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发布时间:2018-01-08 00:05

  本文关键词:我国高等院校卫生健康教育现存问题与对策研究 出处:《沈阳师范大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 高校健康教育 心理健康教育 艾滋病健康教育 禁毒健康教育

[Abstract]:School health education is a systematic teaching system, which aims to improve students' health awareness, correct students' unhealthy life style, and cultivate healthy behavior habits, through a variety of teaching methods. The ultimate goal is to improve the health awareness of college students, reduce the incidence of disease, and ultimately improve the overall health literacy of the nation. Health education includes a wide range of, not only popularizing basic physiological and health knowledge. And also shoulder the important responsibility of promoting the students' physical and mental development and cultivating the new youth of the new era of comprehensive progress of morality, intelligence, body, beauty and labor. However, with the rapid progress of the social medical level today, the mental illness of the students is more prominent. If not properly groomed, it is easy to cause serious consequences and harm. Nowadays, the social competition is increasingly fierce, the speed of globalization is accelerating, and the ideological consciousness of modern college students is impacted by many values. There are some negative harmful values, such as some self-control is not strong. Curious young people can easily take the road of crime without correct guidance. In the aspect of health education in colleges and universities, mental health. AIDS and drug abuse especially need to attract more attention. This paper is based on the current situation of health education in colleges and universities in China, compared with the development of health education in foreign universities. This paper summarizes and analyzes the outstanding problems faced by China, and focuses on drawing lessons from the advanced experiences of several representative developed countries and the problems they encounter in the process of development. According to the actual situation of our country, this paper puts forward feasible countermeasures, and analyzes the problems of mental health education, sex knowledge health education and anti-drug health education in China, and puts forward practical and feasible solutions. For the further development of health education in colleges and universities in our country to give their own modest contribution, but health education is a highly practical subject, need to continue to summarize the experience and lessons in the exploration. Continuous reform and improvement, with the times, in the face of different periods of new problems put forward targeted countermeasures, the popularization of health education needs the support of the whole society, from the government, medical institutions, civil organizations, social groups. School, family to individual joint efforts, these are destined to the development of health education curriculum is a long way to go, the author will continue to work hard, continue to pay attention to the development of health education in colleges and universities in China. To explore a new scheme of health education in colleges and universities which is suitable for our country.


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