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发布时间:2018-01-12 06:01

  本文关键词:陕西地区民办高校法人治理结构研究 出处:《西北农林科技大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 民办高校 法人治理结构 利益相关者 高校法人财产权

[Abstract]:Since 2002 China "Private Education Promotion Law" promulgated, the rapid development of China's private higher education, has become an important force in the development of higher education, higher education China bear an important responsibility. China with higher education into the popularization period, private education ushered in a hitherto unknown opportunities, but also facing enormous the challenge. The corporate governance structure is not scientific, the shortage of teachers, weak anti risk ability of reason has seriously affected the healthy development of private universities, private colleges and universities of higher education has been unable to meet the requirements at this stage. In order to realize the healthy development of the private universities, and create a world class private universities, corporate governance structure is the first to solve the problem research, explore and improve the corporate governance structure of private colleges in China is conducive to straighten out the private universities and government, teachers, stakeholders The relationship between; to provide a strong legal basis for the healthy development of the private universities in law. At present, private university property and corporate property rights is not clear is the main obstacle of our corporate governance structure of private universities. The perfect society is mainly invest in schools for private colleges, the investment benefit is an important reason for the property the right of legal person in private colleges is difficult to implement. And the design of the legal system is not comprehensive, private colleges is mainly the quality of investors is not high, the decision-making mechanism of private colleges is not perfect, the lack of the role of factors and other stakeholders to further increase the building and improving the corporate governance structure of private universities difficulty. Therefore, based on clear property rights and private colleges legal property rights, through institutional innovation, establish and perfect the incentive mechanism for teachers to participate in governance, explore and government participate in the governance of Private Universities Way, reasonable and perfect corporate governance structure of the private universities in China to establish all stakeholders involved in governance has become the inevitable trend of the development of private universities. The private colleges in Shaanxi Province as the research object, the corporate governance structure of private colleges as the focus, starting from the legal system, based on the relevant theory of corporate governance structure. Based on a full analysis of the governance structure of private universities in China and the legal problems, combined with the analysis of examples of corporate governance structure of private colleges in Shaanxi Province, put forward the scientific and reasonable construction of corporate governance structure of private colleges in Shaanxi province. In order to establish and perfect the corporate governance structure of private colleges in Shaanxi Province, the private college of health, harmony the development of private colleges and universities, improve the teaching quality and teaching efficiency.



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