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发布时间:2018-01-17 03:29

  本文关键词:多元文化背景下我国大学生道德观教育研究 出处:《延边大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 多元文化 多元文化教育 大学生道德观 道德教育

【摘要】:全球化、一体化、多元化已成为当今世界的代名词,伴随着中国的改革开放和现代信息技术的发展,我国的文化价值观念也产生了较大的变化,中国自古就是多民族国家,团结一致和民族较强的认同感使得国家统一愿望强烈,随着世界环境的变化,市场经济体制的影响下,中国过去单一的文化价值观被打破,逐渐形成多元化的价值时代,我国大学生的道德观念受到各种价值观的冲击和碰撞,面临多元文化背景下的大学生道德教育也需要与时俱进、开拓创新。 本文从前人对多元文化理解中阐述的道德教育,试图寻找多元文化教育中道德教育可以借鉴的内容,在多元文化背景中寻找多元文化教育在我国适用的理论,使道德教育更加符合多元文化背景下的时代特征,同时也为道德教育指引了新方向。道德教育吸取多元文化教育的经验来解决大学生在多元文化环境中出现的问题。在道德教育中尊重多元文化的多样性、尊重人权,倡导主导文化的力量,让人们认识到跨文化的力量,加强核心价值观的教育,使高校学生有国际视野的同时能够拥有承担共同责任的意识与能力,提高自身的道德素养。 本文分为四个部分,第一部分介绍了论文的研究目的及意义,目前国内以及国外对多元文化下道德教育的研究现状。第二部分阐述了多元文化与道德观,从文化的属人性来具体阐述文化的含义、介绍多元文化概念以及多元文化教育理念。明确提出了多元文化与大学生道德观教育的关系,文化的多元性促进大学生道德观的演变,时代的变迁环境的变化都改变着各个时期大学生的道德观。同时大学生道德观的变化也促进了多元文化的发展。第三部分是多元文化背景下大学生道德观念带来的冲击和挑战,以及出现问题的原因。第四部分明确了面对上述问题大学生道德教育应该采取的措施以及原则。本文利用了思想政治教育理论来解决大学生道德教育面临的问题,提出了道德教育应该遵循多元整合原则、层次性原则、创新性原则和个体性原则。大学生道德教育应该承认与尊重个体性,创新德育目标;重塑德育环境,协调教育力量;承认与尊重多样性,创建核心价值观;加强认同感认识,拓宽教育渠道;发挥跨文化力量,达成道德共识。
[Abstract]:Globalization, integration and pluralism have become synonyms of today's world. With the reform and opening up of China and the development of modern information technology, China's cultural values have also undergone great changes. China has been a multi-ethnic country since ancient times. The unity and strong national identity make the desire of national unity strong, with the change of the world environment, the influence of market economy system. In the past, the single cultural values of China were broken, and gradually formed a pluralistic value era. The moral concept of college students in China was impacted and collided by various values. Under the background of multi-culture, moral education of college students also needs to keep pace with the times and innovate. This paper tries to find out the content of moral education in multicultural education and the theory of multiculturalism education in our country in the context of multiculturalism from the moral education elaborated by predecessors in the understanding of multiculturalism. Make moral education more in line with the characteristics of the times under the multicultural background. At the same time, it also directs a new direction for moral education. Moral education absorbs the experience of multicultural education to solve the problems of college students in multicultural environment, and respects the diversity of multiculturalism in moral education. Respect for human rights, advocate the power of leading culture, let people recognize the power of cross-culture, strengthen the education of core values, so that college students can have an international perspective at the same time have a sense of common responsibility and ability. Improve one's own moral qualities. This paper is divided into four parts. The first part introduces the purpose and significance of the thesis, and the current situation of moral education under the multicultural education both at home and abroad. The second part expounds the multicultural and moral outlook. This paper expounds the meaning of culture from the human nature of culture, introduces the concept of multiculturalism and the concept of multicultural education, and puts forward the relationship between multiculturalism and moral education of college students. The diversity of culture promotes the evolution of moral outlook of college students. The changing environment of the times has changed the moral outlook of college students in every period. Meanwhile, the change of moral outlook of college students has also promoted the development of multiculturalism. The third part is the moral concept of college students under the background of multiculturalism. The impact and challenge. In the 4th part, the measures and principles of moral education for college students are defined. This paper uses the theory of ideological and political education to solve the problems faced by college students' moral education. . The author points out that moral education should follow the principles of plural integration, hierarchy, innovation and individuality. The moral education of college students should recognize and respect individuality and innovate the goal of moral education. Reshaping the environment of moral education and coordinating educational power; Recognition and respect for diversity and the creation of core values; Strengthen the sense of identity and broaden the channels of education; Bring cross-cultural forces into full play and reach a moral consensus.


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