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发布时间:2018-01-16 14:22

  本文关键词:大学英语教师自主专业发展研究 出处:《西安工程大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 大学英语教师 自主专业发展 职业意识 教学反思 跨学科知识

【摘要】:在现有文献中,大学英语教师的专业发展研究偏重于理论研究,多关注教师的语言知识和能力、职业素质、教学及科研水平等方面,涉及教师自主专业发展的文献较少。本研究从教师自主角度出发,将“教师自主”与“教师专业发展”结合起来,强调教师在专业发展中的自我意识和主观能动性。对现有研究进行总结归纳后,重新构建研究的理论框架。通过问卷调查和统计分析,剖析英语教师自主专业发展的现状及存在的问题,并从五个方面提出教师专业发展的策略,以期促进大学英语教师自主专业发展,,为大学英语教学改革提供参考。 本研究主要采用问卷调查和访谈两种工具,对西安5所大学的英语教师进行了调查。问卷的主体内容涵盖五个方面共45个题项,题项的选择均以里克特量表的形式呈现。调查对象年龄从25-55岁不等,有男有女,学历主要为本科和硕士,职称包括助教、讲师、副教授和教授各个职称阶段。 访谈是对调查问卷的补充,设计了五个开放式的问题,旨在了解受访人在自主专业发展方面的经验、观点及一些深层次问题。参加访谈的9位教师都是从教20余年的教授和副教授,教学特点突出,教学经验丰富,学生评价较高,科研方面也有一定成就。 本文运用SPSS17.0对回收的问卷首先从信度上检验了问卷数据的可靠性与有效性;其次,从职业认识、自主专业发展观和需求、自主专业发展的内容、途径及效果进行了描述性统计分析;最后,对不同教龄的样本均值进行了比较。 研究表明:教师对自己的职业满意度较高,有迫切的自主专业发展需求,且效果明显。但同时存在一些问题:教学水平和科研能力需进一步提高,对反思教学不够重视,进修及师资培训等愿望难以得到满足。不同教龄的教师在自主专业发展上存在明显差异。 根据自主专业发展的理论模式和研究结论,结合已有研究和自身的教学实践,本文提出了英语教师自主专业发展的总体策略:以自我发展意识为内驱力,确立专业发展目标,选择多种途径提升专业知识和专业能力,全面促进教师的专业发展。此策略可采用以下具体方法实施:树立强烈的自主发展意识;明确自主专业发展目标;不断优化知识结构,提升专业能力。并提出了四种教师自主专业发展途径:构建反思教学模式、树立终身学习理念、开展教师间合作交流以及师资培训。 本文的创新之处在于:重新构建了系统的教师自主专业发展的理论框架;比较了不同教龄的教师在专业发展上的阶段差异性;提出了教师自主专业发展的总体策略和具体实施方法,为未来研究提供了有价值的参考。
[Abstract]:In the existing literature, the research of college English teachers' professional development is focused on theoretical research, focusing on teachers' language knowledge and ability, professional quality, teaching and scientific research level and so on. There are few documents concerning the development of teacher autonomy. This study combines teacher autonomy with teacher professional development from the perspective of teacher autonomy. It emphasizes teachers' self-consciousness and subjective initiative in professional development. After summing up the existing research, the author reconstructs the theoretical framework of the research. Through questionnaire survey and statistical analysis. This paper analyzes the present situation and existing problems of the autonomous professional development of English teachers, and puts forward the strategies of teachers' professional development from five aspects in order to promote the autonomous professional development of college English teachers. To provide reference for college English teaching reform. In this study, English teachers from 5 universities in Xi'an were investigated by means of questionnaire and interview. The main contents of the questionnaire cover five aspects of 45 questions. The subjects ranged from 25 to 55 years of age, with male and female students, with bachelor's degree and master's degree, title including assistant and lecturer. Associate professor and professor each title stage. The interview is a supplement to the questionnaire. Five open-ended questions are designed in order to understand the experience of the interviewees in the self-professional development. The 9 teachers who took part in the interview were professors and associate professors for more than 20 years, with outstanding teaching characteristics, rich teaching experience, high students' evaluation, and certain achievements in scientific research. In this paper, we use SPSS17.0 to test the reliability and validity of the data. Secondly, from the professional understanding, independent professional development concept and demand, independent professional development content, ways and effects of descriptive statistical analysis; Finally, the sample mean values of different teaching years are compared. The research shows that teachers have a high degree of satisfaction with their own profession, and have an urgent need for independent professional development, and the results are obvious, but at the same time, there are some problems: the teaching level and the ability of scientific research need to be further improved. Not enough attention is paid to reflective teaching, and it is difficult to satisfy the wishes of further education and teacher training. There are obvious differences in the independent professional development among teachers of different teaching years. According to the theoretical model and conclusion of autonomous professional development, combined with the existing research and teaching practice, this paper puts forward the overall strategy of English teachers' autonomous professional development: self-development consciousness as the driving force. To establish the goal of professional development, to choose various ways to promote professional knowledge and competence, and to promote the professional development of teachers in an all-round way. This strategy can be implemented in the following specific ways: to establish a strong sense of independent development; Define the goal of independent professional development; Four ways of teachers' independent professional development are put forward: constructing reflective teaching mode, establishing life-long learning concept, carrying out cooperation and exchange among teachers and teacher training. The innovation of this paper lies in: reconstructing the systematic theoretical framework of teachers' independent professional development; The differences of teachers' professional development in different teaching years are compared. This paper puts forward the overall strategy and concrete implementation method of teachers' independent professional development, which provides a valuable reference for future research.


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