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  本文关键词:以大学生需求为导向的辅导员博客建设研究 出处:《华中农业大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 大学生 需求 辅导员博客

【摘要】:网络的发展为高校思想政治工作的开展提供了新型的载体支撑。继党的十七大提出要加强网络文化建设和管理,营造良好网络环境之后,党的十八大报告也提出要加强和改进网络内容建设,唱响网上主旋律。将辅导员工作与博客相结合,是贯彻落实党的十七大、十八大精神,加强高校校园网络文化建设的一项重要举措,有利于构建一个现代化、信息化的辅导员工作新模式。大学生是辅导员博客的主要参与者和受益者,最大限度满足大学生对辅导员博客的需求,是辅导员能够有效开展大学生教育管理工作的前提和基础。 本文以马斯洛需求层次理论为实证研究基础、建构主义学习理论为支撑,通过运用问卷调查和个案访谈相结合的实证研究方法,以H高校部分辅导员和学生为调查对象,对H高校辅导员博客开设现状进行描述分析,了解和分析大学生对辅导员博客的知晓度、参与意愿和需求情况,然后从大学生需求角度出发,有针对性的提出完善辅导员博客的对策建议。本文共分为以下六个部分: 第一部分:导论。即第一章,包括研究背景、研究目的、研究意义与创新点、文献研究综述及述评。 第二部分:研究设计。即第二章,阐述本研究的理论依据、核心概念界定、研究内容、研究思路、研究假设、研究方法以及问卷形成过程与调查样本情况。 第三部分:对H高校部分辅导员进行访谈,了解辅导员博客开设的现实状况。访谈结果显示,现阶段,辅导员博客在推广度、访问量;更新速度、互动性;内容、形式方面还需要相应的完善和改进。 第四部分:在对H高校部分学生进行问卷调查和访谈的基础上,了解和分析大学生对辅导员博客的知晓度、参与意愿及需求情况。实证分析结果表明,大学生对辅导员博客的知晓度较低,但对辅导员博客的参与意愿较高,认为辅导员博客有存在的必要和意义。同时,大学生对辅导员博客内容和形式方面有着较高的需求期待。对于辅导员博客内容方面:通过运用马斯洛需求层次理论进行分析,大学生对辅导员博客内容方面的需求倾向于安全需求、自我实现、尊重需求;对于辅导员博客形式方面:调查结果显示,大学生倾向于视频、图片等视觉、动态化的形式,期待辅导员博客具有相应的个性特色化。 第五部分:对辅导员博客开设现状与大学生需求情况进行对比。调查结果表明,当前大学生所需与辅导员博客开设现状间存在稍许差异:现阶段辅导员博客建设已取得了一定的成绩,但还存在着如何进一步加大宣传;如何寻找与大学生需求点相契合方面的困难。 第六部分:根据实证分析结论,提出辅导员博客建设应是以大学生现实需求为导向和基础,以辅导员为主导和重要力量,以高校自身政策引导为重要支持和依托的一体两辅格局。
[Abstract]:The development of the Internet provides a new carrier for the development of Ideological and political work in Colleges and universities. The CPC put forward to strengthen the construction and management of the network culture, then create a good network environment, the eighteen Party Congress report also proposed to strengthen and improve the construction of Internet content, sing the main theme online. The work of counselors and the combination of blog. Is the implementation of the eighteen Party Congress spirit, an important measure to strengthen the construction of campus network culture, to construct a new mode of modernization, counselors work informatization. College students are the main participants and beneficiaries of the counselor blog, the maximum to meet the needs of the College Counselors' blog, is the prerequisite and basis for counselors to to carry out effective education management for the students.
Based on Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory as the theoretical basis of empirical research, constructivist learning theory, through empirical research methods using a combination of questionnaire and interview, the H college counselors and students as the research object, the paper analyzed the H college counselor blog opened the present, understanding and analysis of College Students' awareness of counselors' blog the willingness and demand conditions, and then starting from the angle of demand for college students, put forward some suggestions to improve the counselors' blog. This paper is divided into the following six parts:
The first part: introduction. The first chapter, including the research background, research purpose, research significance and innovation, literature review and review.
The second part: research design, namely the second chapter, elaborates the theoretical basis, the core concept definition, the research content, the research mentality, the research hypothesis, the research method, as well as the questionnaire formation process and the investigation sample situation.
The third part: interviews with some counselors in H university to understand the reality of counselor blogs. The interview results show that at this stage, counselor blog needs further improvement and improvement in terms of promotion, visits, update speed, interaction, content and form.
The fourth part: Based on questionnaire survey and interviews on H college students on the understanding and analysis of College Students' awareness of counselors' blog, willingness to participate and demand. The empirical results show that the College Counselors' blog awareness is low, but the counselor blog's willingness to participate in higher, think it is necessary the meaning of counselors' blog. At the same time, college students have higher demand expectations for the counselor blog content and form. The counselor blog content: carries on the analysis through the use of Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, college counselors in the blog content demand tends to security needs, self realization, respect for the counselor needs; blog: a survey the results showed that college students tend to video, pictures and other visual forms, dynamic, with a corresponding to counselors' blog Characteristic of sex.
The fifth part: the comparison of the current situation and demand of college students set up counselors' blog. The survey results show that there is a little difference with the required to set up the status quo between the current college counselors' blog: at the present stage of counselor blog construction has made certain achievements, but still exists to further increase the publicity; how to find and fit the demand of college students difficult.
The sixth part: according to the conclusion of empirical analysis, it is put forward that the construction of counselor blog should be guided by the realistic needs of college students, guided by the guidance of counselors and guided by the policies of colleges and universities. It is an integrated two auxiliary pattern.



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