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发布时间:2018-01-12 15:12

  本文关键词:儒商精神与大学生创业研究 出处:《广西民族大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 儒商 儒商精神 大学生创业 价值

【摘要】:回望中国改革开放30多年历程,有人如是评论:“中国的物质财富在刚性崛起,但中国人的精神脊梁却在急剧塌陷。”不可否认,一些企业家在经济利益趋使下违背社会伦理道德,为追求自身经济利益最大化不惜制假贩假、以次充好的行为严重侵害广大人民群众切身利益,当前经济运行中出现层出不穷的食品安全事件一次次挑战着国人的道德底限。在中共十八大提出“实现中华民族伟大复兴,必须推动社会主义文化大发展大繁荣,兴起社会主义文化建设新高潮,提高国家文化软实力,发挥文化引领风尚、教育人民、服务社会、推动发展的作用”和鼓励当代大学生创业的时代背景下,本文通过对儒商以及儒商精神的研究,发掘儒商精神的优秀品质,,试图运用儒商精神的优秀品质引导大学生在创业初期树立正确的创业观,指导大学生在创业过程中遇到道德考量时如何作出符合社会主流价值观的正确抉择。本研究的意义在于一方面可传承我国的传统优秀文化品质,另一方面力求培养具备儒商精神的大学生创业者。 本文分为5章,第一章绪论,主要是研究的背景及意义,国内外相关研究现状,研究的主要问题和方法以及创新之处。第二章主要是对儒商以及儒商精神的分析研究,剖析儒商精神的精髓,力求展现儒商精神的优秀品质。第三章探讨儒商精神的现代价值以及对待儒商精神的科学态度。第四章是以广西高校的大学生科技创新创业基地为对象,调查当前大学生创业情况,探析大学生创业过程中存在的商业伦理问题以及儒商精神对大学生创业价值,落脚点是对大学生创业的实践指导和借鉴意义。第五章探讨如何培育具备儒商精神大学生创业者的路径,为大学生创业者提供实现“中国梦”的内在精神动力。
[Abstract]:Chinese looking back 30 years of reform and opening up process, people's comments: "China material wealth in the rigid rise, but Chinese spiritual backbone has dramatically collapsed. Admittedly, some entrepreneurs in the economic interests tend to violate social ethics, for the pursuit of their own maximum economic benefits at making and selling fake and shoddy the acts of serious violations of the vital interests of the masses, food safety incidents emerge in an endless stream again appeared in the current economic operation challenging the people's moral bottom line. At the eighteen National Congress of the CPC put forward the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, we must promote the development and prosperity of socialist culture, a new upsurge in socialist cultural development, improve the national cultural soft power culture play a leading fashion, to educate the people, serve the society, promote the development of the role and encourage the era background of contemporary college students' Entrepreneurship under the This paper through the study of Confucianism and Confucian spirit, explore the Confucian spirit of excellent quality, excellent quality of the Confucian spirit of trying to guide students to establish a correct concept of entrepreneurship in the early days, how to make a correct choice with social mainstream values to guide college students' moral considerations in the entrepreneurial process. The significance of this study is on the one hand can inherit Chinese excellent traditional culture quality, on the other hand, in order to cultivate with the Confucian spirit of the student entrepreneurs.
This paper is divided into 5 chapters, the first chapter is the introduction, mainly is the research background and significance, research status at home and abroad, the main problems and research methods and innovations. The second chapter is the analysis of Confucianism and Confucian spirit, analyzes the essence of Confucian spirit, excellent quality to show the modern value of Confucian spirit. The third chapter discusses the Confucian spirit and scientific attitude towards Confucian spirit. The fourth chapter is to college students in Guangxi science and technology innovation base as the object of investigation, the current college students entrepreneurship, the value of business ethics problems of College Students' entrepreneurial process and the Confucian spirit of College Students, the foothold is to college students entrepreneurship practice guidance and reference the fifth chapter discusses how to cultivate. With the path of Confucian spirit of student entrepreneurs, for entrepreneurs to provide college students realize the "China dream" Inner spiritual power.



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2 张鹏;李少玉;;儒商与儒家精神——以徽商为例[J];浙江工贸职业技术学院学报;2011年01期

3 周生春;杨缨;;历史上的儒商与儒商精神[J];中国经济史研究;2010年04期




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