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发布时间:2018-01-13 06:09

  本文关键词:新形势下优化边疆民族地区思想政治教育环境的思考 出处:《内蒙古师范大学学报(教育科学版)》2013年12期  论文类型:期刊论文

  更多相关文章: 民族地区 思想政治教育环境 优化路径

[Abstract]:The environment of ideological and political education is an important factor affecting the level and actual effect of ideological and political education. The present situation of the macro environment of ideological and political education in the frontier ethnic areas can be seen from the following aspects. From the material economic environment, the material conditions and economic development is relatively backward, from the political and legal environment, the political legal system needs to be further improved, from the perspective of the social, historical and cultural environment. The historical and cultural influence of national characteristics is quite complex. The reason is that the relative backward natural conditions and insufficient development restrict the economic and social development of the borderland ethnic areas. It affects the effective construction of the environment of ideological and political education in the frontier ethnic areas; The transmission of poverty from generation to generation and the inheritance of ideas with national characteristics have affected the rapid spread of advanced ideology and culture in the frontier ethnic areas. The lack of policy supervision and institutional innovation lags behind, which affects the process of political construction and rule of law construction in frontier ethnic areas. The specific path to optimize the ideological and political education environment in frontier ethnic areas is to promote scientific development. Improve the political and legal system, strengthen public opinion guidance and social management innovation.
【作者单位】: 北京科技大学马克思主义学院;
【正文快照】: 思想政治教育环境是影响人的思想、政治品德的形成、发展和思想政治教育活动开展的一切外部因素,是思想政治教育所面对的环绕在受教育对象周围并对其产生影响的客观现实。相对于人的主观世界和思想政治教育系统而言,它是思想政治教育所面对的外部客观存在,按照作用范围、规律


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