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发布时间:2018-01-14 07:12

  本文关键词:武汉市普通高校大学生户外运动风险管理现状调查研究 出处:《华中师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 武汉市 大学生 户外运动 风险管理 研究

【摘要】:户外运动在我国快速发展过程中,一些问题也逐渐凸显,其中安全问题近年来逐渐被社会有关部门和学者关注。由于户外运动过程中不可预测的天气、复杂危险的地形、恶劣的交通条件、匮乏的通讯设施和简陋的医疗器械,使得户外运动很容易给参与者带来伤害事故。我国高校大学生是一个庞大的群体,随着交通越来越便利和我国旅游业的快速发展等因素的影响,越来越多的在校大学生利用假期走进大自然,以户外运动的方式来缓解学习压力,放松心情,陶冶情操,培养自己参与体育运动的兴趣。作为户外运动主力军的当代大学生,由于其安全意识不够、经验不足、不具备相关专业技能等各种原因,容易发生各种安全事故。 本文以大学生户外运动风险管理为研究对象,以武汉市普通高校大学生为调查对象,引入现代管理理论与方法,通过对该市普通高校户外运动风险情况进行调研,对现有的户外运动风险管理进行评估,探究如何降低武汉市普通高校大学生参加户外运动的风险事故,为建立行之有效的风险管理体系提出相应策略和方案。 通过调查与分析后,本文认为: (一)武汉市普通高校体育教师户外运动风险管理观念整体较好,能够针对不同户外运动项目作出科学的风险评估,减少户外运动安全事故的发生。但仍存在一些问题,在组织大学生参加户外运动前购买保险等风险规避方面的观念不强,需要进一步提高。 (二)武汉市普通高校体育教师的户外运动基本知识的掌握情况较好,且户外运动基本技能的传授和实践运用能力总体较好,但对户外运动中不经常发生的特殊恶劣自然灾害情况的处理能力是薄弱环节。 (三)武汉市普通高校大学生户外运动风险认知能力整体较强,但对于一些风险级别较高且对身体健康状况要求较高的户外运动项目,缺乏一定的风险认知能力。 本文根据调查与分析所得的问题提出了相关建议,为武汉市普通高校大学生户外运动风险管理提供参考。
[Abstract]:Outdoor sports in the process of China's rapid development, some problems have gradually emerged in recent years, the problem of security which is gradually paid attention to the relevant departments of the society and scholars. Because the weather is unpredictable in the process of outdoor sports complex, dangerous terrain, poor traffic conditions, lack of medical facilities and poor communication, the outdoor sports it is very easy to bring harm to the participants. The accident of our college students is a large group, with the influence factors of traffic more convenient and rapid development of China's tourism industry, more and more college students use the holiday to go to nature, to ease the pressure of study, relax, edify sentiment to outdoor sports, train yourself to participate in sports interest. As the main force of the contemporary college students' outdoor sports, because of their safety awareness is not enough, lack of experience, do not have the relevant professional skills For all kinds of reasons, all kinds of safety accidents are easy to happen.
The college outdoor sports risk management as the research object, to college students in Wuhan city as the research object, the introduction of modern management theories and methods, through the research on the risk of College Outdoor Sport in the city, to evaluate the existing outdoor sports risk management, to explore how to reduce college students in Wuhan City to participate in outdoor sports risk the accident, put forward the corresponding strategy and plan for the establishment of effective risk management system.
After investigation and analysis, this paper holds that:
(a) PE teachers in Wuhan City, outdoor sports risk management concept is good as a whole, to make a scientific risk assessment for different outdoor sports, outdoor sports to reduce safety accidents. But there are still some problems, in the organization of college students to participate in outdoor sports before buying insurance risk is not strong, the need for further to improve.
(two) College PE teachers in Wuhan city the basic knowledge of outdoor sports good mastery of basic skills, and outdoor sports teaching and practice ability is generally good, but the ability to deal with the situation doesn't happen very often in outdoor sports special adverse natural disaster is the weak link.
(three) the risk cognition ability of outdoor sports among college students in Wuhan is relatively strong, but for some outdoor sports with high risk level and high demands for physical health, there is a lack of risk cognition ability.
This paper puts forward some suggestions based on the investigation and analysis, and provides a reference for the outdoor sports risk management of college students in Wuhan.



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