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发布时间:2018-01-14 04:20

  本文关键词:高校大学生网络舆情的监管与疏导研究 出处:《华东政法大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 大学生 网络舆情 监管 疏导

【摘要】:伴随着网络信息化的日益繁荣,Web2.0的网络大环境下,互联网已经成为社会舆情的放大镜。网络媒体的发展和终端设备的普及,使得在线交流早已成为人们生活中极其重要的沟通方式。其中,高校大学生群体使用网络进行思想交流的比重较大,,在迅速、高效的碰撞和交流中,网络舆情往往能比较真实地体现大学生群体的价值观以及他们的情绪、态度,也正因如此,网络舆情可能往任何一个方向发展,难以监管控制。因此,及时关注高校大学生网络舆情,准确把握高校大学生网络舆情动态,引导大学生网络舆情方向,对新时期加强和改进大学生思想政治教育、维护高校的和谐稳定具有重要意义。 本文试图借鉴中西方相关理论,通过阐述新形势下高校大学生网络舆情的内涵、特点、生成路径和传播规律,根据现实生活中高校大学生使用网络的现状的调研,分析当今大学生网络舆情存在的根源问题。并就现实情况提出相应的疏导方法和监管对策,以期对提升对高校大学生的网络舆情管理水平有所助益,为高校发展的和谐、健康、可持续发展提供有价值的参考。 全文分五个部分进行对高校大学生网络舆情的疏导与对策研究:第一部分概述本文的研究背景和国内外研究现状,明确本文的研究目的、研究意义以及研究方法;第二部分是借鉴和运用马克思主义意识形态理论、思想政治教育的功能理论及西方传播理论,通过中西方的理论引鉴,增强研究高校大学生网络舆情的理论依据,奠定高校大学生网络舆情对策的理论基础;第三部分分别就高校大学生网络舆情的内涵、特点、生成路径及传播规律进行阐述,为进一步研究高校大学生网络舆情的对策做充足铺垫;第四部分在研究上述的基础之上,探讨高校大学生网络使用情况的现状,剖析高校大学生网络舆情的现状及影响;第五部分是在明确高校大学生网络舆情的运行规律基础上,提出高校大学生网络舆情的疏导方式和控制对策,并提出保障其规范运行的措施,便于提升高校大学生网络舆情的管理水平。
[Abstract]:Along with the network information is becoming more and more prosperous, the network environment of Web2.0, the Internet has become a magnifying glass to the social public opinion. The popularity of the network media development and terminal equipment, the online communication has become the important means of communication in people's life. Among them, the proportion of College students use the Internet to communicate more quickly in universities, efficient, collision and exchange, network public opinion often can more accurately reflect the values of college students and their emotions, attitudes, and because of this, the network public opinion may be to any one direction, it is difficult to control. Therefore, timely attention to College students' network public opinion, accurately grasp the network public opinion trends of college students. To guide college students network public opinion direction, to strengthen and improve the ideological and political education in the new period, maintain the harmony and stability is of great significance Righteousness.
This paper tries to use the western theory, the connotation of College Students' network public opinion University elaborated under the new situation of the characteristics, generation and propagation path, according to the investigation of the current situation of college students using the Internet in real life, analysis of the causes of problems in today's college students network public opinion. And the realistic situation to put forward the method and the corresponding regulatory measures to ease. In order to help improve the management level of college students network public opinion, for the development of the harmonious, healthy, and provide valuable reference for sustainable development.
The full text is divided into five parts and Countermeasures of college students network public opinion guidance: in the first part, research background and research status are outlined in this paper, clear the purpose of the research, research significance and research methods; the second part is the reference and application of Marx socialist ideology theory, the function of ideological and political education theory and western communication theory in the west, through the theoretical reference and theoretical basis of enhancing college students network public opinion, lay the theoretical foundation of college students network public opinion countermeasures; the third part is the connotation of College Students' network public opinion characteristics, path and propagation rule is expounded, paving the way for the further study of adequate Countermeasures of college students network public opinion; fourth in the part of research on the basis of the above, to investigate the present situation of College Students' network usage, analysis of high The status and influence of college students network public opinion; the fifth part is based on the operation rules of clear college students network public opinion, and Control Countermeasures of college students network public opinion guidance is put forward, and puts forward the guarantee standard operation measures, in order to promote the college students network public opinion management level.



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