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发布时间:2018-01-11 23:20

  本文关键词:浙江财经学院东方学院专职教师绩效评价体系研究 出处:《兰州理工大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 独立学院 专职教师 指标体系 绩效评价

【摘要】:独立学院在我国高等教育发展中扮演着重要角色,已经成为我国高等教育大众化进程中不可或缺的重要组成部分。眼下,在日益激烈的市场竞争中,高校之间的竞争已逐渐演变成为师资和人才培养的竞争。教师是高等教育事业的中流砥柱,是高校生命的支柱,师资队伍是高校正常教学的核心保障,关系到学校培养人才的质量,在高校发展和社会经济、文化、政治发展中具有举足轻重的地位,从这个意义上来讲,独立学院的发展能力与水平取决于学校师资队伍的建设,而独立学院的师资队伍主体力量是本身的专职教师。因此,如何正确评价专职教师,激励专职教师,做好师资队伍建设,关系到学校的发展。 本文在借鉴国内外绩效管理和高校教师绩效评价的研究成果和相关理论的基础上,对浙江财经学院东方学院进行实际调查,分析该校在专职教师绩效考核过程中存在的主要问题及原因。在此基础上,将关键指标法和德尔菲法相结合确定评价指标、运用层次分析法确定该校专职教师绩效评价指标权重,并运用360度绩效评估法对评价对象进行打分,通过定量与定性的有机结合,使得绩效评价结果相对客观、公平、公正,具有较高的准确性与可操作性。 本文设计了一套与浙江财经学院东方学院实际相符、与战略发展目标及定位相匹配的、具有较强操作性的专职教师绩效评价体系,为进一步提高该校在行业中的竞争地位打下了基础。研究还丰富了我国民办高等院校教师绩效管理研究的内容,对我国独立学院及其他民办院校建立专职教师绩效评价体系具有借鉴作用。
[Abstract]:Independent colleges play an important role in the development of higher education in China and have become an indispensable part in the process of popularization of higher education in China. At present, in the increasingly fierce market competition. The competition between colleges and universities has gradually evolved into the competition between teachers and talent training. Teachers are the mainstay of higher education and the backbone of college life. Teachers are the core guarantee of normal teaching in colleges and universities. Related to the quality of talent training in schools, in the development of universities and social economy, culture, political development has a pivotal position, in this sense. The development ability and level of independent college depends on the construction of school teachers, and the main body of independent college teachers is its own full-time teachers. Therefore, how to correctly evaluate full-time teachers, encourage full-time teachers. The construction of teaching staff is related to the development of the school. Based on the research results and relevant theories of performance management and teacher performance evaluation at home and abroad, this paper makes an actual investigation on the Oriental Institute of Finance and Economics of Zhejiang Province. Based on the analysis of the main problems and reasons in the process of full-time teachers' performance appraisal, the key index method and Delphi method are combined to determine the evaluation index. Using AHP to determine the weight of full-time teachers' performance evaluation index, and using 360 degree performance evaluation method to evaluate the evaluation object, through the quantitative and qualitative organic combination. The result of performance evaluation is relatively objective, fair and just, and has high accuracy and maneuverability. This paper designs a set of full-time teacher performance evaluation system, which is in line with the actual situation of Zhejiang Institute of Finance and Economics, matches the strategic development goal and positioning, and has a strong operability. In order to further improve the competitive position of the school in the industry lay a foundation. The research also enriched the content of the performance management of teachers in private colleges and universities in China. It can be used as a reference for independent colleges and other private colleges to establish full-time teacher performance evaluation system.


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