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发布时间:2018-01-14 06:26

  本文关键词:美国本科生工程伦理教育研究 出处:《华南理工大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 工程伦理 伦理责任 工程师 美国

【摘要】:随着我国国际化的不断深入,工程教育的不断发展以及与世界接轨的需要,工程伦理教育得以被引入我国的工程教育体系。而在工程伦理教育的初期,为了促进这一教育的良好发展,不仅需要教育工作者和相关学科的专家进行深入的研究,也需要借鉴他国的先进经验。因此,本文对美国的工程伦理教育进行研究。 美国工程伦理教育起源于20世纪70年代,至今虽然尚未得以在全国所有的工程院校和专业得以普及,但是已经建立起较为明确的教学目标、较为完善的教学内容、多样化的教学方式,对教学评价的研究也已经产生初步成果。本文对美国工程伦理教育的研究主要包括教育目标、教学内容、教学特点和教学评价四个方面: 美国的主要学者和学术组织提出的工程伦理教育目标在细节和着重点上尽管有所不同,但是都可以归结为知识目标、能力目标和情感目标。在教育内容上,随着工程伦理学的不断发展,工程伦理的教育内容也逐渐出现由微观伦理向更加广阔的宏观伦理拓展的趋势;而伦理章程则为美国的工程伦理教育提供了可依据的伦理框架和具体议题。就美国工程伦理的教学而言,其采用的课程模式主要有三种:独立课程、跨学科课程以及工程伦理与非技术课程的融合。三种课程模式各有其特点,适用于不同的学校、学科及具体课程内容。而美国工程伦理教育中最具特色的教学方式则是案例研究,在三种课程模式中都有广泛的运用,并已经深入到美国工程伦理教学的方方面面。美国工程伦理教育还通过与服务学习的结合为学生提供在实践中接触和思考伦理问题的机会; 美国对其工程伦理教育进行评价的方法可以分为两类,一类是可以运用于不同院校和课堂的标准化评价方法,一类是教师根据自己课程的特点设计的具有较强针对性的具体评价方法。第一类方法主要由研究者创建和使用,他们通过设计大型严谨的量表证明工程伦理教育的有效性,并期望这些量表能使不同课程的教育效果具有可比性。第二类方法相对不太严谨,,却更加灵活,适合于单独的教师用于评价和改进自己的教学。 最后根据上述研究结果,针对我国工程伦理教育的现状提出具有借鉴价值的建议。
[Abstract]:With the deepening of China's internationalization, the continuous development of engineering education and the need to meet the needs of the world, engineering ethics education has been introduced into China's engineering education system, and in the early stage of engineering ethics education. In order to promote the good development of this education, not only need educators and experts of related disciplines to conduct in-depth research, but also need to learn from the advanced experience of other countries. This paper studies the education of engineering ethics in America. American engineering ethics education originated in 1970s. Although it has not been popularized in all engineering colleges and majors in China, it has established a clear teaching goal. More perfect teaching content, diversified teaching methods, the study of teaching evaluation has also produced preliminary results. The research on American engineering ethics education mainly includes educational objectives, teaching content. Teaching characteristics and teaching evaluation are four aspects: Although the major scholars and academic organizations in the United States put forward the goals of engineering ethics education in details and emphases, they can all be attributed to the goals of knowledge, ability and emotion, as well as the contents of education. With the continuous development of engineering ethics, the educational content of engineering ethics has gradually appeared the trend of expanding from micro-ethics to broader macro-ethics. The ethical constitution provides the ethical framework and specific topics for American engineering ethics education. As far as the teaching of American engineering ethics is concerned, there are mainly three kinds of curriculum models: independent curriculum. The interdisciplinary curriculum and the integration of engineering ethics and non-technical courses. The three curriculum models have their own characteristics and are suitable for different schools. The most characteristic teaching method in American engineering ethics education is case study, which is widely used in the three kinds of curriculum models. American engineering ethics education also provides students with opportunities to contact and think about ethical issues in practice through the combination of service learning; There are two kinds of methods to evaluate the engineering ethics education in the United States. One is the standardized evaluation method which can be applied to different colleges and classes. One is a specific evaluation method designed by teachers according to the characteristics of their own curriculum. The first method is mainly created and used by researchers. They proved the validity of engineering ethics education by designing large-scale and rigorous scale, and expected that these scales can make the educational effect of different curriculum comparable. The second kind of method is relatively less rigorous, but more flexible. Suitable for individual teachers to evaluate and improve their own teaching. Finally, according to the above research results, some valuable suggestions are put forward in view of the present situation of engineering ethics education in China.


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3 丁文祥;美国服务学习研究[D];上海师范大学;2009年

4 查周杰;理工科高校工程创新伦理教育探索[D];南京理工大学;2010年

5 汤敏;我国工程伦理教育发展的问题及对策研究[D];成都理工大学;2010年




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