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发布时间:2018-01-08 07:28

  本文关键词:激励视角下高校收入分配制度改革研究 出处:《武汉理工大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 激励 高校 收入分配 绩效 策略

【摘要】:随着知识经济时代的到来,改革开放的深入,以及国家深化收入分配制度改革方案的出台,高校如何进行收入分配制度改革,以达到增强人力资源优势,调动教职工的积极性、主动性和创造性,推进高校可持续发展的目的,是值得思考的重要课题。面向知识经济时代的高校收入分配制度改革,不仅要考虑到教职工提高收入水平的需要、维持工作动力的需要、取得工作成就的需要,以及对贡献与收入相平衡的需求、对劳动与收入相匹配的需求、对目标与收入相关联的需求,而且要考虑到分配制度的公平性、公正性、合理性,以及与国家政策的一致性、与社会环境的协调性、与市场的竞争性。改革开放以来,高校收入分配制度改革取得了一定的成效,包括实行了多样化的分配方式、强化了兼具公平和效率的激励手段、形成了以岗定薪的分配模式以及完善了津贴的额度标准和种类等,但依然存在着教职工的收入与劳动贡献不对称、物质激励过于强化而精神激励不足以及分配制度中过分强调科研导向等问题。究其原因,主要是岗位评价标准不明确、工资与绩效相关度低以及拜金主义的滋生蔓延。为此,高校收入分配制度改革需朝着激励导向、体现岗位价值的绩效工资制发展,这是适应经济社会发展的必然选择,也是提高高校办学质量和效益的必然要求。 高校绩效工资策略体系的总体目标是保证一个前提、两个公平和三项匹配,即满足高校支付能力的要求,注重内部公平以及内部与外部公平,基本工资与市场供需及个人经验能力相匹配、个人岗位工资与岗位相对价值相匹配和个人绩效工资与绩效相匹配。高校绩效工资策略体系涉及的内容包括岗位分类管理、绩效考核、绩效评价和绩效工资结构设计等。该体系设计的首要步骤是科学评估和合理设置岗位,岗位设置是高校实施绩效工资的前期准备工作,通过岗位设置可以设计绩效考核标准,并为绩效工资提供了分配依据;接着要设计绩效管理系统,对教职工的绩效进行科学评价和管理;再次确定根据不同等级向教职工发放工资的模式;然后在借鉴布朗德薪酬—设计价值分析四叶模型的基础上说明了高校在设计绩效工资策略体系时必须考虑市场、岗位、能力和绩效因素,从而设计基于各因素的绩效工资体系结构;最后明确实施绩效工资策略体系的策略。高校绩效工资策略体系设计完成后,还需要通过培养绩效工资理念、健全绩效评估机制、完善岗位设置管理机制、建立绩效工资调整机制和规范绩效工资投入机制来保障其顺利实施。
[Abstract]:With the arrival of the era of knowledge economy, the deepening of reform and opening up, and the introduction of the plan of deepening the reform of the income distribution system, how to carry out the reform of the income distribution system in colleges and universities in order to enhance the advantage of human resources. It is an important task to arouse the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of teaching staff and to promote the sustainable development of colleges and universities. We should not only take into account the need of improving the income level of the teaching staff, the need to maintain the working motivation, the need to obtain the work achievement, as well as the need to balance the contribution with the income, and the need to match the labor with the income. The need for goals to be linked to income, and to take into account the fairness, fairness, reasonableness of the distribution system, consistency with national policies, and coordination with the social environment. Since the reform and opening up to the outside world, the reform of the income distribution system in colleges and universities has achieved certain results, including the implementation of a variety of distribution methods, and the strengthening of both fair and efficient incentives. The distribution model of fixed salary based on post and the standard and type of allowance have been perfected, but there is still asymmetry between the income and labor contribution of the staff. The material incentive is too strong and the spiritual incentive is insufficient, and the distribution system emphasizes the scientific research orientation too much. The main reason is that the evaluation standard of the post is not clear. The low correlation between salary and performance and the proliferation of money worship. Therefore, the reform of income distribution system in colleges and universities should be oriented towards motivation and reflect the development of performance wage system. This is an inevitable choice to adapt to the economic and social development, and also an inevitable requirement to improve the quality and efficiency of running a university. The overall goal of the performance pay strategy system is to ensure a premise, two fair and three matching, that is, to meet the requirements of the university's ability to pay, to pay attention to the internal equity and internal and external equity. The basic salary matches the market supply and demand and personal experience ability. Personal post salary and relative value of the post match and personal performance salary and performance matching. The content of the performance pay strategy system includes post classification management, performance appraisal. The first step in the design of this system is to scientifically evaluate and reasonably set up posts, which is the preparatory work for the implementation of performance pay in colleges and universities. Through the post setting can design the performance appraisal standard, and provides the allocation basis for the performance salary; Then we should design the performance management system to evaluate and manage the staff performance scientifically. To determine again the model for the payment of wages to teaching staff on the basis of different levels; Then, on the basis of the four-leaf model of Browder's compensation and design value analysis, this paper explains that the market, position, ability and performance factors must be taken into account in designing the performance wage strategy system in colleges and universities. Therefore, the performance salary system structure based on each factor is designed. Finally, the implementation of the performance pay strategy system strategy. After the completion of the performance pay strategy system design, we also need to train the concept of performance pay, improve the performance evaluation mechanism, improve the post management mechanism. Establish the performance wage adjustment mechanism and standardize the performance wage investment mechanism to ensure its smooth implementation.


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