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发布时间:2018-01-14 11:14

  本文关键词:DL城市学院师资人本管理对策研究 出处:《大连理工大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 独立学院 人本管理 师资队伍

【摘要】:在我国高等教育“精英化”向“大众化”转变的历史进程中,独立学院这一新生事物充当了极为重要的角色,它不仅有效地解决了国家对教育投入不足的现实问题,一定程度上还满足了人们较快增长的教育服务需求。 但与此同时,独立学院由于先天性不足,在人才培养的诸多方面还存在着亟待解决的若干问题,尤其是教师人力资源管理方面,目前还是有队伍不稳定、质量需提高、梯队要建设等一系列问题。如何以“人本管理”理念为宗旨,建立一套行之有效的评价机制、激励机制,留住人才,挖掘人才,培养人才,使其充分发挥主观能动性,为本组织的健康发展提供一流的智力支持,是一个需要认真探究的重要领域。 本文就此问题,以工作多年并具有本地区鲜明特色的DL城市学院为研究范本,采用文献法、调查法等研究方法,对本组织的师资管理现状加以分析,采用人本管理理论为指导,试图找出改善和促进城市学院师资队伍建设的有效方法。 全文共分四章。第一章,绪论。概括描述了独立学院开创的历史条件、运行现状以及研究的理论与现实意义。第二章,理论基础。从现有理论的角度,对文章运用的理论依据加以界定,以便在后续论述中引用证明。第三章,学院现状及存在问题介绍。将学院的基本情况、组织结构以及现有考核、薪酬等制度逐一介绍,以便为后续发现问题及相应对策做准备。第四章,对策方案。根据查明的问题,具体提出解决方案,为建设一流师资队伍提供建议措施。
[Abstract]:In the historical process of the transformation from "elite" to "popularization" of higher education in China, the independent college, as a new thing, plays an extremely important role. It not only effectively solves the realistic problem of the country's insufficient investment in education, but also meets the rapid growth of people's demand for education services to a certain extent. But at the same time, due to the congenital deficiencies of independent colleges, there are still a number of problems to be solved in many aspects of talent training, especially in the management of teachers' human resources, there are still some unstable teams. How to set up an effective evaluation mechanism, incentive mechanism, retain talents, excavate talents and cultivate talents with the aim of "people-oriented management". To give full play to its subjective initiative and to provide first-rate intellectual support for the healthy development of the Organization is an important area to be seriously explored. This paper takes DL City College, which has been working for many years and has distinctive characteristics in this area, as the research model, and analyzes the present situation of teachers management in the organization by using the methods of literature and investigation. Under the guidance of humanistic management theory, this paper tries to find out an effective method to improve and promote the construction of city college teachers. The paper is divided into four chapters. The first chapter is introduction. It describes the historical conditions, the current situation of operation and the theoretical and practical significance of the research. Chapter two, the theoretical basis. From the point of view of the existing theory. The theoretical basis of the article is defined in order to quote the proof in the subsequent exposition. Chapter three introduces the present situation and existing problems of the college. The basic situation organizational structure and existing assessment of the college are introduced. The compensation system is introduced one by one in order to prepare for the subsequent discovery of problems and corresponding countermeasures. Chapter 4th, countermeasures. According to the identified problems, specific solutions to provide suggestions for the construction of first-class teachers.


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3 陈媛媛;独立学院兼职教师心理契约的维度及其应用研究[D];四川大学;2007年

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