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发布时间:2018-01-13 05:06

  本文关键词:美国大学生就业保障体系研究 出处:《武汉理工大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 美国 大学生就业 保障体系 职业中介机构

【摘要】:大学生就业问题是当今社会重点热议的话题,这一问题的分析和解决会对社会整体的经济、教育、就业市场、劳动力结构以及个人的生存发展产生重大影响。我国的高等教育已进入了大众化阶段,由于诸多因素的影响,致使众多大学毕业生不得不面对着与日俱增的就业压力,科学的解决大学生就业难问题已经成为教育界乃至整个世界范围内的头等大事。 众所周知,美国高等教育取得了举世瞩目的成就,并成为了世界各国高等教育争相效仿的楷模。美国现今已进入了高等教育普及化阶段,同时也面临着不同程度的大学生就业难问题。因此本文依照美国大学生就业保障体系的历史沿革,总结以往大学生就业保障体系建设的经验方法,并运用科学的研究手段,将当前与美国大学生就业保障体系相关联的研究成果及参与主体概况予以整理,通过分析就业保障体系内多个影响因素,即法律法规、高校、各级政府、社会用人单位、社会中介组织、劳动力就业市场等,挖掘出美国大学生就业保障体系内部各组成因素的关系、影响以及对整体的就业保障体系建设的积极作用,进而精确的分析出美国大学生就业机构设置、管理结构、就业指导、创业教育等就业保障体系的内容。力求深层次解析美国在解决大学生就业难问题时所采取的措施和取得的成效,而后针对高校就业指导工作中出现的问题提出完整成熟的可行性解决方案。最后对美国大学生就业保障体系的整体架构和实践特点予以阐述,并借鉴其理论和实践经验,提出我国大学生就业保障体系建设的相关思路。
[Abstract]:The employment of college students is a hot topic in the society nowadays. The analysis and solution of this problem will affect the economy, education and employment market of the society as a whole. The structure of labor force and the survival and development of individuals have a significant impact. Higher education in China has entered the stage of popularization, due to many factors. As a result, many university graduates have to face increasing employment pressure, scientific solution to the problem of employment of college students has become a top priority in education and even the whole world. As we all know, American higher education has made remarkable achievements, and has become a model for all countries in the world to emulate. The United States has now entered the stage of popularization of higher education. At the same time, it is also faced with different degrees of employment difficulties of college students. Therefore, according to the historical evolution of the employment security system of American college students, this paper summarizes the experience and methods of the construction of employment security system for college students in the past. And using scientific research means, the current research results related to the employment security system of American college students and the general situation of the participants will be sorted out, through the analysis of a number of factors in the employment security system, that is, laws and regulations. Colleges and universities, governments at all levels, social employing units, social intermediary organizations, the labor market, and so on, excavate the relationship between the internal elements of the employment security system for American college students. Influence and the overall employment security system construction of the positive role, and then accurate analysis of the employment of American college students set up, management structure, employment guidance. The contents of employment security system, such as entrepreneurship education, try to deeply analyze the measures and achievements that the United States has taken to solve the employment problems of college students. And then put forward a complete and mature feasible solution to the problems in the employment guidance work of colleges and universities. Finally, the overall structure and practical characteristics of the employment security system for American college students are expounded. And draw lessons from its theory and practice experience, put forward our country university student employment security system construction related train of thought.


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