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发布时间:2018-01-13 12:07

  本文关键词:论和谐社会下的高校师生关系再造 出处:《江西财经大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 儒家文化 和谐社会 道德价值体系 师生关系

【摘要】:自中国共产党提出构建和谐社会以来,在道德价值体系中,高校师生关系应该具有什么样的行为准则一直是政治思想教育领域中一个比较热门的话题。有的人主张恢复儒家文化的师道尊严传统,让学生保持对老师的敬畏之心,让老师保持对教学工作的神圣感;有的人主张引入西方的赏识教育法,老师把大学生当作未成年人一样处处小心呵护,防止出现突发事件;还有的人主张高等教育产业化,把学生看成购买教育服务的顾客,老师则是教育服务的提供者,师生关系是公平交易的主体关系,是追求管理效率的经营者与享受上帝式的顾客的关系。 本文通过对当前的道德价值体系的分析研究,提出中国高校师生的关系应该是平等、民主与合作关系。在这样的思路上,本文分析了五大问题,一是我们要建立的和谐社会能不能成功。二是和谐社会的道德价值体系应包括哪些内容,三是当前高校师生关系存在的问题及其道德根源,四是新型高校师生关系应包括哪些内容,五是新型高校师生关系准则是否与国际主流价值体系相容,新型高校师生关系准则如何拓展到社会人际关系当中。具体研究结论如下: 第一,目前影响构建和谐社会的因素都不是当前社会形态不可克服的因素。通过思想政治理论的分析方法,可以得出比较肯定的结论,即社会发展中的问题都会随着各阶级之间的斗争变化发展逐步得到缓解与演化,而这是不会以少数人单方面的意志而转变的客观规律。 第二,中国文化的弊端主要是儒家文化中的封建文化的影响。儒家文化的封建思想妨碍了中国师生交流顺畅,引诱中国官员之间拉帮结派,导致中国官民关系定位不平等,造成中国公民关系冷漠,触发中国家庭关系紧张,阻碍中国外交关系进一步发展。国际主流的道德价值体系就是基督教文化,它支配了国际间的道德关系、文化关系、社会关系、经济关系与政治关系。 第三,中国要构建的和谐社会道德价值体系基本内容应包括:儒家文化的优秀遗产、共产主义道德体系的集体主义与为人民服务、西方文化中的平等与民主。应具有:历史性、民族性、包容性、发展性与创新性等五大特征。我国的高校师生关系的核心内容应该是平等、民主与合作的新型高校师生关系。 第四,当前高校师生关系中存在的问题有:部分师生只存在课堂关系,师生关系越发冷漠,师生存在市场交易行为,师生互相轻视与敌视,师生缺乏专业学术讨论。这些问题的道德根源是:社会主义制度打击了儒家文化的封建思想,传统儒家文化还受到西方价值观冲击,当前还没有建成符合时代要求的新型道德价值体系。 第五,基于和谐社会道德价值体系之下的新型高校师生关系不但有利于促进和谐校园的形成,也有利于中国社会人际关系的再造。因为新型高校师生之间的平等、民主与合作的关系也可以拓展到朋友之间。 基于时间约束及掌握资料的有限性,本文的研究侧重于理论分析,,对社会实践的调研不足,对相关数据资料的搜集与分析不足,对有关中外师生关系的比较研究也不充分,因此,今后进一步的研究方向是对当前研究不足部分展开深入调研分析。
[Abstract]:Since the Chinese Communist Party proposed to build a harmonious society, the moral value system, the relationship between university teachers and students should have what kind of conduct has been a hot topic in the field of Ideological and political education. Some people advocate to restore the traditional Confucian culture and the teacher's dignity to keep the students, the awe of the teacher, let the teacher keep on teaching the sacred sense of appreciation education; some people advocate the introduction of western teachers, college students as minors to careful care, to prevent emergencies; there are people who advocate the industrialization of higher education, the students as customers purchase educational services, the teacher is the provider of educational services, the relationship between teachers and students is the main relationship even bargain that is the pursuit of management efficiency ofoperators and enjoy the relationship between God type of customer.
Based on the study and analysis of the current moral value system, discusses the relationship between Chinese university teachers and students should be equal, democratic and cooperative relations. In this way, this paper analyzes the five major problems, one is to build a harmonious society we can succeed. The two is the moral value system of Harmonious Society which should include the content is three, the problems in the current teacher-student relations and moral roots, four is a new type of teacher-student relationship should include what content, five is a new type of teacher-student relationship criterion is compatible with the international mainstream value system, how to model high school teacher-student relationship criterion expands to the social relationships. The study results are as follows:
First, the factors affecting the construction of a harmonious society is the social form of insurmountable factors. Through the analysis of the methods of Ideological and political theory, definite conclusions can be drawn, namely the problem in the social development will change with the struggle between various classes of development gradually eased and evolution, but this is not the objective law a few people unilaterally will not change.
Second, culture is mainly affected China defects in the Confucian culture of feudal culture. Confucian culture hinders the communication between teachers and students Chinese smoothly, Chinese between officials led to lure cliques, positioning China relationship between the government and the people are not equal, resulting in Chinese citizen relationship indifference, triggering tension Chinese family relations, hindered the further development Chinese moral diplomatic relations. The value system of international mainstream Christian culture, it dominates the moral relationship, international cultural relations, social relations, economic relations and political relations.
Third, the basic content of the harmonious society to construct the moral value system Chinese should include: excellent heritage of Confucian culture, Communist moral system of collectivism and serving the people, equality and democracy in western culture. Should have: history, nationality, inclusiveness, development and innovation of the five core features. The content of our university teacher-student relationship should be equal, democratic and cooperative teacher-student relationship.
Fourth, the relationship between university teachers and students in the problem: there is only the relationship of teacher-student relationship between teachers and students classroom, teachers and students are more indifferent, market transactions, mutual contempt and hostility between teachers and students, teachers and students lack of professional academic discussion. The moral cause of these problems is that the socialist system against the feudal ideology of Confucian culture, Confucian culture also by the impact of Western values, there is no established new moral value system in line with the requirements of the times.
Fifth, based on the new relationship between university teachers and students under the harmonious society moral value system is not only conducive to promote the harmonious campus, but also conducive to the reconstruction of interpersonal relationship China society. Because the teacher-student relationship between democracy and equality, cooperation can also be expanded to friends.
Finite time constraints and the data based on the research of this paper focuses on the theoretical analysis and Research on the social practice is insufficient, lack of collection and analysis of relevant data, the comparative study on Sino foreign relationship between teachers and students is not sufficient, therefore, further research is the research on the current lack of in-depth research analysis.



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