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发布时间:2018-01-09 01:27

  本文关键词:大学生功利主义思想论析 出处:《大连海事大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 大学生 功利主义 超越之路

【摘要】:功利主义是人类文明史上最古老的学说之一,又被称为功用主义或乐利主义,是一种以实际功效或利益作为道德标准的学说。近年来,随着社会主义市场经济的不断发展,改革开放程度的逐渐加大,中国传统意义上的价值观念体系在不断的解构。与此同时,西方自由主义,功利主义,个人主义等实用主义观念流入中国,并不断冲击着当代大学生的价值观。大学生是知识分子的重要组成部分,而优秀的知识分子又是祖国蓬勃发展的中流砥柱。因而我们必须时刻关注大学生的思想动态,并积极倡导健康合理的价值观导向。 本文共分为四章,概述如下: 第一章主要介绍了大学生功利主义思想论析的选题背景和研究意义,国内外关于这一问题的研究综述,以及在论文写作中采取的研究方法和思路。 第二章主要介绍了功利主义的理论概述,以及功利主义在大学生群体中的具体表现和危害。具体表现为学习动机实用化倾向明显,功利性入党现象严重,人际交往利字当先,职业选择偏重经济利益。大学生这样的思想最终导致的结果便是学习风气恶化,党员整体素质下降,人际关系恶化以及人才分布不均。 第三章主要介绍了大学生功利主义思想产生的原因,可以分为三点,社会原因、学校原因和自身原因。社会原因既有西方功利主义思想的渗透,又有市场经济发展的负面影响;学校原因包括校园风气的世俗化以及对于学习成绩的片面重视,从学生自身方面来讲,首先是家庭教育的功利化,其次是大学生所面对的严峻的就业形势,再加上自身思想不成熟并且缺乏正确的信仰和理想追求。 第四章主要论述了对于大学生功利主义的超越;针对上述原因,要想超越功利主义,起码需要从这几方面入手。首先,加强对于市场秩序的规范;其次,净化校园风气,提倡回归大学本原,强调学术研究诚实守信,加强教师自身教育。同时,我们还要进一步完善教育导向,既重视家庭教育的基础作用,又强调道德教育的重要性,更要积极引导大学生正确看待功利主义。不仅如此,作为社会主义事业的接班人,大学生应当坚定共产主义信念,接受社会主义价值观并树立马克思主义功利观。只有这样,大学生群体才能自觉抵制功利主义的侵蚀,树立正确的价值观,成为祖国真正需要的人才,成为社会主义呼唤的建设者。
[Abstract]:In recent years , with the development of socialist market economy and the gradual increase of the degree of reform and opening - up , the value concept system of Chinese traditional sense flows into China . At the same time , western liberalism , utility , individualism and other pragmatic ideas flow into China . This article is divided into four chapters , which are summarized as follows : The first chapter mainly introduces the background and significance of the topic background and the research significance of the university student ' s utilitarian thought , and the research on this problem both at home and abroad , as well as the research methods and ideas adopted in the thesis writing . The second chapter mainly introduces the theory of utility and the concrete expression and harm in college students . It shows that the practical tendency of learning motivation is obvious , the phenomenon of utility income is serious , the interpersonal profit is the first , and the occupation chooses the preference for economic benefit . The result of such thought is that the study of the deterioration of the wind , the decline of the overall quality of the Party members , the deterioration of the interpersonal relationship and the uneven distribution of talents . The third chapter mainly introduces the causes of college students ' utilitarian thought , which can be divided into three points , social reasons , school reasons and their own reasons . The social reasons include the infiltration of western utilitarian ideas and the negative impact on the development of market economy . The reasons include the secularization of the school ethos and the importance of the development of the market economy . The fourth chapter mainly discusses the transcendency of the utility of college students . In the light of the above reasons , it is necessary to begin with the following aspects : first , to strengthen the norms of the market order ; secondly , to purify the campus culture , to advocate the return to the university primitive , to emphasize the importance of academic research and honesty and to strengthen the teacher ' s own education . At the same time , we should further improve the education orientation , and strengthen the teacher ' s own education .



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1 陈亦冰;[N];中国教育报;2012年




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