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发布时间:2018-01-16 13:25

  本文关键词:沈阳市高校安全保卫工作研究 出处:《大连理工大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 沈阳市 高校 安全保卫工作

【摘要】:高等学校教育是国家科教兴国战略的重要环节,是时代发展的标志之,受到社会广泛关注,高校的安全稳定对于社会及国家至关重要。近年来,校园案件多发,其中部分案件在国内影响重大。2012年,辽宁省公安厅、沈阳市公安局、沈阳市教科工委在省各所高校积极推进高校安全保卫及平安校园建设工作,沈阳市公安局根据当前校园案件多发的现实情况,加强了校园安全防范工作,并于2012年在高校内设立的警务室,通过开展安全防范宣传、指导高校保卫部门有效强化了人防、物防、技防等一系列措施,取得了沈阳高校内可放性刑事案件数量的大幅下降可喜成绩,此项工作受都了上级公安机关及高校领导师生的一致肯定 本文主要分为4个部分。第1部分,说明了文章的研究背景和意义、介对国内外的一些文献进行了综述,说明了本文的研究方法和技术路线:第2部分,介绍了国内外高校安全保卫工作的情况,通过对比得到了一些启示;第3部分,介绍了沈阳市高校安全保卫工作情况,提出了目前工作中存在的问题和问题形成的原因;第4部分是结合沈阳市实际际情况对沈阳市高校安全保卫提出相关的对策和建议。
[Abstract]:Higher education is an important part of the national strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education. It is the symbol of the development of the times. It has received extensive attention from the society. The safety and stability of colleges and universities is very important to the society and the country. In recent years, the campus cases are frequent. In 2012, Liaoning Provincial Public Security Department, Shenyang Public Security Bureau, Shenyang Committee of Education, Science and Technology actively promoted security and safety campus construction in various colleges and universities in the province. Shenyang Public Security Bureau based on the current situation of campus cases, strengthen the campus security prevention work, and in 2012 in colleges and universities set up a police room, through the development of security prevention publicity. Guiding the security department of colleges and universities to effectively strengthen the civil air defense, physical defense, technology prevention and other measures, has achieved a substantial decline in the number of extensible criminal cases in Shenyang University gratifying results. This work has been unanimously affirmed by the public security organs at the higher level and the teachers and students of the leading colleges and universities. This paper is mainly divided into four parts. The first part explains the research background and significance of the article, introduces some domestic and foreign literature review, explains the research methods and technical route: part 2. This paper introduces the security work of colleges and universities at home and abroad, and gets some enlightenment through comparison. In the third part, the author introduces the work of security and safety in colleges and universities in Shenyang, and puts forward the problems existing in the present work and the reasons for the formation of the problems. The fourth part is to put forward the relevant countermeasures and suggestions on the security of colleges and universities in Shenyang combined with the actual situation in Shenyang.


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