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发布时间:2018-01-08 20:19

  本文关键词:我国研究型大学高层次人才引进机制研究 出处:《哈尔滨工业大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 研究型大学 高层次人才 引进机制

【摘要】:我国研究型大学追求建设世界一流大学的目标,对研究型大学的师资队伍提出了更高的要求,我国研究型大学的师资队伍无论是规模还是结构与发达国家和地区的研究型大学相比,都存在一定的差距。这种目标与现实的差距促使了研究型大学对于人才,尤其是其中较高层次佼佼者的迫切需求。许多研究型大学结合国家的相关政策,提出相关政策待遇、措施和程序,为引进高层次人才奠定基础,因而形成了富有特色的高层次人才引进机制。 本文选取我国“985”工程一期教育部直属的29所研究型大学及工业和信息化部所属的1所研究型大学,运用统计学中的聚类分析方法对其师资现状进行分析,并将其师资水平分为6类,从这6类大学中各选1所作为研究对象,从高层次人才引进的对象和条件、引进程序、对引进高层次人才的后续管理3个角度总结我国研究型大学的高层次人才引进现状。分析我国研究型大学在引进高层次人才的前期准备工作中存在的问题、引进过程中存在的问题、对引进的高层次人才后续管理工作中存在的问题,并运用问卷调查法对研究型大学高层次人才引进问题进行实证分析,进而针对这些问题,提出对我国研究型大学高层次人才引进机制优化的相应建议:进行战略规划,具体为需求导向机制、多样选择机制、参与人员培训机制;完善高层次人才引进过程,具体为主动宣传机制、专家同行作用机制、引进程序规范机制、特殊情况应对机制;加强对高层次人才的持续管理和优质服务,具体为职能部门协调机制、学校环境和文化融入机制、长效职业发展机制、人才评价考核创新机制。
[Abstract]:Research universities in China in pursuit of the goal of building a world-class university, puts forward higher requirements for university teachers, our research university teachers regardless of size or structure compared with the developed countries and regions of the research university, there is a certain gap. The gap between the goal and the reality for research university talent, especially the urgent needs of higher level leader. Many research universities with the relevant national policies, and puts forward relevant policy measures and treatment procedures, to lay the foundation for the introduction of high-level personnel, thus forming a distinctive high-level talent introduction mechanism.
This paper selects 1 Research Universities of China's "985" project of Ministry of education and 29 universities directly under the Ministry of industry and information technology, using the cluster analysis method of statistics to analyze the current situation of teachers, and the teachers level is divided into 6 categories, from the 6 universities in the election of 1 as a research object, the introduction of program objects from the introduction of high-level personnel and conditions, follow-up management of high level talents introduction in 3 aspects summarizes high level talents in research university in China. The introduction of situation analysis in the introduction of high-level personnel of the preparatory work in Chinese research universities, there is introduction. The problem of high level talents introduction of the follow-up management problems, and by using the method of questionnaire investigation to the introduction of high-level talents in research universities by empirical analysis, and then aiming at these problems, put forward The corresponding proposal to introduce mechanism optimization of high level talents in research universities in China: strategic planning, the specific mechanism of demand oriented, diverse selection mechanism, participate in the personnel training mechanism; improve the process of the introduction of high-level personnel, specific to active propaganda mechanism, peer interaction mechanism, the introduction of program specification mechanism, strengthen the mechanism to deal with special circumstances; sustainable management of high level talents and high quality services, specifically for the functions of coordination mechanism, school environment and cultural integration mechanism, long-term occupation development mechanism, assessment mechanism innovation talent evaluation.



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