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发布时间:2018-01-13 23:04

  本文关键词:现代传媒环境中的高校校园文化建设研究 出处:《赣南师范学院》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 现代传媒环境 高校校园文化 传播学 创新

【摘要】:推进文化传承创新,是时代赋予高校的责任和使命。文化传承创新的水平,一定程度上决定了高校的竞争力和创造力,也决定了我国高等教育的竞争力和创造力。提升高校校园文化研究和建设的整体水平,,是实现高校文化传承创新功能的重要途径。本文拟借鉴传播学的理论和方法拓展、深化高校校园文化研究,并重点就传媒环境与高校校园文化的联系与互动进行探讨,以此推动新形势下的高校校园文化研究与实践。 本选题在研究方法上充分考虑了学科的交叉、范畴的互通,运用文献学、社会学、文化学、传播学、教育学、人类学及统计学等多种研究方法,历史地、逻辑地、辩证地开展了相关研究。 本选题对传播学与文化学之间的可通约性进行了系统分析并取得肯定性结论,认为科学借鉴和运用传播学有关理论和方法对高校校园文化研究与实践进行分析、评价、改进和创新必要且可行,并从现实问题和发展需要出发,对现代传媒环境与高校校园文化之间的联系与互动进行了探索性研究,提出了具有针对性和操作性的意见。 作为现代社会特有的一种文化现象,传媒及其依存的处于发展和变革中的现代传媒环境,对高校及高校校园文化产生了强烈冲击。高校的文化氛围、价值导向、师生心态、话语系统以及高校校园文化建设的理念、内容、模式、途径等都发生了深刻变化,突出表现在文化实践与育人效果严重脱节,文化自信与媒介素养严重脱节,教育范式与传媒环境严重脱节。面对这些新变化、新挑战,本文提出,应坚持理念创新,选择可靠信源,运用恰当方式,重视意见领袖,增强群体归属,引领现代传媒环境中的高校校园文化建设;应坚持载体创新,让师生在交互体验中接受文化熏陶,让师生在分众平台上满足发展需求,让师生在官方传媒上明辨是非曲直,让师生在主动参与中完善人格修养,让师生在开放环境中培养国际视野,拓展现代传媒环境中的高校校园文化建设;应坚持实践创新,增强主流媒体的正面引导能力,重视高校师生的传媒素养教育,强化高校传媒的文化阵地作用,发挥特色文化的凝聚辐射功能,推进现代传媒环境中的高校校园文化建设。
[Abstract]:To promote the innovation of cultural heritage , it is the responsibility and mission of the times to endow the university . The level of cultural heritage innovation determines the competitiveness and creativity of higher education . It also determines the competitiveness and creativity of higher education in China . It is an important way to realize the innovation function of cultural heritage . This paper intends to explore the relationship and interaction between the media environment and the campus culture in colleges and universities , so as to promote the research and practice of the campus culture under the new situation . On the basis of the research methods , the author takes full account of the cross and scope of disciplines , and uses various research methods such as literature , sociology , culture , communication , pedagogy , anthropology and statistics , and carries out the relevant research in a historical , logical and dialectical manner . This paper systematically analyzes and obtains affirmative conclusions about the accessibility between communication and culture . It is believed that scientific reference and application of the theory and method of communication are necessary and feasible to analyze , evaluate , improve and innovate the campus culture research and practice in colleges and universities , and to explore the relation and interaction between modern media environment and campus culture in modern media from the needs of reality and development . As a special cultural phenomenon in modern society , the media and its dependent modern media environment have produced a strong impact on the campus culture in colleges and universities .



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