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发布时间:2018-01-08 19:21

  本文关键词:数学教师职前培养课程的设置结构与内容比较研究 出处:《华中师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 教师职前培养 高等师范院校 通识课程 教师教育课程 数学专业课程 教育实践

【摘要】:“教师专业化”一词的广泛宣传,对中小学教师的自身素质提出了更高的要求.尤其是作为担任极其重要一门课的数学教师,改善自身素质的任务无比艰巨.高等师范院校是培养职前教师最重要的途径,为了更好地满足基础教育对教师提出的新要求,多数师范院校正处于不断变革师范生培养模式的进程之中.新课程改革的全面实施使得“课程”一词备受瞩目,课程成为教育界最受关注的一面,因此高等师范院校主要从改革课程设置的角度来完善培养模式.综上,高等师范院校课程的结构和内容设置成为了本论文的主要研究内容. 本文主要以华中师范大学、首都师范大学、福建师范大学、湖北师范学院和淮南师范学院五所师范院校为例,从通识教育课程、教师教育类课程、数学专业课程和教育实习四方面进行对比分析,进一步揭示目前我国高等师范院校的课程结构设置是否合理;通过分析国内外对教师职前培养模式和课程设置两方面相关的研究中揭示出的问题,以及本文从微观角度的进一步对比研究,来检验目前我国高等师范院校是否还存在已被发现并提出的问题,是否又出现了新的问题,有哪些方面已有改进,哪些方面还需进一步完善等;最后通过细读中学课程新目标与新理念、分析不同阶段数学课程之间该如何衔接,提出新的具体的构想. 本研究主要采用了文献分析和对比分析两种方法,在文献研究的基础上得出需要分析四个方面的课程设置作更深层次研究的思路.对五所高等师范院校的课程设置进行对比分析,不仅更加容易找出各校之间的异同及利弊,而且五所师范院校的级别、层次和地域均不同,使得研究成果具有代表性. 对比分析结果表明:(1)我国高等师范院校的培养目标确定不到位,直接影响课程结构设置不合理;(2)师范院校的教育实践课程未能贯穿整个学习过程,使得学生习得的理论知识没有得到充分的实践.基于一定的理论结果表明:(1)高等师范院校课程设置尚未将中学数学课程新目标和新理念置于重要的位置;(2)“师范性”要求高等师范院校课程与中学数学课程之间的衔接更紧密,而师范院校却向“综合性”这一目标不断努力. 研究的创新之处首先在于对五所师范院校四个方面课程的设置进行对比分析:其一,选择具体的师范院校使得分析不再只是基于理论的空谈,而是将文献中提出的问题融入本文分析中,实现了继承与发展:其二,将课程分为文中显示的四个方面,不仅体现了师范院校课程的特殊性,而且分析结果可以清晰地揭示各院校存在的利弊.其次在于不仅通过对比分析找出所需的结果,而且进一步将分析结果建立在具体的理论基础上得出更值得信服的结果.
[Abstract]:"The extensive publicity of teacher specialization", put forward higher requirements on the teachers' own quality. Especially as extremely important teachers of mathematics course, improve their own quality of the task very difficult. In higher normal colleges is to cultivate pre service teachers' most important way, in order to better meet the new basic education requirements for teachers of normal universities, the majority are in the continuous reform of teacher education model in the process. The full implementation of the new curriculum reform makes the "Curriculum" is a word of high-profile, become a curriculum education circles the most concern, therefore higher normal college curriculum reform mainly from the perspective of improving the training mode. In summary, the structure and content of curriculum in higher normal university settings has become the main content of this paper.
This paper takes Huazhong Normal University, Capital Normal University, Fujian Normal University, Hubei Normal University and Huainan Normal University five normal universities as an example, from the general education curriculum, teacher education curriculum, comparative analysis of four aspects of professional courses and practice of mathematics education, further reveals the course structure of Higher Normal Colleges in China set is reasonable; through the analysis of domestic and foreign to the training set reveal the related research two aspects of problems in the model and the course of pre service teachers, as well as the further comparative study from the microscopic point of view, to examine the current China Normal University whether there has been found and raises the question of whether there is a new problem, which has been improved, which is required to further improve; finally by reading the new high school curriculum goal and new concept, analysis of the different stages of the mathematics curriculum How to link up and put forward a new concrete idea.
This research mainly adopts literature analysis and comparative analysis of two kinds of methods, on the basis of literature research that needs analysis set up deeper research ideas in four aspects of the curriculum. Compared to five normal universities set up courses, not only more likely to find out the similarities and differences between schools and their pros and cons, and five college level and regional level are different, the results are representative.
The results show that: (1) training objectives of Higher Normal Colleges in China to determine the place, directly affect the curriculum structure is not reasonable; (2) normal education practice curriculum not throughout the learning process, which makes the theoretical knowledge students acquisition has not been fully practice. Some theoretical results show that: (based on 1) the higher normal education curriculum has not yet set the middle school mathematics curriculum position new targets and new ideas is important; (2) "normal" requirements of cohesion between curriculum curriculum in Higher Normal University and middle school mathematics more closely, and normal colleges but to the goal of "comprehensive" continuous efforts.
Study on the innovation of the dissertation lies on the four aspects of five normal universities courses were analyzed: first, college specific selection makes the analysis based on the theory of not just talk, but will be proposed in the literature into the analysis, the inheritance and development of the course will be divided into four in this paper a display, not only reflects the particularity of the normal school curriculum, and the analysis results can clearly reveal the advantages and disadvantages of various colleges and universities exist. Second is not only to find the necessary results through comparison and analysis, and further analysis will be based on the specific results obtained on the more convincing results.



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