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发布时间:2018-01-17 03:21

  本文关键词:石家庄高校大学生手机媒介使用研究 出处:《河北大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 石家庄 大学生 手机媒介 使用

【摘要】:中华人民共和国工业和信息化部发布的《2012年全国电信业统计公报》显示,到2012年底,中国移动电话用户达到111215.5万户,移动电话普及率达到82.6部/百人,这意味着中国人基本人手一部手机。随着手机技术的发展,手机的功能越来越强大,手机的媒体功能也越来越突出,手机媒介在社会传播领域发挥着越来越重要的作用。在大学生群体中,手机的普及率要高于社会平均水平,据不完全统计,手机在大学生群体中的普及率接近百分之百。不仅如此,大学生对手机的使用频率也高于社会平均水平,而且,大学生大量使用了手机的媒体功能,他们使用手机媒介进行即时通讯、通过手机上网、看电视、听广播、看小说,手机媒介已经对大学生生活的影响产生了深刻的影响。随着手机在大学生生活中影响的日益加深,手机在对大学生学习生活产生积极影响的同时,也产生了不容忽视的负面作用。 本文从这一社会情况出发,研究了大学生手机媒介使用的一般情况,对大学生手机媒介的使用现状进行了分析,并就提高大学生手机媒介素养提出了建议。在对本课题的研究中,,笔者选取了石家庄的7所高校,对石家庄高校的大学生进行了手机媒介使用的问卷调查。本次调查共发放问卷500份,回收有效问卷489份,回收问卷使用SPSS软件进行了统计分析。结合搜集的二手资料,本文对石家庄高校大学生手机媒介使用情况进行了描述,分析了手机媒介对大学生生活的积极作用和消极影响,提出应培养和提高大学生手机媒介素养并就如何提高大学生手机媒介素养进行了探讨。
[Abstract]:According to the 2012 National Telecommunication Statistics Bulletin issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the people's Republic of China, by end of 2012, the number of mobile phone subscribers in China had reached one billion one hundred and twelve million one hundred and fifty-five thousand. The mobile phone penetration rate reaches 82.6 / 100 people, which means that Chinese people basically have a mobile phone. With the development of mobile phone technology, the mobile phone has become more and more powerful, and the media function of the mobile phone has become more and more prominent. Mobile media play a more and more important role in the field of social communication. In college students, the mobile phone penetration rate is higher than the social average, according to incomplete statistics. The penetration rate of mobile phone in college students is close to 100%. Not only that, the frequency of mobile phone use by college students is also higher than the average level of society. Moreover, the media function of mobile phone is used heavily by college students. They use mobile media for instant communication, surf the Internet via mobile phones, watch television, listen to radio, and read novels. Mobile phone media has had a profound impact on college students' life. With the increasing influence of mobile phone in college students' life, mobile phone has a positive impact on college students' study and life at the same time. Has also produced the negative effect which cannot be ignored. Starting from this social situation, this paper studies the general situation of the use of the mobile media of college students, and analyzes the current situation of the use of the mobile media of college students. In the study of this topic, the author selected 7 universities in Shijiazhuang. A questionnaire survey was conducted on the use of mobile media among college students in Shijiazhuang. A total of 500 questionnaires were sent out and 489 valid questionnaires were collected. The recovery questionnaire is analyzed by SPSS software. Combined with the second-hand data collected, this paper describes the use of mobile media for college students in Shijiazhuang. This paper analyzes on the positive and negative effects of mobile media on college students' life, puts forward that it is necessary to cultivate and improve college students' mobile media literacy, and probes into how to improve college students' mobile media literacy.


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