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发布时间:2018-01-14 22:00

  本文关键词:我国高校动画专业课程体系研究 出处:《湖北大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 中国动画产业 高校动画专业 课程体系

【摘要】:中国动画产业发展迅猛,从动画制作人员的技术水平到动画产业领域的每一个分工流程,中国的动画产业发展都充满了希望。中国动画产业在发展过程中,通过改良动画制作技术,培养动画专业人才,借鉴国外先进动画生产模式,使得我国的动画产业发展取得了长足的进步。 另一方面,在我们不断努力的同时,中国动画产业背景下,我国在动画人才的培养方面还面临着一些问题,对我国的动画产业发展产生了影响,两者相互影响相互制约,对我国的动画产业发展起到了一定的阻碍作用。其中的阻碍与矛盾就包括,高校动画人才培养面临数量与质量的矛盾、高校动画教育的课程体系与高速发展的动画产业对动画人才的需求的矛盾、高校动画专业课程体系与教师专业素质之间的矛盾、高校动画专业课程体系与学生专业发展方向的矛盾等一系列矛盾,这些矛盾都直指向人才的培养。 产业发展的根源是人才,技术、政策等外因只是辅助产业发展的相关因素,人才才是重中之重,而人才的发展要靠教育,教育在人才的发展中起到重要的作用,影响和制约着人才发展的强度及方向等方面。本文试图分析动画专业课程体系,初探动画产业背景下的中国高校动画专业课程体系,分析其合理性,为动画专业课程体系的构建做出合理化建议。 中国高校动画专业在近几年的井喷式发展状态下,培养人数逐年攀升,但是陈旧的动画专业的课程体系已无法满足动画产业对人才的需求。现今的课程体系在课程设置、课程模块等方面存在问题有待解决。 本文总结提出了目前我国高校动画专业课程体系存在的主要问题有:课程设置繁杂、课程模块缺乏细分、课程设置缺少灵活性、课程模块之间相互交叉、理论与实践脱节等。针对以上一系列问题,笔者提出了相应的解决方法,为如何改进我国高校动画专业课程体系提出了一些建议。 我国高校一直在探索着适合我国动画人才培养的课程体系。高校动画课程体系作为其中的一部分,也随着高校课程体系的改革而改革。如何让我国高校动画课程体系更好的服务于动画产业,培养出更多的动画人才,为我国动画事业做出贡献,就需要研究人员对高校动画专业课程体系进行深入研究,希望我们的研究能为我国高校动画专业课程体系的研究奉献一点微薄的力量。
[Abstract]:China's animation industry is developing rapidly, from the technical level of animation producers to every division of labor in the field of animation industry, the development of Chinese animation industry is full of hope. Chinese animation industry is in the process of development. Through improving animation production technology, training animation professionals and drawing lessons from foreign advanced animation production mode, the animation industry of our country has made great progress. On the other hand, with our continuous efforts, under the background of Chinese animation industry, China is still facing some problems in the training of animation talent, which has had an impact on the development of animation industry in China. The two influence each other and restrict each other, which has hindered the development of animation industry in China to a certain extent. Among them, the obstacles and contradictions include the quantity and quality of animation talent training in colleges and universities. The contradiction between the curriculum system of animation education in universities and the demand for animation talents in the rapidly developing animation industry, and the contradiction between the curriculum system of animation major in colleges and universities and the professional quality of teachers. There are a series of contradictions between the course system of animation major and the direction of students' professional development, all of which point to the cultivation of talents. The root of industrial development is talent, technology, policies and other external factors are only relevant factors to assist the development of industry, talent is the most important, and the development of talent depends on education. Education plays an important role in the development of talents, affecting and restricting the strength and direction of talent development. This paper probes into the course system of animation specialty in Chinese universities under the background of animation industry, analyzes its rationality, and makes reasonable suggestions for the construction of the course system of animation specialty. In recent years, under the condition of blowout development, the number of animation majors in Chinese universities is increasing year by year. However, the old curriculum system of animation can not meet the needs of talent in animation industry. This paper summarizes and puts forward the main problems existing in the course system of animation major in colleges and universities of our country at present: the course setup is complicated, the curriculum module lacks the subdivision, the curriculum design lacks the flexibility, the curriculum module intersects each other. Aiming at the above problems, the author puts forward some corresponding solutions, and puts forward some suggestions on how to improve the course system of animation major in colleges and universities in China. Colleges and universities in China have been exploring the appropriate animation talent training curriculum system, as a part of the animation curriculum system. With the reform of university curriculum system, how to make our university animation curriculum system better serve the animation industry, cultivate more animation talent, and make contributions to the animation cause of our country. It is necessary for researchers to deeply study the curriculum system of animation major in colleges and universities, and hope that our research can offer a little strength for the study of animation curriculum system in colleges and universities in China.


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5 孙珊珊;雷s,




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