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发布时间:2018-01-10 23:15

  本文关键词:我国学生贷款补贴政策绩效的跟踪评估 出处:《长沙理工大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 学生贷款 数据包络分析法 绩效 相对有效性

【摘要】:半个多世纪以来,各国对接受高等教育的贫困学生提供助学贷款,已成为推动一国高等教育发展及人才培养的重要资助方式。随着高等教育的扩招,大学生人数剧增,对学生贷款的需求量进一步增长,近年来我国学生贷款市场发展迅速。由于学生贷款具有准公共产品的属性,学生贷款市场存在供给与需求不均衡的现象在所难免。政府早已意识到贷款补贴的对学生贷款市场发展的必要性,曾先后出台了财政贴息、税收优惠、风险补偿金、代偿等补贴政策。这些补贴工具的运用,,一方面促进了银行发放贷款,另一方面实现了学生贷款基本需求的满足,学生贷款市场的发展离不开补贴政策的施行。对学生贷款补贴绩效的研究既可以反映过去学生贷款补贴实施的状况,预测趋势,又可以为补贴政策效率的提高提供改进的方向和力度。因此对学生贷款补贴政策绩效的专门研究具有十分重要的意义。 本文运用DEA方法中的C2R模型和BC2模型,对我国31个省市从2005年到2011年的学生贷款的补贴政策进行静态的绩效评价,得出每个决策单元的技术效率值、纯技术效率值、规模效率值以及规模收益情况。接下来,本文运用Malmquist指数法,测算不同时间段的学生贷款补贴生产率的变化情况,对绩效评价过程进行动态分析。 根据各省市的纯技术效率和规模效率是否达到全国平均水平,将31个省市分为三组:第Ⅰ组:纯技术效率达标、规模效率达标,有浙江、山东等8个省市;第Ⅱ组:纯技术效率和规模效率有一项不达标,有北京、天津等22个省市;第Ⅲ组:纯技术效率和规模效率均不达标,有新疆省。根据补贴效率评价结果对各类区域提出相应的政策建议,如放开学生贷款利率管制,使更多的银行愿意提供学生贷款;将风险补偿金与高校管理绩效挂钩,充分调动高校的积极性及管理力度;加大代偿的力度,扩大代偿的对象,加大对经济落后地区人才的输送力度等。
[Abstract]:More than half a century, all countries provide loans to poor students to receive higher education, has become an important way of funding development and talent training of higher education in one country. With the expansion of higher education, the number of college students increased demand for student loans for the further growth of the market in recent years in China. Due to rapid development of student loans the student loan is the quasi public product, there is the student loan market can hardly be avoided unbalanced supply and demand. The government has long been aware of the necessity of the development of the student loan market loan subsidies, has issued a financial discount, tax incentives, risk compensation, compensation and other subsidies. The use of these tools subsidies, a the promotion of bank loans, on the other hand, the student loans to meet the basic needs, the development of student loan market cannot do without the subsidy policy . research on student loan subsidy performance can reflect the past student loan subsidies for the implementation of the situation, predict the trend, provide direction and intensity can be improved for the efficiency of subsidy policy to improve. So it has very important significance to students specializing in performance loan subsidy policy.
This paper uses C2R model and BC2 model of DEA method, to evaluate the performance of the static policy in 31 provinces in China from 2005 to 2011, the subsidy of student loans, the technical efficiency of each decision making unit value, pure technical efficiency, scale efficiency and returns to scale conditions. Then, this paper uses the Malmquist index method change, calculation of different time subsidized student loan productivity, the dynamic analysis of the performance evaluation process.
According to the provinces of pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency could reach the national average, the 31 provinces are divided into three groups: group 1: pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency standards, standards, Zhejiang, Shandong and other 8 provinces; group II: pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency is not standard, there are Beijing, Tianjin and other 22 provinces; group III: pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency are not met, Xinjiang province. According to the subsidy efficiency evaluation results put forward the corresponding policy recommendations on various areas, such as the release of student loan interest rates, so that more banks will provide student loans; risk compensation and performance management in colleges and universities hook, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of University and management; to increase efforts to expand the compensation, compensation object, increase the economic backward areas of talent conveying strength.



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