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发布时间:2018-01-11 09:19

  本文关键词:论雷锋精神的当代价值及其高校育人路径 出处:《华东师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 雷锋精神 当代价值 强化认知 熏陶体验 实践锤炼

【摘要】:自1963年毛泽东同志号召“向雷锋同志学习”以来,举国上下对雷锋精神的宣传与弘扬已有五十载。雷锋精神具有丰富的内涵,不仅在历史上发挥过重要的作用,也具有丰富的当代价值,它为大学生的健康成长提供了重要的思想指导。全文共分三个部分。 第一部分主要对雷锋精神进行解读。首先,对雷锋精神的概念进行了界定,总结出雷锋精神的四个特点,即“主体性”、“科学性”、“发展性”和“为民性”;其次,阐述了雷锋精神产生的原因,即雷锋自身的努力和外在的社会政治、经济和文化条件。再次,根据国家的相关文件,顺应时代主旋律,结合时代语境,阐释了雷锋精神五个方面的基本内容,即热爱党、热爱祖国、热爱社会主义的崇高理想和坚定信念;服务人民、助人为乐的奉献精神;干一行爱一行、专一行精一行的敬业精神;锐意进取、自强不息的创新精神;艰苦奋斗、勤俭节约的创业精神。 第二部分论述了雷锋精神的历史作用及其当代价值。首先,以事实为依据,着重阐述了雷锋精神的历史作用。即体现了社会主义道德的本质,促进了整个社会道德水准的提升;彰显了社会主义新型人格,映射出时代的精神标尺;净化了社会环境,引领了健康向上的社会风气。其次,从党和政府的大力倡导,社会主义和谐社会的构建,社会主义市场经济的健康发展,社会主义和谐价值体系的建设以及社会主义精神文明的建设等五个方面论述了当今时代强烈呼唤雷锋精神。最后,面对现实,结合实际问题,论述了雷锋精神的当代价值。即在理想、信念弱化的社会中,引导人们树立崇高理想和信念;在价值取向多元的社会中,引导人们做出正确的价值选择;在道德失范、精神滑坡的社会中,引导人们形成正确的道德追求和品德;在追求奢华、物化的社会中,引导人们保持艰苦奋斗、自强不息的高贵品质;在日益浮夸功利的社会中,引导人们树立追求进步、脚踏实地的实干作风;在诚信缺失的社会中,引导人们重建人与人之间的信任与友善;在个人价值凸显的社会中,引导人们追求人间大爱、社会和谐。 第三部分主要探究了培育高校大学生雷锋精神的路径。遵循人的品德形成发展规律,主要从强化认知、熏陶体验和实践锻炼等三个方面加强大学生对雷锋精神的理解、认同和积极践行,以期使雷锋精神成为高校大学生的自觉追求。强化认知主要通过深化理论研究、加大宣传力度、培养和发现身边典型、加强教育和辨析澄清等路径实现;熏陶体验主要通过校园文化熏陶、全面关心学生需求、为人师表人格感召、创设情境加强体验、倡导快乐公益等路径实现:实践锤炼主要通过鼓励大学生参加社会实践、搭建志愿者服务平台、加强大学生专业实习、鼓励大学生积极参与科研活动、支持大学生自主创业、丰富集体活动和团队活动以及随手公益、微博助人等路径实现。 对雷锋精神的解读为雷锋精神当代价值的研究提供了依据和参照,并以此作为培育当代大学生雷锋精神的理论指导。培育高校大学生雷锋精神的路径选择是本文的创新点也是本文的难点。遵循“育人为本、德育为先”的教育原则,笔者期待该研究能对高校德育及推动“学雷锋”活动作出一定的贡献。
[Abstract]:Since 1963, comrade Mao Zedong called on "learn from Comrade Lei Feng" since the whole nation of Lei Feng's spirit of publicity and promotion for fifty years. Lei Feng has a rich spiritual connotation, not only played an important role in the history, also it is of great contemporary value, it provides an important guiding ideology for the healthy growth of college students. Is divided into three parts.
The first part of the Lei Feng spirit. First of all, the concept of the spirit of Lei Feng is defined, summarizes four characteristics of Lei Feng's spirit, namely "subjectivity", "science" and "development" and "for the people"; secondly, expounds the causes of the spirit of Lei Feng, Lei Feng the efforts of their own and external social and political, economic and cultural conditions. Thirdly, according to the relevant documents of the state, with the main theme of the times, combined with the context of the times, the basic contents of five aspects: the spirit of Lei Feng, namely, love the party, love the motherland, love the lofty ideal and firm belief of socialism; serve the people, helping others the spirit of dedication; dry line love line, specifically the line fine line dedication; enterprising, unremitting self-improvement spirit of innovation; hard work, thrift and entrepreneurial spirit.
The second part discusses the historical role of the spirit of Lei Feng and its contemporary value. Firstly, based on the facts, this paper discusses the historical role of the spirit of Lei Feng. That embodies the essence of socialist morality, promoting the whole society raise the moral standards; highlight the socialist new personality, reflected the spiritual scale era; purify the social environment. Lead a healthy and progressive society. Secondly, from the party and the government advocates, the construction of socialist harmonious society, the healthy development of the socialist market economy, the five aspects of construction of socialist core value system and the socialist spiritual civilization construction, discusses the current era strongly calls for the spirit of Lei Feng. Finally, face the reality, combined with the actual the problem, discusses the contemporary value of Lei Feng spirit. In the ideal, belief weakening society, guide the people to set up the lofty ideal and faith Read; in the value orientation of society, and guide people to make the right choice of value; the moral anomie, the spirit of the landslide in the society, and guide people to form the correct moral and moral pursuit; in pursuit of luxury, materialized society, and guide people to work hard to maintain, since the strong interest in the increasingly high quality; a utilitarian society, guide the people to set up the pursuit of progress, down-to-earth style of work; the lack of good faith in the society, guide people between people rebuild trust and friendly; highlights in the personal value in society, guide people to the pursuit of human love, social harmony.
The third part mainly explores the ways to foster the spirit of Lei Feng. The formation of college students follow the development rules of the character, mainly from three aspects: the influence of cognitive enhancement, experience and practice exercises to strengthen college students' understanding of the spirit of Lei Feng, identity and actively practice the spirit of Lei Feng, in order to become college students cognitive enhancement mainly through conscious pursuit. To deepen the theoretical research, propaganda, training and found around a typical strengthening education and analysis of the clarification path; influence of experience mainly through campus culture, comprehensive care for students' needs, teachers personality inspiration, strengthen situational experience, promote public happiness way of practice: mainly through to encourage students to participate in social practice, set up volunteer service platform, to strengthen college students' professional practice, encourage the students to actively participate in scientific research activities, support for College Students Independent entrepreneurship, rich collective activities and team activities as well as the public welfare, micro-blog help people and other paths to achieve.
Provides the basis and reference of interpretation of the spirit of Lei Feng is the spirit of Lei Feng's contemporary value and as a theoretical guide to cultivate contemporary college students the spirit of Lei Feng. The path of college students choose to foster the spirit of Lei Feng is the innovation of this paper is the difficulty of this paper. Follow the "people-oriented education, educational principles of moral education for the first", the author is looking forward to the research on moral education in Colleges and universities and promote the "Lei Feng" to make a contribution.



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