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发布时间:2018-01-13 11:51

  本文关键词:牛津大学文化软实力研究 出处:《郑州大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 文化软实力 大学发展 牛津大学

【摘要】:随着高等教育改革的不断深入,我国大学逐步实现了从规模发展向质量发展转变,但也带来很多问题,譬如过分迎合市场需要,盲目追求市场化和产业化,导致办学质量降低,有些大学甚至受到教育部门的警告。究其原因,其中一个重要方面就是忽略了文化软实力建设。因此,加强大学文化软实力成为大学发展的重要任务。由于自身经验不足,我国大学有必要学习国外一流大学文化软实力建设的先进经验。牛津大学作为世界顶尖的学府之一,在大学文化软实力建设方面有不可替代的发言权,其经验值得我们借鉴。 首先,论文分析了大学文化软实力的内涵、特征和对大学发展的作用。其次,阐述了牛津大学文化软实力建设的现状,主要从牛津大学的共性文化(自由的氛围和统一的价值追求相融合)、共守制度(健全有效的制度)、和共同理念(坚守大学理念与顺应时代发展)三个方面进行分析。再次,对牛津大学文化软实力建设对其发展的影响进行分析,主要分为两个方面:一是内在影响,主要是对牛津大学内涵式发展和师生全面发展的影响。二是外在影响对牛津大学发展的作用,主要是为牛津大学发展营造和赢得的良好的国内外环境。最后,由上述分析总结出牛津大学文化软实力建设具有持续性、富有创新性、追求时效性的特点,我国大学文化软实力的建设因缺乏这些特性而存在一些阻碍,包括:重形式轻内涵的倾向;软硬件社会实践不协调发展;办学模式同质化。因此,我国大学在大学文化软实力建设过程中要优化建设环境,推动文化的传承创新,大力发展文化产业,积极开展合作与交流。 论文采用文献法和历史分析法,从宏观到微观对牛津大学文化软实力建设进行了研究。论文的创新点主要是对牛津大学的共性文化、共同理念、共守制度进行了梳理,探讨牛津大学文化软实力建设对其发展的内在影响和外在影响对其发展的作用,总结牛津大学文化软实力建设的经验。但仅从牛津大学文化软实力建设对其发展的影响的某几个方面进行了分析,并不全面,且牛津大学文化软实力的建设必然存在着一定的问题,因此要客观的看待,所得出的结论亦不能一篇盖全。
[Abstract]:With the deepening reform of higher education, universities in China gradually realized from scale development to the quality of development, but also brings many problems, such as too much to meet the needs of the market, the blind pursuit of market and industry, resulting in the reduction of education quality, some universities even received warnings from the education departments. The reason, one of the most important is the ignorance of the cultural soft power construction. Therefore, strengthening the university cultural soft power has become an important task for university development. Because of their own lack of experience, our university learn from the advanced experiences of foreign first-class university cultural soft power construction of the University of Oxford. As one of the world's top universities, has the irreplaceable right in university construction the soft power of culture, its experience is worth learning.
First of all, the thesis analyzes the connotation of cultural soft power, and the characteristics of university development. Secondly, this paper expounds the present situation of the construction of University of Oxford's cultural soft power, mainly from the common culture of the University of Oxford (the atmosphere of freedom and unity of the pursuit of value integration), guard system (sound system), and the common idea (stick to the idea of University and development) three aspects were analyzed. Thirdly, analysis of the impact on the development of the construction of University of Oxford's cultural soft power, mainly divided into two aspects: one is the intrinsic influence, mainly in the comprehensive development of University of Oxford teachers and students the connotation of development and influence. Two is the effect of the external influence on University of Oxford the development is mainly to create for the development of University of Oxford and earned a good environment at home and abroad. Finally, from the above analysis, summed up the University of Oxford cultural soft power construction is persistent, rich Innovation, the pursuit of characteristics of timeliness, the construction of Chinese university cultural soft power due to the lack of these characteristics and there are some obstacles, including: the tendency of heavy form of light the connotation of the coordinated development of hardware and software; social practice; homogeneous running mode. Therefore, our country university to optimizing the construction environment in the construction of cultural soft power in the University, promote the cultural inheritance and innovation, vigorously develop the cultural industry, and actively carry out cooperation and exchanges.
This paper adopts the method of literature and historical analysis, from macro to micro conducted the research on the construction of University of Oxford's cultural soft power. The innovation of this paper is the common culture, of the University of Oxford common idea, carried out together to explore the University of Oxford system, cultural soft power construction of internal influence its development and the external influence on its development the role of summarizing the construction of University of Oxford's cultural soft power experience. But only from the construction of University of Oxford cultural soft power a few aspects to the impact of their development are analyzed, and the construction of University of Oxford is not comprehensive, cultural soft power, there must be a problem, so objectively, the conclusion is not a to cover the whole.



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