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发布时间:2018-01-18 06:38

  本文关键词:当代大学生孝道现状与问题分析 出处:《中北大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 孝道 大学生 孝道教育

【摘要】:孝道是我们中华民族的优良传统,“百善孝为先”,孝道是公民道德的出发点,是家庭美满的根源,社会和谐进步的精神支柱,孝道教育对于培养当今大学生的社会责任感以及促进其道德提升具有十分重要的意义。然而,随着经济的发展和全球化的日益深入,受到多元思想的影响,一些大学生的自身价值观发生变化,出现不敬老爱老,孝道意识薄弱的现象。大学生正处于世界观、人生观和价值观的转型重塑期,社会对其思想的影响极为重要。孝道作为传统文化的重要内容,不仅有利于促进家庭和谐、社会稳定,更有利于国家的发展。对大学生进行孝道教育更有其重要的现实意义。 在大学生自身原因中,文章认为主要有大学生心理发育还未成熟,大学生对自身修养的忽视,大学生学业、就业压力过大等三方面内容。在家庭因素中,主要包括家长教育方式不当,家庭教育内容不科学,父母同子女存在认识上的差异三个方面。学校因素主要包括高校孝道教育缺失,高校孝道教育忽视社会实践等原因。文章认为在社会因素方面,主要包括多元价值取向的负面影响,市场经济对大学生孝道观的冲击。 文章的最后一部分针对前文所发现的状况及原因提出相应的解决措施,主要包括,第一,大学生应加强对自我孝道教育的重视;第二,应为大学生孝道意识的提高提供良好的家庭孝道教育;第三,加强高校的孝道教育;第四,加强孝道教育中的社会参与。笔者在每一个解决措施中都提出了几点自己对于改善大学生孝道缺失状况的有效措施。
[Abstract]:Filial piety is the fine tradition of the Chinese nation. Filial piety is the starting point of civic morality, the root of family happiness, and the spiritual pillar of social harmony and progress. Filial piety education plays an important role in cultivating the sense of social responsibility of college students and promoting their moral promotion. However, with the development of economy and the deepening of globalization, it is influenced by multiple ideas. Some college students have changed their own values, appeared the phenomenon of not respecting the old and loving the old, and the weak sense of filial piety. College students are in the period of transformation and remoulding of world outlook, outlook on life and values. As an important part of traditional culture, filial piety is not only conducive to promoting family harmony and social stability. More conducive to the development of the country, filial piety education for college students has more important practical significance. In the college students' own reasons, the article thinks that there are three aspects: the psychological development of the college students is not mature, the college students neglect their own cultivation, the college students study, the employment pressure is too great, etc. In the family factors. It mainly includes the improper way of parents' education, the unscientific contents of family education, the differences in understanding between parents and their children. The school factors mainly include the lack of filial piety education in colleges and universities. The paper points out that the social factors mainly include the negative influence of multi-value orientation and the impact of market economy on the view of filial piety of college students. In the last part of the article, the author puts forward the corresponding solutions to the situation and reasons found above. The main contents are as follows: first, college students should pay more attention to the education of self-filial piety; Secondly, we should provide good family filial piety education for college students. Third, strengthen the filial piety education in colleges and universities; In 4th, strengthen the social participation in filial piety education. In each solution, the author puts forward some effective measures to improve the lack of filial piety of college students.


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