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发布时间:2018-01-17 17:10

  本文关键词:基于人才分类培养的研究型大学组织模式研究 出处:《大连理工大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 研究型大学 人才分类培养 组织模式

【摘要】:大学是一个实施高等教育的极其复杂的社会组织,大学组织是实现大学功能的基础。大学的主要功能是培养各类高层次人才,尤其是研究型大学更是肩负起培养拔尖创新型人才、高水平应用型人才和高素质复合型人才的崇高使命。《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020)年》中提出了高等学校培养人才的目标是“着力培养信念执著、品德优良、知识丰富、本领过硬的高素质专门人才和拔尖创新人才”。《国家教育事业发展第十二个五年规划》对三类人才的培养提出了明确的要求。 随着社会的高速发展,国际化的日益深入,多元化的人才培养目标已经成为了当今社会和高校的共识。许多高校都在探索如何实现满足社会发展需要的各类高层次人才的途径、模式,并在培养模式、课程体系方面进行积极的探索与改革。有些高校也在进行以学部制、内设学院等为对象的大学内部组织结构的改革。但有些改革尚属于表层的、非系统性的尝试。人才培养的目标或规格没有体现出适应于不同人的追求和社会的需求,还没有形成科学的“分类培养、因材施教”的有效机制和体制,因此其效果并不理想。究其原因是实施“分类培养、因材施教”不仅需要制定满足学生个性发展的人才培养的目标,更需要形成满足人才多元化培养的办学体制、机制与科学合理的组织保证。 基于人才分类培养的理念,本文从研究型大学组织结构的分析入手,探究适于学生各取所需、各选所学、各得其所的大学组织结构模式。通过运用文献分析法、比较研究法和案例分析法,深入分析国内外一些成功的案例,探讨基于分类培养的大学组织结构改革与建设,通过强化本科生院、研究生院和专门学院的办学组织体系建设,探讨在所综合性或多科性的研究型大学里如何充分实践“平民主义”、“精英主义”和“实用主义”的教育理念并做到有机结合,从而提出有利于培养拔尖创新型人才、高水平应用型人才和高素质复合型人才的组织结构和三类人才互通的“立交桥”构造,以期为我国研究型大学的改革实践提供参考。
[Abstract]:The university is an extremely complex social organization which implements higher education. The university organization is the foundation to realize the university function. The main function of the university is to train all kinds of high-level talents. In particular, research universities are shouldering the responsibility of cultivating top-notch innovative talents. The lofty mission of high level applied talents and high quality compound talents. < outline of the National medium and long term Education Reform and Development Plan 2010-2020]. The goal of cultivating talents in colleges and universities is to "focus on the cultivation of beliefs and persistence." The 12th Five-Year Plan for the Development of the National Educational cause puts forward clear requirements for the cultivation of three types of talents. With the rapid development of society, internationalization is deepening day by day. The goal of diversified talent training has become the consensus of the society and universities. Many colleges and universities are exploring how to meet the needs of social development of various high-level talent ways, models, and training mode. Some colleges and universities are also carrying out the reform of the internal organizational structure of the universities, such as the department system and the internal colleges, but some of the reforms are still superficial. The goal or specification of talent training does not reflect the pursuit of different people and the needs of the society, has not yet formed a scientific "classified training, according to their aptitude" effective mechanism and system. Therefore, its effect is not ideal. The reason is to carry out "classified cultivation, teaching according to aptitude" not only need to set the goal of talent training to meet the development of students' personality. It is also necessary to form a school running system, mechanism and scientific and reasonable organizational guarantee to meet the diversified cultivation of talents. Based on the concept of talent classification training, this paper starts with the analysis of the organizational structure of research universities, and explores the suitable for students to take what they need and choose what they have learned. Through the use of literature analysis, comparative research and case analysis, in-depth analysis of some successful cases at home and abroad. This paper probes into the reform and construction of the organizational structure of universities based on the classification training, and strengthens the construction of the organizational system of the undergraduate, graduate and specialized colleges. This paper probes into how to fully practice the educational concepts of "populism", "elitist" and "pragmatism" in the comprehensive or multi-disciplinary research universities and combine them organically. Thus, the paper puts forward the organizational structure and the "interchange" structure which is conducive to the cultivation of top-notch innovative talents, high-level applied talents and high-quality compound talents. In order to provide a reference for the reform practice of research universities in China.


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