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发布时间:2018-01-11 08:19

  本文关键词:我国高校主辅修培养制度研究 出处:《西北农林科技大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 主辅修制度 学分制 教学管理 复合型人才培养

【摘要】:随着经济发展全球化步伐的日益加快,不断增长的社会需求迫切要求高校提供大量复合型高素质人才,于是主辅修制度应运被引进至国内。与传统单一化的专业培养模式相比,主辅修制度有着其所无法比拟的巨大优势。然而,在该制度运行的数年中,仍然存在着从制度层面到具体教学管理、教学质量监控等各方面的问题。因此,在人才培养制度改革的过程中,如何完善主辅修制度的设计,创新教学管理模式,切实提高复合型人才的培养质量,已然成为急需解决的问题。本研究主要通过文献分析、政策研究以及访谈等方法,对国内外大量的相关研究文献进行详细梳理,以期对主辅修制度的国内外实施现状有一个较为详细、深刻的认知;随后,通过对我国数所高校的主辅修制管理办法进行剖析比对,辅以与部分辅修专业学生、老师的访谈,从而对当前国内既定主辅修制度的设置和辅修专业的实施现状有了一个整体性的把握。 在中外文献研究和政策分析与调研的基础上,本论文包括五个部分。第一部分是引言,从选题背景及目的意义出发,在文献综述的基础上介绍研究思路、研究方法及创新点;第二部分主要分析主辅修制度产生的背景、历史沿革以及前景展望等,对我国主辅修制度的形成与发展进行全面的论述;第三部分阐述了主辅修制度的实施现状,主要从培养目标、制度、过程、评价四个方面进行制度层面的解析,并对教学管理、学习状态与成效以及绩效评价与社会认可度等进行详细的分析说明;第四部分主要论述了当前高校在推行主辅修制度过程中遇到的问题及深层原因;最后一部分则是针对之前提出的问题,给予了改进对策和建议,包括制度的完善,,运行环境的优化,管理模式的创新以及教育质量监控体系的强化等。 本研究的创新点在于:从制度这一角度出发,对当前国内主辅修制度本身以及这一培养模式的运行现状进行全面而深刻的剖析研究;并有针对性的提出了制度完善的举措,优化其运行环境;同时,还对主辅修制教学管理及质量监控过程中出现的问题,提出新的解决思路和具有较强可操作性的建议。
[Abstract]:With the increasing pace of economic development and globalization, the growing social needs urgently require colleges and universities to provide a large number of complex high-quality talents. As a result, the main and auxiliary repair system should be introduced into China. Compared with the traditional single professional training model, the master and auxiliary repair system has a huge advantage compared with its incomparable. However, in the years of operation of this system. There are still problems from the system level to the specific teaching management, teaching quality monitoring and so on. Therefore, in the process of personnel training system reform, how to improve the design of the master and auxiliary repair system. Innovating teaching management mode and improving the training quality of compound talents have become the urgent problem. This research mainly through literature analysis, policy research and interviews and other methods. A large number of relevant research literature at home and abroad were reviewed in order to have a more detailed and profound understanding of the implementation of the main-auxiliary system at home and abroad; Then, through the analysis and comparison of the main and auxiliary management methods of several colleges and universities in China, supplemented by interviews with some minor major students, teachers. Therefore, we have a holistic understanding of the setup of the established main-auxiliary system and the implementation of the minor specialty in our country. On the basis of literature research and policy analysis and research, this paper includes five parts. The first part is the introduction, from the background and the purpose of the topic, on the basis of literature review to introduce the research ideas. Research methods and innovations; The second part mainly analyzes the background, historical evolution and prospect of the main and auxiliary repair system, and discusses the formation and development of the main and auxiliary repair system in China. The third part describes the implementation of the system of the main auxiliary status, mainly from the training objectives, systems, processes, evaluation of four aspects of the system analysis, and teaching management. Learning status and effectiveness as well as performance evaluation and social recognition are analyzed and explained in detail; Part 4th mainly discusses the problems and deep reasons in the process of carrying out the main and auxiliary maintenance system in colleges and universities. The last part is aimed at the problems raised before, and gives the countermeasures and suggestions for improvement, including the perfection of the system, the optimization of the operating environment, the innovation of the management mode and the strengthening of the educational quality monitoring system. The innovation of this study lies in: from the point of view of system, this paper makes a comprehensive and profound analysis and research on the current domestic main-auxiliary system and the operation status of this training mode; And has proposed the system consummation measure pertinently, optimized its running environment; At the same time, the problems in the process of teaching management and quality control of the main-auxiliary system are put forward, and some new ideas and operable suggestions are put forward.


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2 谭玲玲;;关于双学位本科教育模式的思考[J];中国现代教育装备;2009年03期

3 陈学敏;漆玲玲;刘焰;;双学位本科教育研究[J];中国高教研究;2007年02期




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