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发布时间:2018-01-13 18:04

  本文关键词:高校学生法律信仰的缺失与培育 出处:《东北农业大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 法律信仰 高校学生 缺失 培育

【摘要】:我国目前正处于社会主义依法治国的建设初级阶段,法律体系的整体模块已经取得了初步的进步和确定,但法律的运用在日常生活中并不令人满意,“有法不依、违法不究、执法不严”的现象还是时有发生,究其根本原因主要是人们法律意识还不够深入。有关法律的知识,法律常识,法律著作虽然有一些,但由于时代、客观条件等的限制,对这些概念在中国高校生中的缺失的原因和培育突破点的探讨尚未全面。因此,我们提出有关法律信仰在高校中的培育。目前我国部分高校生存在法律信仰的缺失问题,而缺失的根源也是多方面的,既有历史根源也有社会传统的根源,,同时也有现实和体制的因素影响。法律信仰是主体善于从法治的角度观察、分析、解决问题的一种高级的法律信仰的意识和行为方式。高校生法律信仰的状况关系到国家法治建设的大局。 本文从社会环境、历史遗留、家庭影响、学校教育以及当代高校生自身的法律意识特点等方面研究和分析,探究形成现状的原因和必然性,从各个不同的方面、不同的角度、不同的方式提出和规划出未来高校生法律信仰的成长与发展方向,并提出了相应的改进和教育措施,从教育抓起,形成高校生成长过程的一个方向标,从社会抓起,形成全社会的法律意识、法律信仰的良好氛围,从自身抓起,养成对法律的信仰,对法律的崇尚,做到以知法、守法、爱法、护法为骄傲,从根源抓起,发扬其优点,去除其污点,以可持续发展的角度和方法过滤历史。 通过本次论文得出我国现阶段对高校生法律信仰缺失的培育上,不仅在要让学生在学校的课堂上学习到法律的相关知识,更要结合实践等多形式的教学方式和校园管理模式,提倡将法律运用到日常的校园生活和管理中,让校园成为法律信仰的小苗圃,小花园。不仅要加强有关课程的知识内容的深度和广度,还要参与到社会大环境法里,形成一个法律信仰的大氛围,另外整个社会也要加强对法治的宣传和正面的引导,我国的法治制度监管部门更要加强,为高校生法律信仰打下一个好的基础,好的社会氛围,好的学习榜样。在撰写论文期间我查阅了大量的资料也向很多法律界人士咨询,掌握了大量关于法律方面的信息,所以我国法律不仅要让制定法律的人来信仰,更要让人民群众来信仰和支持法律,要加强人民群众的法律意识,说到底重点还在于高校生这一类具有高教育水平的特殊群体,将内因和外因统一起来,形成一个积极向上,人人崇尚法律,信仰法律的大社会。
[Abstract]:At present, our country is in the primary stage of the construction of the socialist rule of law, the whole module of the legal system has made initial progress and determination, but the application of the law in daily life is not satisfactory. The phenomenon of "not obeying the law, not prosecuting the law, and enforcing the law unscrupulously" still occurs from time to time. The main reason for this phenomenon is that people's legal consciousness is not deep enough. There are some knowledge of law, legal common sense, and legal works. However, due to the limitations of the times, objective conditions and so on, the reasons for the lack of these concepts in Chinese college students and the cultivation of breakthrough points have not been comprehensively discussed. We put forward the cultivation of legal belief in colleges and universities. At present, some colleges and universities in our country live in the lack of legal belief, and the root of the lack is in many ways, both historical root and social tradition. At the same time, there are also realistic and institutional factors. Legal belief is the subject is good at observing and analyzing from the perspective of the rule of law. The situation of the legal belief of college students is related to the overall situation of the construction of the rule of law in the country. This article from the social environment, historical legacy, family impact, school education and contemporary college students' legal consciousness characteristics and other aspects of research and analysis, to explore the reasons and inevitability of the status quo. From different aspects, different angles, different ways to put forward and plan out the future growth and development direction of college students' legal beliefs, and put forward the corresponding improvement and education measures, starting from the education. Form a direction of the process of college students growing up, from the social grasp, form the whole society's legal consciousness, the good atmosphere of legal belief, from their own grasp, cultivate the belief in the law, advocate the law. In order to know the law, abide by the law, love the law, protect the law for pride, start from the root, carry forward its advantages, remove its stains, and filter history with the angle and method of sustainable development. Through this paper, it is concluded that the cultivation of the lack of legal belief of college students at the present stage in our country is not only to let students learn the relevant knowledge of law in the classroom of the school. More should combine the practice and other forms of teaching and campus management mode, promote the application of law to the daily campus life and management, let the campus become a small nursery of legal beliefs. Small Garden. Not only to strengthen the depth and breadth of the knowledge about the curriculum, but also to participate in the social environmental law, to form a legal belief atmosphere. In addition, the whole society should also strengthen the publicity and positive guidance of the rule of law, our country's regulatory authorities of the rule of law should be strengthened, for college students to lay a good foundation for the legal belief, a good social atmosphere. Good role model. During the writing of my thesis, I consulted a lot of material and consulted a lot of people in the legal profession, and got a lot of information about the law, so the law of our country should not only let the people who make the law believe. We should let the people believe in and support the law, and strengthen the legal consciousness of the masses. In the final analysis, the key lies in the special groups with high education level, such as college students, which unify the internal and external causes. Form a positive, everyone advocates the law, believe in the law of the big society.


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