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  本文关键词:教学视频分析对师范生教学知识发展的实验研究 出处:《西南大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 教学视频 师范生 教学知识

【摘要】:师范教育是教师教育的起点,是对教师职业生涯的奠基,对教师的专业发展起着至关重要的作用。然而目前师范教育的质量受到质疑,师范生在职业生涯的初期屡屡受挫。职前教师需要储备哪些核心教学知识,职前教师教学知识的获取途径有哪些是教师教育研究的焦点。以视频为基础的职业培训在各个行业的发展已经初具规模,近几年教育领域开始思考教学视频分析在教师教育中的作用。越来越多的学者致力于教学视频分析工具的设计,希望视频分析在医学等领域的成功能在教育学领域成功移植。通过对相关文献的梳理,笔者发现目前所有的研究都建立在“教学视频分析对教师发展有促进作用”这一假设上。但教学视频分析对教师发展是否有用,在教师教学知识形成的哪些方面有作用,教学视频分析对教学知识发展的作用机理还有待讨论。本文采用等组四组实验法作为主要研究方法来探究教学视频分析对师范生教学知识发展的作用。全文共分为五章。导论部分阐述了本研究的选题源由、研究背景、研究目标与意义,并对相关概念进行了界定;第一章为实验设计,介绍了本研究的实验目的、实验程序、实验假设;第二章为实验准备,首先介绍了实验中使用的等组四组实验法和实验器材。通过文献梳理、被试访谈和专家建议得出了师范生亟待掌握的核心教学知识项目:课程知识、教学法知识、教学管理知识。并对这三项教学知识进行细化与编码,形成30个支项目。项目的编码得到专家的认同。其次,介绍了被试的选择分组,通过培训使被试明了实验的目的、程序和视频分析过程中的具体操作,确保被试对实验的准备状态达到同一程度。第三章为实验实施,主要介绍了实验具体进程和数据收集工作;第四章为实验分析,用SPSS数据分析软件对收集到的数据进行Descriptives、Oneway、Post Hoc Tests、卡方这四个维度的分析,讨论教学视频分析对师范生课程知识发展、教学法知识发展、教学管理知识的发展影响程度。比较专家教学视频分析与师范生自己的教学视频分析对师范生教学知识发展影响的差距。第五章为实验结论,研究表明,教学视频分析对教学法知识和教学管理知识的影响大于课程知识;同时分析两类教学视频的师范生教学知识的发展较只分析一类教学视频的师范生教学知识的发展更为显著。只分析一类教学视频的师范生教学知识水平大大超出对照组。分析了视频分析对课程知识、教学法知识、课堂管理知识形成不同程度影响的理论原因。探究专家教学视频分析与师范生自己的教学视频分析对师范生教学知识发展影响的不同机理。反思整个实验过程,对教学视频分析在师范生教师专业知识发展的运用方面提出建议。
[Abstract]:Teacher education is the starting point of teacher education, the foundation of teachers' career, and plays a vital role in the professional development of teachers. However, the quality of normal education has been questioned. Normal students in the early career repeatedly frustrated. Pre-service teachers need to reserve what core teaching knowledge. What are the ways to obtain the teaching knowledge of pre-service teachers are the focus of teacher education research. The development of vocational training based on video has begun to take shape in various industries. In recent years, the field of education began to think about the role of teaching video analysis in teacher education. More and more scholars are devoted to the design of teaching video analysis tools. I hope the success of video analysis in the field of medicine and other fields can be successfully transplanted in the field of pedagogy. The author finds that all the current studies are based on the hypothesis that "the analysis of teaching video can promote the development of teachers", but whether the analysis of teaching video is useful to the development of teachers. Which aspects of teachers' teaching knowledge formation have a role. The mechanism of teaching video analysis on the development of teaching knowledge remains to be discussed. This paper uses four groups of experiments as the main research method to explore the role of teaching video analysis on the development of teaching knowledge of normal school students. For the five chapters. The introduction part describes the source of this study. Research background, research objectives and significance, and related concepts are defined; The first chapter is the design of the experiment. The purpose, procedure and hypothesis of the experiment are introduced. The second chapter is the preparation of the experiment, first introduced the experimental methods and experimental equipment used in the same group of four groups, through literature combing. The subjects interviewed and experts suggested that the core teaching knowledge items should be grasped urgently: curriculum knowledge, teaching method knowledge, teaching management knowledge, and the three items of teaching knowledge were refined and coded. Form 30 projects. The coding of the project has been recognized by experts. Secondly, the selection groups of the subjects are introduced. Through training, the participants understand the purpose of the experiment, the program and the specific operation in the process of video analysis. The third chapter is the implementation of the experiment, mainly introduces the specific process of the experiment and data collection; Chapter 4th is the experimental analysis. The SPSS data analysis software is used to describe the collected data in Hoc Tests. Through the analysis of the four dimensions of chi-square, this paper discusses the effect of teaching video analysis on the development of curriculum knowledge and pedagogical knowledge of normal school students. The influence degree of the development of teaching management knowledge. The difference between expert video analysis and normal school students' own teaching video analysis on the development of normal school students' teaching knowledge is compared. Chapter 5th is the experimental conclusion, the research shows. The influence of teaching video analysis on teaching method knowledge and teaching management knowledge is greater than that on curriculum knowledge. The development of normal school students' teaching knowledge is more remarkable than that of teachers' students who only analyze one kind of video at the same time. The level of normal school students' teaching knowledge is much higher than that of teachers' students who only analyze one kind of video. Control group. Analysis of video analysis on the course knowledge. Pedagogical knowledge. Explore the different mechanism of the influence of expert video analysis and normal college students' own teaching video analysis on the development of normal school students' teaching knowledge, and reflect on the whole experiment process. Some suggestions on the application of teaching video analysis to the development of teachers' professional knowledge are put forward.


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