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发布时间:2018-01-11 05:06

  本文关键词:广州市部分高校学生健康素养现况及影响因素研究 出处:《暨南大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 健康素养 高校学生 现况 影响因素 健康相关生命质量

【摘要】:目的了解广州市部分高校学生健康素养现状,分析其影响因素,探讨健康素养对健康相关生命质量的影响,为相关部门开展有效的健康素养干预措施及效果评价提供科学依据。 方法采用高校学生健康素养问卷、EQ-5D量表对分层整群抽样抽取的广州市部分高校2109名在校学生调查。用t检验、ANOVA、χ2检验、非条件Logistic回归分析、分类树和相关分析处理数据。 结果 1.广州市部分高校学生中8.2%具备健康素。具备基本知识和理念、健康生活方式与行为和基本技能三方面素养依次为18.2%、13.7%、41.3%。具备科学健康观、安全与急救、传染病预防、基本医疗、慢性病预防五类素养依次为80.7%、50.1%、26.4%、16.5%、7.0%。 2.分类树显示:专业与学生具备健康素养、基本知识和理念素养最密切,健康选修课与具备健康行为和生活方式素养最密切,生源地与具备健康技能素养最密切。多因素Logistic回归分析显示:性别影响科学健康观、基本医疗素养。年级影响五类健康素养。专业和健康选修课对传染病预防、慢性病预防、安全与急救和基本医疗素养均有影响。生源地影响传染病预防素养。母亲教育程度影响科学健康观和传染病预防素养。 3.高校学生在行动、自我照顾、日常活动、痛苦/不适、焦虑/沮丧上有问题比例依次为4.2%、1.9%、1.9%、15.4%、27.9%。高校学生VAS为(85.38±10.34),EQ-5D指数为(0.911±0.132),它们在健康选修课、自评学习成绩、健康素养、基本知识和理念素养、生活方式与行为素养不同的高校学生间均有差别。多因素Logistic回归分析显示,高校学生发生焦虑/沮丧的影响因素有性别、生源地、自评学习成绩和健康素养。 4.VAS、EQ-5D指数与健康素养及三方面得分均呈现显著正相关性,健康素养内部三方面得分也存在显著正相关性。 结论 1.广州市部分高校在校学生健康素养水平较低,且三方面和五类素养水平不均衡。促进健康素养水平,要加强对薄弱部分—健康生活方式与行为素养、慢性病预防素养、基本医疗素养的促进。 2.学生健康素养受性别、专业、生源地等多种因素影响。促进他们的健康素养应根据不同人口学特征,使之更具有针对性。特别加强对非医药专业、低年级学生宣传教育。还应重点提高来自内地农村学生的传染病预防素养。 3.高校学生存在的健康问题主要是心理问题,应特别关注成绩较差学生及内地女生的心理健康。具备健康素养的学生,不易发生焦虑/沮丧。促进高校学生健康素养水平,能提高他们的健康相关生命质量。 4.应大力推进高校健康教育与健康促进工作,,积极探索提高在校学生健康素养的新方法,并定期开展高校学生健康素养监测。
[Abstract]:Objective To understand the present situation of health literacy of some university students in Guangzhou , analyze their influencing factors , discuss the influence of health literacy on health - related quality of life , and provide scientific basis for effective health literacy intervention and effect evaluation in the relevant departments . Methods 2109 students from some universities in Guangzhou were investigated by using the questionnaire of health literacy of college students and EQ - 5D . t - test , ANOVA , 蠂2 test , non - conditional logistic regression analysis , classification tree and related analysis data were used . Results 1 . 8 . 2 % of students in some universities in Guangzhou had good health . The three aspects of basic knowledge and concept , health lifestyle and behavior and basic skills were 18.2 % , 13.7 % and 41.3 % , respectively . There were scientific and health concepts , safety and first aid , infectious disease prevention , basic medical treatment and chronic disease prevention . The five types of literacy were 80.7 % , 50.1 % , 26 . 4 % , 16.5 % , 7.0 % . 2 . Classification tree shows that professional and students have the most close relationship between health literacy , basic knowledge and concept accomplishment , and health elective courses are the most closely related to the quality of health and life style . The multi - factor logistic regression analysis shows that gender affects the health concept of science and health , and basic medical accomplishment . Grade affects five kinds of health literacy . Major and health elective courses have an impact on infectious diseases prevention , chronic disease prevention , safety and first aid and basic medical literacy . 3 . The proportion of college students in action , self - care , daily activities , pain / discomfort , anxiety / frustration is 4.2 % , 1.9 % , 1.9 % , 15.4 % , 27 . 9 % . The VAS of college students is ( 85.38 卤 10.34 ) , and the EQ - 5D index is ( 0.911 卤 0.132 ) . 4 . There was significant positive correlation between VAS , EQ - 5D index and health literacy and three scores . Conclusion 1 . The level of health literacy of some colleges and universities in Guangzhou is low , and the level of three and five kinds of literacy is not balanced . To promote the level of health literacy , it is necessary to strengthen the promotion of weak part - healthy lifestyle and behavior accomplishment , chronic disease prevention accomplishment and basic medical literacy . 2 . Students ' health literacy is influenced by many factors , such as gender , professional and source . The promotion of their health literacy should be based on different demographic characteristics , making it more targeted . Especially , we should strengthen the propaganda and education of non - medical professional and low grade students . 3 . The health problems of college students are mainly psychological problems . Special attention should be paid to the mental health of students with poor grades and the mental health of female students in the mainland . Students with health literacy are not prone to anxiety / depression . Promote the level of health literacy of college students and improve their health - related quality of life . 4 . The health education and health promotion work should be vigorously promoted , and the new method of improving the students ' health literacy should be actively explored , and the health literacy monitoring of college students should be carried out on a regular basis .



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