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发布时间:2018-01-11 00:20

  本文关键词:从个体事件到公共事件:新媒体环境下高校学生突发事件的演化与应对 出处:《西北大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 高校学生突发事件 新媒体环境 演化 应对

【摘要】:当前,我国正处于社会转型期,各类不安定因素渐增,突发事件屡有发生。高校作为社会的有机组成部分,学生人数密集,青年学生特有的激情、敏感、易冲动,使得高校成为突发事件高发区。再加上新媒体的普及,高校学生既是新媒体的主要受众又是重要使用者,在高校发生学生突发事件时,新媒体对学生突发事件的影响也更快捷、更广泛、更深入。如何应对新媒体环境和技术的挑战,尤其面对高校普遍存在的危机意识缺乏或不到位,应对措施不当或不健全,如何有效地进行应对和化解尤为迫切和必要。本文试图从高校学生突发事件自身的特点出发,并结合新媒体盛行的时代背景,通过对新媒体环境下高校学生突发事件如何从个体事件演化为公共事件进行过程分析,并阐述了相关要素对事件演化的影响,最后提出有效的应对措施。本文还选择了三个典型案例,对其进行深入分析和总结,为相关研究提供了参考资料,也为相关政策的制定提供了一定的理论依据。 本文共分为五部分:第一章绪论部分主要阐述论文研究背景、意义和国内外的研究现状,介绍问题研究的思路及方法,进而提出创新之处。第二章对新媒体环境下高校学生突发事件相关概念和基本理论进行介绍。对高校学生突发事件进行定义,并对新媒体的六大特征进行梳理。同时,还对新媒体环境下高校学生突发事件的主要特征及发生的原因进行分析。第三章新媒体环境下高校学生突发事件案例分析,选取了三个典型案例,通过对三个案例详细描述的基础上,对案例事件产生及演化过程中的共同点进行分析,以探讨新媒体环境下高校学生突发事件的共同规律。第四章新媒体环境下高校学生突发事件演化分析,将新媒体环境下高校学生突发事件的演化过程分为五个阶段,并根据演化过程分析影响事件演化的要素和其演化的表现。最后结合三个案例分析新媒体环境下高校学生突发事件演化的分类及路径。第五章高校应对新媒体环境下高校学生突发事件演化的策略分析。
[Abstract]:At present, our country is in the social transition period, all kinds of unstable factors are increasing, unexpected events occur frequently. As an organic part of the society, the number of students is dense, and young students have unique passion and sensitivity. With the popularity of new media, college students are not only the main audience of new media but also important users. The impact of new media on student emergencies is also faster, wider and deeper. How to deal with the new media environment and technical challenges, especially in the face of the lack or lack of crisis awareness in colleges and universities. How to deal with and resolve effectively is particularly urgent and necessary. This paper tries to start from the characteristics of college students' emergencies and combine with the prevailing background of new media. Through the analysis of the process of how college students' emergencies evolve from individual events to public events under the new media environment, this paper expounds the influence of relevant elements on the evolution of events. Finally, effective countermeasures are put forward. This paper also selects three typical cases, analyzes and summarizes them in depth, and provides reference materials for relevant research. It also provides some theoretical basis for the formulation of relevant policies. This paper is divided into five parts: the first chapter of the introduction mainly describes the research background, significance and domestic and foreign research status, introduce the ideas and methods of research. The second chapter introduces the concepts and basic theories of college students' emergencies under the new media environment. And the six characteristics of the new media are combed. At the same time. It also analyzes the main characteristics and causes of college students' emergencies under the new media environment. Chapter three analyzes the cases of college students' emergencies under the new media environment and selects three typical cases. On the basis of the detailed description of the three cases, this paper analyzes the common ground in the process of occurrence and evolution of case events. In order to explore the common law of college students' emergencies under the new media environment. Chapter 4th: analysis of the evolution of college students' emergencies under the new media environment. This paper divides the evolution process of college students' emergencies into five stages under the new media environment. Finally, three cases are used to analyze the classification and path of college students' emergency evolution under the new media environment. Chapter 5th: colleges and universities should respond to the new media environment. The strategy analysis of the evolution of college students' emergencies under the circumstances.


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