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发布时间:2018-01-11 08:23

  本文关键词:高校德育的审美传播策略研究 出处:《华中农业大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 传播策略 审美 德育 高校

【摘要】:党的十八大报告指出:“把立德树人作为教育的根本任务,培养德智体美全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人。”立德树人,即教育事业不仅要传授知识、培养能力,还要把社会主义核心价值体系融入国民教育体系之中,引导学生树立正确的世界观、人生观、价值观和荣辱观。面对经济全球化、政治多极化、文化多元化、社会信息化、发展多样化时代背景下的社会新矛盾、新变化和教育对象身心发展的新特点,单向强力压迫式道德教育的传播效果十分有限,高校德育工作可以借鉴美学的理论和方法来提高传播的效果。 本研究在传播学视阈下,将德育视为一种特定的信息传播活动,以高校德育为研究对象,借助文献法、问卷法、访谈法和案例法,了解大学生受传者对高校德育传播现状的评价,解析大学生受传者在审美传播过程中的体验和感受,分析影响高校德育传播效果的审美因素,厘清高校德育的审美传播策略内涵和原则,重点研究提升高校德育效果的审美传播策略。 高校德育的审美传播策略,其内涵是指在高校德育中,以情感化、互动化、形象化为原则,将美学原理运用于德育传播的全过程,按照美的法则对影响德育传播效果的主要因素进行优化,坚持寓教于情,变枯燥单向的灌输式道德说教为生动形象且具有美感的互动式信息传递与反馈,使受传者能够在伴随着审美愉悦的情境中,主动地接受德育涵化,从而提升德育传播效果。其核心是以“美的情感”融入“善的传播”的全过程,使德育传播效果“尽善尽美”。 调查数据显示,高校德育传播受传者普遍认同思想政治理论课、形势政策报告会等途径对自身成长的积极正向影响。同时,照本宣科、内容陈旧、方式老套、不能产生情感共鸣、过度重复等诸多原因直接导致了受传者接受德育信息时的心理阻抗。传播者、传播信息、传播媒介、受传者都是德育传播效果的重要影响因素,各因素的审美程度高低对该因素影响德育传播效果的促进和抑制都有明显的表现。针对这四个因素,本文提出了提升高校德育传播效果的审美传播策略:提升传播者审美修养;增强德育内容审美情趣;对德育传播媒介进行美的设计;对受传者进行普遍的审美教育。
[Abstract]:The report of the 18 National Congress of the CPC pointed out: "the fundamental task of education is to train the socialist constructors and successors who are developing morality, intelligence, body and beauty in an all-round way," that is, the education undertaking should not only impart knowledge. To cultivate the ability, we should integrate the socialist core value system into the national education system, guide students to establish a correct world outlook, outlook on life, values and outlook on honor and disgrace, and face the economic globalization, political multipolarization. Cultural diversity, social informatization, the new social contradictions, new changes and the new characteristics of the physical and mental development of the educational object under the background of the development of diversified times, the dissemination effect of unidirectional and oppressive moral education is very limited. Moral education in colleges and universities can learn from aesthetic theories and methods to improve the effect of communication. From the perspective of communication, this study regards moral education as a specific kind of information dissemination activity, taking moral education in colleges and universities as the research object, with the help of literature, questionnaire, interview and case law. To understand the evaluation of the current situation of moral education communication by college students, to analyze the experience and feeling of college students' transmissions in the process of aesthetic communication, and to analyze the aesthetic factors that affect the effect of moral education communication in colleges and universities. This paper clarifies the connotation and principle of aesthetic communication strategy of moral education in colleges and universities, and focuses on the aesthetic communication strategy to improve the effect of moral education in colleges and universities. The aesthetic communication strategy of moral education in colleges and universities means that the aesthetic principles are applied to the whole process of moral education dissemination in the process of moral education in colleges and universities, with the principles of emotion, interaction and visualization as the principle. According to the law of beauty, we optimize the main factors that affect the effect of moral education communication, insist on combining teaching with emotion, and turn the boring and one-way moral preaching into vivid and vivid interactive information transmission and feedback with aesthetic feeling. In order to improve the communication effect of moral education, the transferee can accept moral education acculturation actively in the context of aesthetic pleasure, the core of which is the integration of "beautiful emotion" into the whole process of "good communication". Make moral education spread effect "perfect and perfect". Survey data show that the spread of moral education in colleges and universities are generally accepted by the spread of ideological and political theory classes, situation and policy reports on the positive positive impact on their own growth. At the same time, according to the book, the content of the old, old-fashioned ways. The lack of emotional resonance, excessive repetition and many other reasons directly lead to the psychological impedance of the transmitters when they receive moral education information. The communicator, the dissemination of information, the media. The inheritors are the important factors that influence the effect of moral education communication, and the aesthetic degree of each factor has a significant effect on the promotion and suppression of the effect of moral education communication. In view of these four factors. This paper puts forward the aesthetic communication strategies to improve the communication effect of moral education in colleges and universities: to promote the communicator's aesthetic accomplishment; Enhance the aesthetic taste of moral education content; To carry on the beautiful design to the moral education communication medium; Carry on the general aesthetic education to the inheritors.


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