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发布时间:2018-01-15 00:06

  本文关键词:西法大教学质量管理体系的构建研究 出处:《西安科技大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 教学质量管理 质量管理体系 法学教育 模糊层次法

【摘要】:教学质量是高校的生命线,决定着人才的培养质量,,也决定着高校的前途和命运。如何开展质量管理、提高教学质量已经成为诸多高校生存和发展中不可回避的现实问题。而ISO9000标准是世界众多企业和管理学家、质量管理专家共同努力和智慧的结晶,因此引入ISO9000标准,在高等院校建立一套符合高等教育教学质量形成基本规律的质量管理体系,是高等院校教学质量管理不断提高的有效途径和重要基础。 本文借鉴了教育学、质量管理学等学科的研究成果,综合运用了文献资料分析、案例研究分析、调查访谈、模糊层次分析等方法,就构建教学质量管理体系进行了论述。以提高教学质量、培养适应21世纪我国社会主义法制建设需要的具有创新精神和实践能力的应用型法律人才为宗旨,就西法大教学质量管理体系的构建做了初步研究,最后根据质量管理体系运行有效性的评价原则,提出建立教学质量评价体系指标,并运用模糊层次分析法就西法大教师教学质量进行了评价。
[Abstract]:Teaching quality is the lifeline of colleges and universities, determines the quality of talent training, but also determines the future and fate of colleges and universities. How to carry out quality management. Improving the quality of teaching has become an unavoidable reality in the survival and development of many colleges and universities, and the ISO9000 standard is the crystallization of the joint efforts and wisdom of many enterprises and management experts and quality management experts in the world. Therefore, with the introduction of ISO9000 standard, a set of quality management system which accords with the basic law of the formation of teaching quality in higher education is established in colleges and universities. It is an effective way and important foundation for the continuous improvement of teaching quality management in colleges and universities. This paper draws lessons from the research results of pedagogy, quality management and other disciplines, comprehensive use of literature analysis, case study analysis, investigation interviews, fuzzy analytic hierarchy process and other methods. This paper discusses the construction of teaching quality management system with the aim of improving teaching quality and cultivating applied legal talents with innovative spirit and practical ability to meet the needs of socialist legal construction in 21th century. This paper makes a preliminary study on the construction of teaching quality management system in Western France University. Finally, according to the evaluation principles of the effectiveness of the quality management system, it puts forward the establishment of teaching quality evaluation system indicators. And the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process is used to evaluate the teaching quality of Western French University teachers.


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