good ideological and political education results. A firm Marxist belief is the spiritual pillar of the healthy growth of science and engineering college students, and guide the development of science and engineering college students in the right direction. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to help the students of science and engineering to set up a firm belief in Marxism. According to the relevant survey data, at present, the mainstream belief of college students in China is healthy and positive, and the vast majority of college students choose to believe in Marxism on the basis of rational thinking about Marxism. However, due to a variety of foreign culture and social trends of thought and other factors, the Marxist beliefs of college students generally show a weakening trend. To a certain extent, there is a crisis of Marxist belief, especially among the college students of science and engineering, the phenomenon of void belief is particularly prominent. This paper is divided into three parts: the first part from the belief related concepts, the occurrence and development of faith, to make a more detailed explanation. The second part elaborated the connotation of Marxist belief, the formation. The function and the difference from religious belief are investigated by questionnaire. Through the investigation of the basic situation of Marxism theory teaching in some science and engineering colleges in Inner Mongolia and the basic trends of Marxism belief of science and engineering college students. It reflects the weakening and marginalization of Marxist belief among college students of science and engineering, and discusses the channels of Marxist faith education, the achievements and shortcomings. The third part puts forward countermeasures to the establishment of Marxist belief of college students of science and engineering, and discusses the basis of continuing to strengthen the role of the main position of ideological and political theory courses in colleges and universities. To improve the humanities and social science literacy of science and engineering college students and strengthen practical guidance and other tentative countermeasures.


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