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发布时间:2018-01-13 04:37

  本文关键词:美国私立大学筹资渠道及启示 出处:《湖南师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 美国 私立大学 筹资渠道

【摘要】:目前,我国的教育事业正在蓬勃兴起,它为我国的经济发展,文化繁荣及社会进步作出了杰出贡献。不过,我国的民办教育在发展的同时,筹资难题接踵而至。经费缺乏已成为我国民办教育发展的拦路虎。美国私立大学多元化筹资渠道为我国民办高校筹资提供了参考与借鉴。文章尝试对美国私立大学筹资渠道的分析,探究形成该筹资渠道的因素,借鉴先进的筹资经验,发展我国的民办教育。 本文分成四个部分: 第一部分,简介美国私立大学的地位和特点。在美国,私立大学多于公立大学且名校云集。名牌私立大学地位崇高、享誉世界。美国的私立大学具有多层次、自治自主、需求导向、竞争开放的特点。美国私立大学推崇自主办学,特色办学,实行精英教育。 第二部分,着重分析美国私立大学的多元化筹资渠道。重点介绍学费、捐赠、政府资助以及学校创收这四种筹资渠道。捐赠文化在美国存在已久,捐资助学在美国民间已成为一种社会风气,民众积极踊跃,慷慨解囊。在美国捐赠包括校友捐赠,商业捐赠,基金会捐赠等形式。校友捐赠,主要是毕业生出于对母校的回报及对其办学理念的支持。校友捐赠是私立大学捐赠收入的重要来源。校友之所以对母校一往情深,乐于奉献,除了大学本身的卓越和社会影响之外,还与大学始终注重加强与校友的感情联络、增强母校凝聚力有关。一般来说,名牌私立大学校友捐赠的热情会更高涨。校友会对校友意义重大,大力的推动了校友捐赠的进行。 第三部分,探究美幽私立大学筹资渠道形成的原因。美国私立大学多元化筹资渠国的形成不是一蹴而就的,它是美国私立大学在长期的发展进程中形成的。在这漫长的征途中,除了经济、政治、文化这些外部因素围绕着它,促进它成型之外,私立大学自身的因素也非常重要。美国私立大学先进的办学理念、灵活的教学管理、雄厚的师资力量等自身因素是多元化筹资渠道形成的基础。 最后,结合我国民办教育发展状况,借鉴美国私立大学筹资经验,提出启发性意见。
[Abstract]:At present, the education cause of our country is booming, it has made outstanding contribution to the economic development, cultural prosperity and social progress of our country. However, the private education of our country is developing at the same time. The lack of funds has become an obstacle to the development of private education in our country. The diversified financing channels of private universities in the United States have provided a reference and reference for the financing of private colleges and universities in China. This article attempts to provide a reference for private universities in the United States. The analysis of financing channels. Explore the factors forming the financing channel, learn from the advanced financing experience, and develop private education in our country. This paper is divided into four parts: The first part is a brief introduction to the status and characteristics of American private universities. In the United States, private universities are more than public universities and are crowded with famous universities. Famous private universities have a high status and enjoy worldwide reputation. Private universities in the United States have multiple levels. The characteristics of autonomy, demand-oriented and open competition. Private universities in the United States promote independent running, characteristic running and elite education. The second part focuses on the analysis of the diversified funding channels of private universities in the United States, focusing on tuition, donations, government funding and school income generation. Donation culture has existed in the United States for a long time. Giving money to students has become a social atmosphere in the United States. The people are enthusiastic and generous. Donations in the United States include alumni donations, business donations, foundation donations, and other forms of alumni donation. Alumni are mainly out of the alma mater's return and support for its idea of running school. Alumni donation is an important source of private university donation income. Alumni love their alma mater and are willing to contribute. In addition to the university's own excellence and social influence, it is also related to the University's constant emphasis on strengthening emotional ties with alumni and enhancing the cohesion of their alma mater. Alumni donations from prestigious private universities will be even more enthusiastic. Alumni associations are of great significance to alumni and give impetus to alumni donations. The third part explores the reasons for the formation of private university funding channels. The formation of diversified private universities in the United States funding canal country is not overnight. It is formed in the long-term development of private universities in the United States. In this long journey, in addition to the economic, political, cultural and other external factors around it, to promote its formation. It is also very important for private universities to have their own factors, such as the advanced idea of running a school, flexible teaching management, strong teachers and so on, which are the basis for the formation of diversified financing channels. Finally, combined with the development of private education in our country, and drawing lessons from the experience of private universities in the United States, some enlightening suggestions are put forward.


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1 方光伟;;民国私立大学的兴衰[A];纪念《教育史研究》创刊二十周年论文集(8)——中国民办教育史研究[C];2009年

2 王彦才;;近代中国政府对私立大学的资助及特点[A];纪念《教育史研究》创刊二十周年论文集(3)——中国教育制度史研究[C];2009年

3 傅R堇,




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