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发布时间:2018-01-07 23:29

  本文关键词:论高校德育中美育与德育的融合 出处:《南京师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 高校德育 美育 融合

【摘要】:目前,由于德育过程中偏重灌输、唯理性倾向等原因,其一系列现实性问题开始凸显。美育以其超功利性、情感性等特征,通过与德育的有效融合,为改变德育现状提供了新的视角和思路,展现出其独特的当代价值。必须指出的是,美育与德育既有区别亦有联系,在融合过程中,不可简单地将二者相加,也不可始终停留于将美育仅作为一种手段的层次。二者的融合始终是基于德育,在德育过程中有效借鉴美育内涵,内化为德育精神,循序渐进,最终达到德育流美、人生流美的目标。然而,在融合的实践过程中,却理性有余而诗性不足,呈现出美育融合浅表化、美育功能极端化的不良倾向。针对这种现状,本文在分析美育与德育融合特点的基础上,从美育内在精神出发,结合中国诗性文化传统,从给予德育情感投入和形象美感,培养诗意的话语方式等方面,探讨了改善融合现状的途径。 美育与德育的融合是一个历久弥新的话题,只有真正做到二者的融合,将美融入到德育之中,进而才可由美生善,实现德育对美的超越,让人生富有诗情。而这也将有利于个体的全面发展,有利于提升高校的德育水平,有利于弘扬中国传统的诗化传统。
[Abstract]:At present, due to the emphasis on indoctrination and rationalism in the process of moral education, a series of realistic problems begin to appear. Aesthetic education, with its characteristics of super-utilitarian and affective, is effectively integrated with moral education. In order to change the current situation of moral education provides a new perspective and train of thought, showing its unique contemporary value. It must be pointed out that aesthetic education and moral education have both differences and links, in the process of integration, we can not simply add the two. The fusion of aesthetic education is always based on moral education. In the process of moral education, the connotation of aesthetic education can be effectively used for reference, internalized into the spirit of moral education, step by step. Finally, the goal of moral education and life is achieved. However, in the process of integration, there are more than rational and poetic, showing aesthetic fusion superficial. In view of this situation, based on the analysis of the characteristics of aesthetic education and moral education fusion, starting from the inner spirit of aesthetic education, combined with Chinese poetic cultural tradition. This paper discusses the ways to improve the present situation of moral education from the aspects of giving moral education emotional input and image aesthetic feeling, cultivating poetic discourse style and so on. The fusion of aesthetic education and moral education is an old and new topic. Only when we really achieve the fusion of the two, will the beauty be integrated into the moral education, and then the beauty can be created to achieve the transcendence of the moral education to the beauty. This will be beneficial to the overall development of the individual, to the promotion of moral education in colleges and universities, and to the promotion of Chinese traditional poetic tradition.


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